discomrade b1629a33e9 Fix thumb_ext being ignored
When using ImageMagick's convert tool, the output defaults to the input format if no file extension or format is specified.
The temp file currently has no extension, so a $config['thumb_ext'] value has no effect on the image.
By appending the thumb_ext to the temp output file, it will convert the image to the intended format.
2023-01-14 05:50:40 -01:00

504 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Tinyboard Development Group
defined('TINYBOARD') or exit;
class Image {
public $src, $format, $image, $size;
public function __construct($src, $format = false, $size = false) {
global $config;
$this->src = $src;
$this->format = $format;
if ($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif (in_array($config['thumb_method'], array('convert', 'convert+gifsicle', 'gm', 'gm+gifsicle'))) {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} else {
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($this->format);
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
error(_('Unsupported file format: ') . $this->format);
$this->image = new $classname($this, $size);
if (!$this->image->valid()) {
$this->size = (object)array('width' => $this->image->_width(), 'height' => $this->image->_height());
if ($this->size->width < 1 || $this->size->height < 1) {
public function resize($extension, $max_width, $max_height) {
global $config;
if ($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif ($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} elseif ($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert+gifsicle') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
$gifsicle = true;
} elseif ($config['thumb_method'] == 'gm') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
$gm = true;
} elseif ($config['thumb_method'] == 'gm+gifsicle') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
$gm = true;
$gifsicle = true;
} else {
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($extension);
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
error(_('Unsupported file format: ') . $extension);
$thumb = new $classname(false);
$thumb->src = $this->src;
$thumb->format = $this->format;
$thumb->original_width = $this->size->width;
$thumb->original_height = $this->size->height;
$x_ratio = $max_width / $this->size->width;
$y_ratio = $max_height / $this->size->height;
if (($this->size->width <= $max_width) && ($this->size->height <= $max_height)) {
$width = $this->size->width;
$height = $this->size->height;
} elseif (($x_ratio * $this->size->height) < $max_height) {
$height = ceil($x_ratio * $this->size->height);
$width = $max_width;
} else {
$width = ceil($y_ratio * $this->size->width);
$height = $max_height;
$thumb->_resize($this->image->image, $width, $height);
return $thumb;
public function to($dst) {
public function delete() {
public function destroy() {
class ImageGD {
public function GD_create() {
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
public function GD_copyresampled() {
imagecopyresampled($this->image, $this->original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->original_width, $this->original_height);
public function GD_resize() {
class ImageBase extends ImageGD {
public $image, $src, $original, $original_width, $original_height, $width, $height;
public function valid() {
return (bool)$this->image;
public function __construct($img, $size = false) {
if (method_exists($this, 'init'))
if ($size && $size[0] > 0 && $size[1] > 0) {
$this->width = $size[0];
$this->height = $size[1];
if ($img !== false) {
$this->src = $img->src;
public function _width() {
if (method_exists($this, 'width'))
return $this->width();
// use default GD functions
return imagesx($this->image);
public function _height() {
if (method_exists($this, 'height'))
return $this->height();
// use default GD functions
return imagesy($this->image);
public function _destroy() {
if (method_exists($this, 'destroy'))
return $this->destroy();
// use default GD functions
return imagedestroy($this->image);
public function _resize($original, $width, $height) {
$this->original = &$original;
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
if (method_exists($this, 'resize'))
// use default GD functions
class ImageImagick extends ImageBase {
public function init() {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$this->image->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
public function from() {
try {
} catch(ImagickException $e) {
// invalid image
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
global $config;
if ($config['strip_exif']) {
if (preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $src))
$this->image->writeImages($src, true);
public function width() {
return $this->image->getImageWidth();
public function height() {
return $this->image->getImageHeight();
public function destroy() {
return $this->image->destroy();
public function resize() {
global $config;
if ($this->format == 'gif' && ($config['thumb_ext'] == 'gif' || $config['thumb_ext'] == '')) {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$keep_frames = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->original->getNumberImages(); $i += floor($this->original->getNumberImages() / $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']))
$keep_frames[] = $i;
$i = 0;
$delay = 0;
foreach ($this->original as $frame) {
$delay += $frame->getImageDelay();
if (in_array($i, $keep_frames)) {
// $frame->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
$frame->sampleImage($this->width, $this->height);
$frame->setImagePage($this->width, $this->height, 0, 0);
$delay = 0;
} else {
$this->image = clone $this->original;
$this->image->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
class ImageConvert extends ImageBase {
public $width, $height, $temp, $gm = false, $gifsicle = false;
public function init() {
global $config;
if ($config['thumb_method'] == 'gm' || $config['thumb_method'] == 'gm+gifsicle')
$this->gm = true;
if ($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert+gifsicle' || $config['thumb_method'] == 'gm+gifsicle')
$this->gifsicle = true;
$this->temp = false;
public function get_size($src, $try_gd_first = true) {
if ($try_gd_first) {
if ($size = @getimagesize($src))
return $size;
$size = shell_exec_error(($this->gm ? 'gm ' : '') . 'identify -format "%w %h" ' . escapeshellarg($src . '[0]'));
if (preg_match('/^(\d+) (\d+)$/', $size, $m))
return array($m[1], $m[2]);
return false;
public function from() {
if ($this->width > 0 && $this->height > 0) {
$this->image = true;
$size = $this->get_size($this->src, false);
if ($size) {
$this->width = $size[0];
$this->height = $size[1];
$this->image = true;
} else {
// mark as invalid
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
global $config;
if (!$this->temp) {
if ($config['strip_exif']) {
if($error = shell_exec_error(($this->gm ? 'gm ' : '') . 'convert ' .
