An attempt to rebase leftypol software on vichan.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

357 lines
8.6 KiB

class CzaksCaptcha {
var $content = array();
var $width, $height, $color, $charset, $style;
function __construct($text, $left, $top, $charset=false) {
if (!$charset) {
$charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$len = mb_strlen($text, 'utf-8');
$this->width = $left;
$this->height = $top;
$this->charset = preg_split('//u', $charset);
$this->style = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$this->content[] = array(mb_substr($text, $i, 1, 'utf-8'), "top" => $top / 2 - $top / 4,
"left" => $left/10 + 9*$left*$i/10/$len,
"position" => "absolute");
$this->color = "hsla(".rand(1,360).", 76%, 78%, 1)";
function mutate_sizes() {
foreach ($this->content as &$v) {
if (!isset ($v['font-size']))
$v['font-size'] = rand($this->height/3 - 4, $this->height/3 + 8);
function mutate_positions() {
foreach ($this->content as &$v) {
$v['top'] += rand(-10,10);
$v['left'] += rand(-10,10);
function mutate_transform() {
$fromto = array('6'=>'9', '9'=>'6', '8'=>'8', '0'=>'0',
'z'=>'z', 's'=>'s', 'n'=>'u', 'u'=>'n',
'a'=>'ɐ', 'e'=>'ə', 'p'=>'d', 'd'=>'p',
'A'=>'∀', 'E'=>'∃', 'H'=>'H', 'o'=>'o',
foreach ($this->content as &$v) {
$basefrom = -20;
$baseto = 20;
if (isset($fromto[$v[0]]) && rand(0,1)) {
$v[0] = $fromto[$v[0]];
$basefrom = 160;
$baseto = 200;
$v['transform'] = 'rotate('.rand($basefrom,$baseto).'deg)';
$v['-ms-transform'] = 'rotate('.rand($basefrom,$baseto).'deg)';
$v['-webkit-transform'] = 'rotate('.rand($basefrom,$baseto).'deg)';
function randomize(&$a = false) {
if ($a === false) {
$a = &$this->content;
foreach ($a as &$v) {
if (is_array ($v[0])) {
function add_junk() {
$count = rand(200, 300);
while ($count--) {
$elem = array();
$elem['top'] = rand(0, $this->height);
$elem['left'] = rand(0, $this->width);
$elem['position'] = 'absolute';
$elem[0] = $this->charset[rand(0, count($this->charset)-1)];
switch($t = rand (0,9)) {
case 0:
$elem['display'] = 'none'; break;
case 1:
$elem['top'] = rand(-60, -90); break;
case 2:
$elem['left'] = rand(-40, -70); break;
case 3:
$elem['top'] = $this->height + rand(10, 60); break;
case 4:
$elem['left'] = $this->width + rand(10, 60); break;
case 5:
$elem['color'] = $this->color; break;
case 6:
$elem['visibility'] = 'hidden'; break;
case 7:
$elem['height'] = rand(0,2);
$elem['overflow'] = 'hidden'; break;
case 8:
$elem['width'] = rand(0,1);
$elem['overflow'] = 'hidden'; break;
case 9:
$elem['font-size'] = rand(2, 6); break;
$this->content[] = $elem;
function mutate_anchors() {
foreach ($this->content as &$elem) {
if (rand(0,1)) {
$elem['right'] = $this->width - $elem['left'] - (int)(0.5*$elem['font-size']);
if (rand(0,1)) {
$elem['bottom'] = $this->height - $elem['top'] - (int)(1.5*$elem['font-size']);
function mutate_containers() {
for ($i = 0; $i <= 80; $i++) {
$new = [];
$new['width'] = rand(0, $this->width*2);
$new['height'] = rand(0, $this->height*2);
$new['top'] = rand(-$this->height * 2, $this->height * 2);
$new['bottom'] = $this->height - ($new['top'] + $new['height']);
$new['left'] = rand(-$this->width * 2, $this->width * 2);
