Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

216 lines
9.8 KiB

require 'info.php';
$chon_settings = Array(
'thumbwidth' => 80,
'thumbheight' => 80
function chon_build($action, $settings) {
$settings = Array(
'title' => '4chon',
'subtitle' => '',
'boards' => Array(
'new' => 'A place for the debate of political intrigue and current events. This board has a wide and varied user base with many unique, and sometimes controversial, views expressed.',
'r9k' => 'A unique board for open discussion based on an original content script. If a post has been made before, the reposter is muted. The length of the mute increases at the rate of 2^n seconds with each additional mute a user receives. Loosely based upon robot9000 of #xkcd-signal.',
'v' => 'A board in which to discuss many of our favourite hobbies: video games. New and old, PC and console, the discussion is always fresh and on-topic.',
'meta' => 'A board for the discussion and improvement of the community, 4chon or otherwise. Questions, comments, and modposts are frequently found here.'
'thumbwidth' => 80,
'thumbheight' => 80
// Possible values for $action:
// - all (rebuild everything, initialization)
// - news (news has been updated)
// - boards (board list changed)
Chon::build($action, $settings);
// Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations
class Chon {
public static function build($action, $settings) {
global $config;
//if($action == 'all' || $action == 'news')
file_write($config['dir']['home'] . $config['file_index'], Chon::homepage($settings));
// Build news page
public static function homepage($settings) {
global $config, $board;
// HTML5
$body = '<!DOCTYPE html><html>'
. '<head>'
. '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="' . $config['url_stylesheet'] . '"/>'
. '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href=""/>'
. '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />'
. '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'
. '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />'
. '<meta name="keywords" content="4chon,chon,r9k,robot9000,r9k1,4chon r9k,4chon new,free speech imageboard,racist imageboard,4chan new,moot is a faggot,r9k deleted,new deleted,the vidya,robot 9000,tinyboard,imageboard" />'
. '<title>' . $settings['title'] . '</title>'
. '</head><body>';
$body .= '<h1><a title="4chon" href="/">' . $settings['title'] . '</a></h1>'
. '<div class="title">' . ($settings['subtitle'] ? utf8tohtml($settings['subtitle']) : '') . '</div>';
$body .= '<div class="ban">';
$body .= '<h2>4chon</h2><div class="wrap">';
$body .= '<g:plusone size="medium" count="false" href=""></g:plusone>';
$body .= '<h3>Welcome to!</h3>';
$body .= '<p>The largest and most popular community based on <a href="">Tinyboard</a>; we\'re picking up where 4chan is dying! In mid-January, /r9k/ and /new/ were simultaneously deleted from 4chan. Less than an hour later, 4chon was created to give these boards a new life, and we have been growing ever since. With over one million posts in just a few months, we\'re the largest chon in existence.</p>';
$body .= '<h3>Our Boards</h3>';
$__boards = listBoards();
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
foreach($__boards as $_board) {
if($_board['uri'] == $board) {
$board = $_board;
$body .= '<div class="board">';
$body .= '<a title="' . $board['title'] . '" href="' . $config['root'] . $board['uri'] . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '" class="button">/' . $board['uri'] . '/</a>';
$body .= '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
$body .= '</div>';
$body .= '<div class="container"><div class="split">';
$body .= '<div class="panel left">';
$query = '';
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT *, '%s' AS `board` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `file` IS NOT NULL AND `file` != 'deleted' UNION ALL ", $board, $board);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', 'ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 10', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
$body .= '<div class="images">';
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
$x_ratio = $settings['thumbwidth'] / $post['thumbwidth'];
$y_ratio = $settings['thumbheight'] / $post['thumbheight'];
if(($post['thumbwidth'] <= $settings['thumbwidth']) && ($post['thumbheight'] <= $settings['thumbheight'])) {
$tn_width = $post['thumbwidth'];
$tn_height = $post['thumbheight'];
} elseif (($x_ratio * $post['thumbheight']) < $settings['thumbheight']) {
$tn_height = ceil($x_ratio * $post['thumbheight']);
$tn_width = $settings['thumbwidth'];
} else {
$tn_width = ceil($y_ratio * $post['thumbwidth']);
$tn_height = $settings['thumbheight'];
$post['thumbwidth'] = $tn_width;
$post['thumbheight'] = $tn_height;
$body .= '<a href="' .
