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Chapter 20 African independences

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      20 African independencies and communism (1960-1998), Francis Arzalier.txt

20 African independencies and communism (1960-1998), Francis Arzalier.txt

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
African independencies and communism (1960-1998), Francis Arzalier
\chapter{African independencies and communism (1960-1998)}
\chapterauthor{Francis ARZALIER}
We are living at the end of this century, a time of strange repentance.
The failures, the dramas, the crimes of the three previous generations jump in our faces, like furious cats, all claws out.
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ They take the place here of evidence and compensate for the lightness of the ass
Invective is elevated to the rank of historical analysis, structured by the negative aspects of the period 1974-1991 alone.
Seventeen years of the history of the peoples of Ethiopia is thus demonized, amputated from everything that was progress or popular struggle for a generation.
For finally, let us return to the historical reality: the revolution of 1974, under the leadership of the military and progressive intellectuals of the DERG, overthrew the Ethiopian Empire, one of the most anachronistic feudal regimes in the world.
In the following years, it tried to force Ethiopian society into a modernity tinged with socialism:
agrarian reform and cooperative development, secularization of a hitherto clerical state, literacy, pensions for wages, national unity, etc.
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ Angola, Mozambique: crimes of communism or criminal consequences of African and
/section{Capitalism and Africa since the 60s}
\section{Capitalism and Africa since the 60s}
Because finally, this is what it is all about: the “black continent” is not an isolation, it is inhabited by the same ideological controversies, the same economic and social structures as the rest of the universe.
Let us not repeat the manipulations of the Black Book in reverse: ideologies are not responsible for the criminal excesses of those who claim to be so.
@ -247,25 +246,26 @@ in this Africa, which is called French-speaking because it was a French colony h
this dream is called Thomas Sankara, mythical image of the incorruptible reformer, disorderly and generous fighter for the rights of the poorest and women, assassinated in 1987, who recognized himself inspired by the communist ideal.
Francis Arzalier
\rauthor{Francis Arzalier}
Francis Arzalier is a historian, professor at the IUFM of Beauvais, responsible for the journal /emph{Aujourd'hui l'Afrique}(Today Africa).
Rough Bibliography
C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, /emph{Afrique noire, permanence et ruptures}(Black Africa, permanency and ruptures), Harmattan, 1992.
/emph{Fin du Tiers Monde}, collective dossier, La Découverte, 1996.
P. Péan, /emph{Affaires africaines}(African businesses), Fayard, 1983.
P. Péan, /emph{L'Argent noir}(Black money), Fayard, 1988.
Faligot, Krop, /emph{La piscine}(The swimming pool), French Secret Service 1944-84.
M. Cahen, /emph{Mozambique, révolution implosée}(Mozambique, revolution imploded), l'Harmattan, 1987.
Mr. Cukierman, /emph{Cap sur la liberté. Afrique du Sud}(Heading toward freedom. South Africa), Messidor, 1987.
J. P. Chrétien, /emph{Le défi de l’ethnicisme. Rwanda, Burundi}(The Challenge of Ethnicism. Rwanda, Burundi), Karthala, 1997.
A. Gascon, emph{La grande Ethiopia, Éd. CNRS, 1995.
Centre bordelais d'études de l'Afrique Noire: D. Bach, emph{La politique africaine du général de Gaulle, Éditions Pedone, 1980.
emph{Changement du climat et production agricole} (Climate change and agricultural production), PAO study by F. Bazzaz and W. Sombroek, Ed. FAO-polytechnica, 1997.
Collection of the journal /emph{Aujourd'hui l'Afrique}, from n° 53 (Nov. 94) to 65 (January 1998), articles by Y. Grenet, R. Borrelly, C. Grandrien, S. Cerqueira, F. Wurtz, M. Dos Santos, M. Macheve, H. Ibrahim Ali, B. Bouché, J. Kagabo, P. Kaldor, F. Arzalier, etc.
emph{Journal de la paix, Pax Christi France}, special feature France Sudan, June 1995.
Powderkegs of the planet, published by emph{Le Monde Diplomatique}, January-February 1998, articles by A. Conchiglia, P. Leymaire, C.Braekman, J. L. Pénina.
\section{Rough Bibliography}
C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, \emph{Afrique noire, permanence et ruptures}(Black Africa, permanency and ruptures), Harmattan, 1992.
\emph{Fin du Tiers Monde}, collective dossier, La Découverte, 1996.
P. Péan, \emph{Affaires africaines}(African businesses), Fayard, 1983.
P. Péan, \emph{L'Argent noir}(Black money), Fayard, 1988.
Faligot, Krop, \emph{La piscine}(The swimming pool), French Secret Service 1944-84.
M. Cahen, \emph{Mozambique, révolution implosée}(Mozambique, revolution imploded), l'Harmattan, 1987.
Mr. Cukierman, \emph{Cap sur la liberté. Afrique du Sud}(Heading toward freedom. South Africa), Messidor, 1987.
J. P. Chrétien, \emph{Le défi de l’ethnicisme. Rwanda, Burundi}(The Challenge of Ethnicism. Rwanda, Burundi), Karthala, 1997.
A. Gascon, \emph{La grande Ethiopie}(The great Ethiopia), Éd. CNRS, 1995.
Centre bordelais d'études de l'Afrique Noire: D. Bach, \emph{La politique africaine du général de Gaulle} (The African policy of General De Gaulle), Éditions Pedone, 1980.
\emph{Changement du climat et production agricole} (Climate change and agricultural production), PAO study by F. Bazzaz and W. Sombroek, Ed. FAO-polytechnica, 1997.
Collection of the journal \emph{Aujourd'hui l'Afrique}, from n° 53 (Nov. 94) to 65 (January 1998), articles by Y. Grenet, R. Borrelly, C. Grandrien, S. Cerqueira, F. Wurtz, M. Dos Santos, M. Macheve, H. Ibrahim Ali, B. Bouché, J. Kagabo, P. Kaldor, F. Arzalier, etc.
\emph{Journal de la paix, Pax Christi France}, special feature France Sudan, June 1995.
Powderkegs of the planet, published by \emph{Le Monde Diplomatique}, January-February 1998, articles by A. Conchiglia, P. Leymaire, C.Braekman, J. L. Pénina.
