You are about to update the database to allow voting on archived threads.

'; $page['body'] .= '

Click here to update database entries.

'; break; case 2: $page['body'] = '

Database have been updated.

'; $sql_errors = ""; $file_errors = ""; // Update posts_* table to archive function // Get list of boards $boards = listBoards(); foreach ($boards as &$_board) { $query = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `archive_%s` ADD `votes` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `mod_archived`', $_board['uri']); query($query) or $sql_errors .= sprintf("
  • Add Archive Voting column to DB for %s
    ", $_board['uri']) . db_error() . '
  • '; } if (!empty($sql_errors)) $page['body'] .= '

    SQL errors

    SQL errors were encountered when trying to update the database.

    The errors encountered were:

    '; if (!empty($file_errors)) $page['body'] .= '

    File System errors

    File System errors were encountered when trying to create folders.

    The errors encountered were:

    '; break; } echo Element('page.html', $page); ?>