$new['right'] = $this->width - ($new['left'] + $new['width']);
$new['position'] = 'absolute';
$new[0] = [];
$cnt = rand(0,10);
for ($j = 0; $j < $cnt; $j++) {
$elem = array_pop($this->content);
if (!$elem) break;
if (isset($elem['top'])) $elem['top'] -= $new['top'];
if (isset($elem['bottom'])) $elem['bottom'] -= $new['bottom'];
if (isset($elem['left'])) $elem['left'] -= $new['left'];
if (isset($elem['right'])) $elem['right'] -= $new['right'];
$new[0][] = $elem;
if (rand (0,1)) unset($new['top']);
else unset($new['bottom']);
if (rand (0,1)) unset($new['left']);
else unset($new['right']);
$this->content[] = $new;
function mutate_margins(&$a = false) {
if ($a === false) {
$a = &$this->content;
foreach ($a as &$v) {
$ary = ['top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right'];
$cnt = rand(0,4);
$ary = array_slice($ary, 0, $cnt);
foreach ($ary as $prop) {
$margin = rand(-1000, 1000);
$v['margin-'.$prop] = $margin;
if (isset($v[$prop])) {
$v[$prop] -= $margin;
if (is_array($v[0])) {
function mutate_styles(&$a = false) {
if ($a === false) {
$a = &$this->content;
foreach ($a as &$v) {
$content = $v[0];
$styles = array_splice($v, 0, rand(0, 6));
$v[0] = $content;
$id_or_class = rand(0,1);
$param = $id_or_class ? "id" : "class";
$prefix = $id_or_class ? "#" : ".";
$genname = "zz-".base_convert(rand(1,999999999), 10, 36);
if ($styles || rand(0,1)) {
$this->style .= $prefix.$genname."{";
$this->style .= $this->rand_whitespace();
foreach ($styles as $k => $val) {
if (is_int($val)) {
$val = "".$val."px";
$this->style .= "$k:";
$this->style .= $this->rand_whitespace();
$this->style .= "$val;";
$this->style .= $this->rand_whitespace();
$this->style .= "}";
$this->style .= $this->rand_whitespace();
$v[$param] = $genname;
if (is_array($v[0])) {
function to_html(&$a = false) {
$inside = true;
if ($a === false) {
if ($this->style) {
echo "<style type='text/css'>";
echo $this->style;
echo "</style>";
echo "<div style='position: relative; width: ".$this->width."px; height: ".$this->height."px; overflow: hidden; background-color: ".$this->color."'>";
$a = &$this->content;
$inside = false;
foreach ($a as &$v) {
$letter = $v[0];
unset ($v[0]);
echo "<div";
echo $this->rand_whitespace(1);
if (isset ($v['id'])) {
echo "id='$v[id]'";
echo $this->rand_whitespace(1);
unset ($v['id']);
if (isset ($v['class'])) {
echo "class='$v[class]'";
echo $this->rand_whitespace(1);
unset ($v['class']);
echo "style='";
foreach ($v as $k => $val) {
if (is_int($val)) {
$val = "".$val."px";
echo "$k:";
echo $this->rand_whitespace();
echo "$val;";
echo $this->rand_whitespace();
echo "'>";
echo $this->rand_whitespace();
if (is_array ($letter)) {
else {
echo $letter;
echo "</div>";
if (!$inside) {
echo "</div>";
function rand_whitespace($r = 0) {
switch (rand($r,4)) {
case 0:
return "";
case 1:
return "\n";
case 2:
return "\t";
case 3:
return " ";
case 4:
return " ";
function shuffle_assoc(&$array) {
$keys = array_keys($array);
foreach($keys as $key) {
$new[$key] = $array[$key];
$array = $new;
return true;
//$charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789卐";
//(new CzaksCaptcha("hotwheels", 300, 80, $charset))->to_html();