An attempt to rebase leftypol software on vichan.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
796 B

<table class="modlog">
<th class="minimal">Key</th>
<th class="minimal">Hits</th>
<th class="minimal">Created</th>
<th class="minimal">Expires</th>
<th class="minimal">Size</th>
{% for var in cached_vars if (var.ctime is defined ? var.ctime : var.creation_time) + var.ttl > time() %}
<td class="minimal">{{ var.key is defined ? var.key : }}</td>
<td class="minimal">{{ var.nhits is defined ? var.nhits : var.num_hits }}</td>
<td class="minimal">{{ (var.ctime is defined ? var.ctime : var.creation_time)|ago }} ago</td>
<td class="minimal">{{ ((var.ctime is defined ? var.ctime : var.creation_time) + var.ttl)|until }} (ttl: {{ (time() + var.ttl)|until }})</td>
<td class="minimal">{{ var.mem_size }} bytes</td>
{% endfor %}