An attempt to rebase leftypol software on vichan.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
5.4 KiB

/* image-hover.js
* This script is copied almost verbatim from
* All I did was remove the sprintf dependency and integrate it into 8chan's Options as opposed to Pashe's.
* I also changed initHover() to also bind on new_post.
* Thanks Pashe for using WTFPL.
if (active_page === "catalog" || active_page === "thread" || active_page === "index" || active_page === "ukko") {
$(document).on('ready', function(){
if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) {
"<fieldset><legend>Image hover</legend>"
+ ("<label class='image-hover' id='imageHover'><input type='checkbox' /> "+_('Image hover')+"</label>")
+ ("<label class='image-hover' id='catalogImageHover'><input type='checkbox' /> "+_('Image hover on catalog')+"</label>")
+ ("<label class='image-hover' id='imageHoverFollowCursor'><input type='checkbox' /> "+_('Image hover should follow cursor')+"</label>")
+ "</fieldset>");
$('.image-hover').on('change', function(){
var setting = $(this).attr('id');
localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked');
if (!localStorage.imageHover || !localStorage.catalogImageHover || !localStorage.imageHoverFollowCursor) {
localStorage.imageHover = 'false';
localStorage.catalogImageHover = 'false';
localStorage.imageHoverFollowCursor = 'false';
if (getSetting('imageHover')) $('#imageHover>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('catalogImageHover')) $('#catalogImageHover>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
if (getSetting('imageHoverFollowCursor')) $('#imageHoverFollowCursor>input').prop('checked', 'checked');
function getFileExtension(filename) { //Pashe, WTFPL
if (filename.match(/\.([a-z0-9]+)(&loop.*)?$/i) !== null) {
return filename.match(/\.([a-z0-9]+)(&loop.*)?$/i)[1];
} else if (filename.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)? {
return 'Youtube';
} else {
return "unknown: " + filename;
function isImage(fileExtension) { //Pashe, WTFPL
return ($.inArray(fileExtension, ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"]) !== -1);
function isVideo(fileExtension) { //Pashe, WTFPL
return ($.inArray(fileExtension, ["webm", "mp4"]) !== -1);
function isOnCatalog() {
return window.active_page === "catalog";
function isOnThread() {
return window.active_page === "thread";
function isOnUkko() {
return window.active_page === "ukko";
function getSetting(key) {
return (localStorage[key] == 'true');
function initImageHover() { //Pashe, influenced by tux, et al, WTFPL
if (!getSetting("imageHover") && !getSetting("catalogImageHover")) {return;}
var selectors = [];
if (getSetting("imageHover")) {selectors.push("", "");}
if (getSetting("catalogImageHover") && isOnCatalog()) {
$(".theme-catalog div.thread").css("position", "inherit");
function bindEvents(el) {
$(el).find(selectors.join(", ")).each(function () {
if ($(this).parent().data("expanded")) {return;}
var $this = $(this);
$this.on("mousemove", imageHoverStart);
$this.on("mouseout", imageHoverEnd);
$this.on("click", imageHoverEnd);
$(document).on('new_post', function(e, post) {
function imageHoverStart(e) { //Pashe, anonish, WTFPL
var hoverImage = $("#chx_hoverImage");
if (hoverImage.length) {
if (getSetting("imageHoverFollowCursor")) {
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var imgY = e.pageY;
var imgTop = imgY;
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
var imgWidth = hoverImage.width() + e.pageX;
if (imgY < scrollTop + 15) {
imgTop = scrollTop;
} else if (imgY > scrollTop + $(window).height() - hoverImage.height() - 15) {
imgTop = scrollTop + $(window).height() - hoverImage.height() - 15;
if (imgWidth > windowWidth) {
'left': (e.pageX + (windowWidth - imgWidth)),
'top' : imgTop,
} else {
'left': e.pageX,
'top' : imgTop,
var $this = $(this);
var fullUrl;
if ($this.parent().attr("href").match("src")) {
fullUrl = $this.parent().attr("href");
} else if (isOnCatalog()) {
fullUrl = $this.attr("data-fullimage");
if (!isImage(getFileExtension(fullUrl))) {fullUrl = $this.attr("src");}
if (isVideo(getFileExtension(fullUrl))) {return;}
hoverImage = $('<img id="chx_hoverImage" src="'+fullUrl+'" />');
if (getSetting("imageHoverFollowCursor")) {
var size = $this.parents('.file').find('.unimportant').text().match(/\b(\d+)x(\d+)\b/),
maxWidth = $(window).width(),
maxHeight = $(window).height();
var scale = Math.min(1, maxWidth / size[1], maxHeight / size[2]);
"position" : "absolute",
"z-index" : 101,
"pointer-events": "none",
"width" : size[1] + "px",
"height" : size[2] + "px",
"max-width" : (size[1] * scale) + "px",
"max-height" : (size[2] * scale) + "px",
'left' : e.pageX,
'top' : imgTop,
} else {
"position" : "fixed",
"top" : 0,
"right" : 0,
"z-index" : 101,
"pointer-events": "none",
"max-width" : "100%",
"max-height" : "100%",
if (isOnThread()) {$this.css("cursor", "none");}
function imageHoverEnd() { //Pashe, WTFPL