escapeshellarg($this->src) . ' -auto-orient -strip ' . escapeshellarg($src))) {
error(_('Failed to redraw image!'), null, $error);
} else {
if($error = shell_exec_error(($this->gm ? 'gm ' : '') . 'convert ' .
escapeshellarg($this->src) . ' -auto-orient ' . escapeshellarg($src))) {
error(_('Failed to redraw image!'), null, $error);
} else {
rename($this->temp, $src);
chmod($src, 0664);
public function width() {
return $this->width;
public function height() {
return $this->height;
public function destroy() {
$this->temp = false;
public function resize() {
global $config;
if ($this->temp) {
// remove old
$this->temp = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'convert') . ($config['thumb_ext'] == '' ? '' : '.' . $config['thumb_ext']);
$config['thumb_keep_animation_frames'] = (int)$config['thumb_keep_animation_frames'];
if ($this->format == 'gif' && ($config['thumb_ext'] == 'gif' || $config['thumb_ext'] == '') && $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames'] > 1) {
if ($this->gifsicle) {
if (($error = shell_exec("gifsicle -w --unoptimize -O2 --resize {$this->width}x{$this->height} < " .
escapeshellarg($this->src . '') . " \"#0-{$config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']}\" -o " .
escapeshellarg($this->temp))) || !file_exists($this->temp)) {
error(_('Failed to resize image!'), null, $error);
} else {
if ($config['convert_manual_orient'] && ($this->format == 'jpg' || $this->format == 'jpeg'))
$convert_args = str_replace('-auto-orient', ImageConvert::jpeg_exif_orientation($this->src), $config['convert_args']);
elseif ($config['convert_manual_orient'])
$convert_args = str_replace('-auto-orient', '', $config['convert_args']);
$convert_args = &$config['convert_args'];
if (($error = shell_exec_error(($this->gm ? 'gm ' : '') . 'convert ' .
escapeshellarg($this->temp)))) || !file_exists($this->temp)) {
error(_('Failed to resize image!'), null, $error);
if ($size = $this->get_size($this->temp)) {
$this->width = $size[0];
$this->height = $size[1];
} else {
if ($config['convert_manual_orient'] && ($this->format == 'jpg' || $this->format == 'jpeg'))
$convert_args = str_replace('-auto-orient', ImageConvert::jpeg_exif_orientation($this->src), $config['convert_args']);
elseif ($config['convert_manual_orient'])
$convert_args = str_replace('-auto-orient', '', $config['convert_args']);
$convert_args = &$config['convert_args'];
if (($error = shell_exec_error(($this->gm ? 'gm ' : '') . 'convert ' .
escapeshellarg($this->src . '[0]'),
escapeshellarg($this->temp)))) || !file_exists($this->temp)) {
if (strpos($error, "known incorrect sRGB profile") === false &&
strpos($error, "iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited") === false &&
strpos($error, "cHRM chunk does not match sRGB") === false) {
error(_('Failed to resize image!')." "._('Details: ').nl2br(htmlspecialchars($error)), null, array('convert_error' => $error));
if (!file_exists($this->temp)) {
error(_('Failed to resize image!'), null, $error);
if ($size = $this->get_size($this->temp)) {
$this->width = $size[0];
$this->height = $size[1];
// For when -auto-orient doesn't exist (older versions)
static public function jpeg_exif_orientation($src, $exif = false) {
if (!$exif) {
$exif = @exif_read_data($src);
if (!isset($exif['Orientation']))
return false;
switch($exif['Orientation']) {
case 1:
// Normal
return false;
case 2:
// 888888
// 88
// 8888
// 88
// 88
return '-flop';
case 3:
// 88
// 88
// 8888
// 88
// 888888
return '-flip -flop';
case 4:
// 88
// 88
// 8888
// 88
// 888888
return '-flip';
case 5:
// 8888888888
// 88 88
// 88
return '-rotate 90 -flop';
case 6:
// 88
// 88 88
// 8888888888
return '-rotate 90';
case 7:
// 88
// 88 88
// 8888888888
return '-rotate "-90" -flop';
case 8:
// 8888888888
// 88 88
// 88
return '-rotate "-90"';
class ImagePNG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrompng($this->src);
public function to($src) {
global $config;
imagepng($this->image, $src);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
imagealphablending($this->image, false);
class ImageGIF extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromgif($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagegif ($this->image, $src);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
class ImageJPG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagejpeg($this->image, $src);
class ImageJPEG extends ImageJPG {
class ImageBMP extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrombmp($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagebmp($this->image, $src);
include 'inc/image/bmp.php';