An attempt to rebase leftypol software on vichan.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.5 KiB

<a href="
{% if post.file|extension == 'webm' or post.file|extension == 'mp4' %}
{{ config.root }}player.php?v={{ config.uri_img }}{{ post.file }}&amp;t={{ post.filename|e('url') }}&amp;loop=1
{% else %}
{{ config.uri_img }}{{ post.file }}
{% endif %}
{% if post.thumb == 'file' or post.modifiers['is_file'] == '1' or post.filename|extension == 'webm' or post.file|extension == 'mp4' %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.thumb|extension == 'webm' or post.thumb|extension == 'mp4' %}
<video autoplay class="post-image" src="{{ config.uri_thumb }}{{ post.thumb }}"
{{ config.root }}
{% if config.file_icons[post.filename|extension] %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons[post.filename|extension]) }}
{% else %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons.default) }}
{% endif %}
style="width:{{ post.thumbwidth }}px;height:{{ post.thumbheight }}px"
{% else %}
<img class="post-image"
{% if post.thumb == 'file' %}
{{ config.root }}
{% if config.file_icons[post.filename|extension] %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons[post.filename|extension]) }}
{% else %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons.default) }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif post.thumb == 'spoiler' %}
{{ config.root }}{{ config.spoiler_image }}
{% else %}
{{ config.uri_thumb }}{{ post.thumb }}
{% endif %}
style="width:{{ post.thumbwidth }}px;height:{{ post.thumbheight }}px" alt=""
{% endif %}