Add megaq and update compact-boardlist and general boardlist / top bar alias support

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Southall 2017-09-03 23:02:16 +09:00
parent 998386fe8a
commit 0bc5a876b4

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) {
+ ("<label class='boardlist-unicodealias' id='boardlistunicodealias' style='padding:0px;'><input type='checkbox' /> Enable Unicode Board List Alias </label>")
+ ("<label class='boardlist-hideoverboards' id='boardlisthideoverboards' style='padding:0px;'><input type='checkbox' /> Enable Overboard hiding </label>")
+ ("<label class='boardlist-hideunderboards' id='boardlisthideunderboards' style='padding:0px;'><input type='checkbox' /> Enable Underboard hiding </label>")
+ ("<label class='boardlist-megaq' id='boardlistmegaq' style='padding:0px;'><input type='checkbox' /> Have /mega/ include /q/ </label>")
+ "</fieldset>");
@ -40,9 +41,15 @@ $('.boardlist-hideunderboards').on('change', function(){
localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked');
$('.boardlist-megaq').on('change', function(){
var setting = $(this).attr('id');
localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked');
if (!localStorage.boardlisttinyalias) {
localStorage.boardlistshortalias = 'false';
localStorage.boardlisttinyalias = 'false';
if (!localStorage.boardlistlegacyalias) {
localStorage.boardlistlegacyalias = 'false';
@ -56,16 +63,20 @@ if (!localStorage.boardlisthideoverboards) {
if (!localStorage.boardlisthideunderboards) {
localStorage.boardlisthideunderboards = 'false';
if (!localStorage.megaq) {
localStorage.megaq = 'false';
function getSetting(key) {
return (localStorage[key] == 'true');
if (getSetting('boardlisttinyalias')) $('#boardlisttinyalias>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlistlegacyalias')) $('#boardlistshortalias>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlistlegacyalias')) $('#boardlistslegacyalias>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlistunicodealias')) $('#boardlistunicodealias>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlisthideoverboards')) $('#boardlisthideoverboards>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlisthideunderboards')) $('#boardlisthideunderboards>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('boardlistmegaq')) $('#boardlistmegaq>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
function initBoardListAlias() {
@ -89,10 +100,15 @@ function initBoardListAlias() {
$(this).find('a').each(function() {
var board = $(this).html();
var menuitemname = board;
if (getSetting("boardlistmegaq")) {
if (board === "mega"){
$(this).attr("href", "");
var tinyalias = {"$$$" : "$", "rules" : "law" , "faq" : "?" , "news" : "n" , "diy" : "Δ", "sec" : "s", "tech" : "Ω", "inter" : 'i', "lit" : "l", "music" : "mu" , "vis" : "v" , "hum" : "h", "drg" : "d" , "zzz" : "z" , "layer" : "ddt" ,"cult" : "c" , "psy" : "p", "mega" : "me" , "random" : "ra", "radio" : "rad", "stream" : "mov"};
var tinyalias = {"$$$" : "$", "rules" : "law" , "faq" : "?" , "news" : "n" , "diy" : "Δ", "sec" : "s", "tech" : "Ω", "inter" : 'i', "lit" : "l", "music" : "mu" , "vis" : "v" , "hum" : "h", "drg" : "d" , "zzz" : "z" , "layer" : "ddt" ,"cult" : "c" , "psy" : "p", "mega" : "me" , "random" : "ra", "radio" : "rad", "stream" : "mov", "cal" : "ca"};
var legacyalias = { "Δ" : "diy", "Ω" : "tech", "drug" : "drg", "hum" : "feels"};
var unicodealias = {"$$$": "&#x1F4B8", "rules" : "&#x2696&#xFE0F" , "faq" : "&#x2049&#xFE0F" , "news" : "&#x1F4F0" , "diy" : "&#x1F527" , "Δ" : "&#x1F527", "sec" : "&#x1F512", "tech" : "&#x1F4BB", "Ω" : "&#x1F4BB", "inter" : "&#x1F3AE", "lit" : "&#x270D&#xFE0F", "music" : "&#x1F3BC" , "vis" : "&#x1F3A8" , "hum" : "&#x1F465", "drg" : "&#x1F48A" , "drug" : "&#x1F48A" , "zzz" : "&#x1F4A4" , "layer" : "&#x3299&#xFE0F" ,"cult" : "&#x1F3AD" , "psy" : "&#x1F386", "mega" : "&#x1F4E3" , "random" : "&#x1F3B2", "radio" : "&#x1F4FB", "stream" : "&#x1F4FA", "zine" : "&#x1F4D3", "irc" : "&#x1F4DD", "q" : "&#x2753", "r" : "&#x1F3B2"};
var unicodealias = {"$$$": "&#x1F4B8", "rules" : "&#x2696&#xFE0F" , "faq" : "&#x2049&#xFE0F" , "news" : "&#x1F4F0" , "diy" : "&#x1F527" , "Δ" : "&#x1F527", "sec" : "&#x1F512", "tech" : "&#x1F4BB", "Ω" : "&#x1F4BB", "inter" : "&#x1F3AE", "lit" : "&#x270D&#xFE0F", "music" : "&#x1F3BC" , "vis" : "&#x1F3A8" , "hum" : "&#x1F465", "drg" : "&#x1F48A" , "drug" : "&#x1F48A" , "zzz" : "&#x1F4A4" , "layer" : "&#x3299&#xFE0F" ,"cult" : "&#x1F3AD" , "psy" : "&#x1F386", "mega" : "&#x1F4E3" , "random" : "&#x1F3B2", "radio" : "&#x1F4FB", "stream" : "&#x1F4FA", "zine" : "&#x1F4D3", "irc" : "&#x1F4DD", "q" : "&#x2753", "r" : "&#x1F3B2", "cal" : "&#x1f4c5"};
if (getSetting("boardlisttinyalias")) {
if (board in tinyalias){