discomrade 88c25af7cf Fix bumplock not appearing on threads and catalog
Ideally they would all say bumplock instead of sage, but that's how it is in the database so we can fix that later if we ever care.
2023-01-14 05:50:40 -01:00

109 lines
4.1 KiB

{% filter remove_whitespace %}
{# tabs and new lines will be ignored #}
<div class="thread {% if post.shadow %}shadow-thread{% endif %}" id="thread_{{ post.id }}" data-board="{{ board.uri }}">
{% if not index %}<a id="{{ post.id }}" class="post_anchor"></a>{% endif %}
{% include 'post/fileinfo.html' %}
<div class="post op" id="op_{{ post.id }}" {%if post.num_files > 1%}style='clear:both'{%endif%}><p class="intro">
{% if not post.shadow %}<input type="checkbox" class="delete" name="delete_{{ post.id }}" id="delete_{{ post.id }}" />{% endif %}
<label for="delete_{{ post.id }}">
{% include 'post/subject.html' %}
{% include 'post/name.html' %}
{% include 'post/ip.html' %}
{% include 'post/flag.html' %}
{% include 'post/time.html' %}
{% include 'post/poster_id.html' %}&nbsp;
<a class="post_no" id="post_no_{{ post.id }}" onclick="highlightReply({{ post.id }})" href="{% if isnoko50 %}{{ post.link('', '50') }}{% else %}{{ post.link }}{% endif %}">No.</a>
<a class="post_no" onclick="citeReply({{ post.id }})" href="{% if isnoko50 %}{{ post.link('q', '50') }}{% else %}{{ post.link('q') }}{% endif %}">{{ post.id }}</a>
{% if post.sticky %}
{% if config.font_awesome %}
<i class="fa fa-thumb-tack" title="Sticky"></i>
{% else %}
<img class="icon" title="Sticky" src="{{ config.image_sticky }}" alt="Sticky" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.locked %}
{% if config.font_awesome %}
<i class="fa fa-lock" title="Locked"></i>
{% else %}
<img class="icon" title="Locked" src="{{ config.image_locked }}" alt="Locked" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.sage and (config.mod.view_bumplock < 0 or (post.mod and post.mod|hasPermission(config.mod.view_bumplock, board.uri))) %}
{% if config.font_awesome %}
<i class="fa fa-anchor" title="Bumplocked"></i>
{% else %}
<img class="icon" title="Bumplocked" src="{{ config.image_bumplocked }}" alt="Bumplocked" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.cycle %}
{% if config.font_awesome %}
<i class="fa fa-refresh" title="Cyclical"></i>
{% else %}
<img class="icon" title="Cyclical" src="{{ config.image_sticky }}" alt="Cyclical" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if index %}
<a href="{{ post.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.dir.res }}{{ link_for(post) }}">[{% trans %}Reply{% endtrans %}]</a>
{% endif %}
{% if not post.shadow %}
{% if isnoko50 %}
<a href="{{ post.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.dir.res }}{{ link_for(post) }}">[{% trans %}View All{% endtrans %}]</a>
{% endif %}
{% if hasnoko50 and not isnoko50 %}
{% set lastcount = config.noko50_count %}
<a href="{{ post.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.dir.res }}{{ link_for(post, true) }}">[{% trans %}Last 1 Post{% plural lastcount %}Last {{ count }} Posts{% endtrans %}]</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'post/post_controls.html' %}
<div class="body">
{% endfilter %}{% if index %}{{ post.body|truncate_body(post.link) }}{% else %}{{ post.body }}{% endif %}{% filter remove_whitespace %}
{% if post.modifiers['warning message'] %}
{{ config.mod.warning_message|sprintf(post.modifiers['warning message']) }}
{% endif %}
{% if post.modifiers['ban message'] %}
{{ config.mod.ban_message|sprintf(post.modifiers['ban message']) }}
{% endif %}
{% if post.omitted or post.omitted_images %}
<span class="omitted">
{% if post.omitted %}
{% trans %}
1 post
{% plural post.omitted %}
{{ count }} posts
{% endtrans %}
{% if post.omitted_images %}
{% trans %}and{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.omitted_images %}
{% trans %}
1 image reply
{% plural post.omitted_images %}
{{ count }} image replies
{% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% trans %}omitted. Click reply to view.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% if not index %}
{% endif %}
</div>{% endfilter %}
{% set iparray = [post.ip] %}
{% set hr = post.hr %}
{% for post in post.posts %}
{% if post.ip not in iparray %}
{% set iparray = iparray|merge([post.ip]) %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'post_reply.html' %}
{% endfor %}
{% if mod and not index %}
<p>Unique IPs: {{ iparray|length }} </p>
{% endif %}
<br class="clear"/>{% if hr %}<hr/>{% endif %}