$config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . ($post['thread']?$post['thread']:$post['id']) . '.html#' . $post['id'] .
'"><img src="' . $config['uri_thumb'] . str_replace('.', '_small.', $post['thumb']) . '" style="width:' . $post['thumbwidth'] . 'px;height:' . $post['thumbheight'] . 'px;" /></a>';
$body .= '</div>';
// Latest posts
$body .= '<ul>';
$query = '';
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT *, '%s' AS `board` FROM `posts_%s` UNION ALL ", $board, $board);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', 'ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 35', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
$body .= '<li><strong>' . $board['name'] . '</strong>: <a href="' .
$config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . ($post['thread']?$post['thread']:$post['id']) . '.html#' . $post['id'] .
'">' . (empty($post['body']) ? '…' : pm_snippet($post['body'], 25)) . '</a></li>';
$body .= '</ul>';
$body .= '</div>';
$body .= '<div class="panel right">';
$body .= '<h3>4chon Community</h3>';
$body .= '<p>Aside from our boards, we also have an active community in the following places:</p>';
$body .= '<ul>';
$body .= '<li><a href="">/tv/</a> - We automatically maintain a list of livestreams that were posted on the boards, where users of 4chon can watch television shows, movies, and circlejerks.</li>';
$body .= '<li>Minecraft - Our unofficial Minecraft server. Come build with bros and visit our giant penis sculpture!</li>';
$body .= '</ul>';
$body .= '<h3>4chon</h3>';
$body .= '<p>Please read the <a href="rules.html">general and board-specifc rules</a> as well as the <a href="faq.html">4chon FAQ</a> before posting.</p>';
$body .= '<p>4chon keeps a <a href="stats.html">statistics page</a> which gives detailed information about all of our boards, such as posts per minute, user locations, referring sites and more!. There\'s also a <a href="">map of our posters around the globe</a>!</p>';
$body .= '<p>If, for any reason, you need to contact the 4chon staff, they can be reached in IRC - <a href="irc://"> #4chon</a> / [<a href="irc.html">WebIRC</a>].</p>';
$body .= '<p>The admin may be contacted at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> or <a href="/meta/">&gt;&gt;&gt;/meta/</a>.</p>';
$body .= '<p>For status updates and explanations of downtime, please see our <a href="">status page</a> or follow us on <a href="!/4chonable">our rarely-used @4chonable</a> Twitter account</p>';
$body .= '</div>';
$body .= '</div>';
$body .= '</div></div></div>';
$body .= '<p style="text-align:center">In memory of Scott &ldquo;Wingo&rdquo; Canner (1989-2011).</p>';
$body .= '<ul style="text-align:center;list-style:none;padding:0">';
// Total posts
$query = 'SELECT SUM(`top`) AS `count` FROM (';
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `top` FROM `posts_%s` UNION ALL ", $board);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `posts_all`', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
$res = $query->fetch();
$body .= '<li>Total posts: ' . number_format($res['count']) . '</li>';
// Unique IPs
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`ip`)) AS `count` FROM (';
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT `ip` FROM `posts_%s` UNION ALL ", $board);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `posts_all`', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
$res = $query->fetch();
$body .= '<li>Current posters: ' . number_format($res['count']) . '</li>';
// Active content
$query = 'SELECT SUM(`filesize`) AS `count` FROM (';
foreach($settings['boards'] as $board => $description) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT `filesize` FROM `posts_%s` UNION ALL ", $board);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `posts_all`', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
$res = $query->fetch();
$body .= '<li>Active content: ' . format_bytes($res['count']) . '</li>';
$body .= '</ul>';
// Finish page
$body .= '<hr/><p class="unimportant" style="margin-top:20px;text-align:center;">Powered by <a href="">Tinyboard</a> | You must be at least 18 years of age to continue browsing.' .
'<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>' .
return $body;