{% apply remove_whitespace %} {# Automatically removes unnecessary whitespace #}
{% if ban.expires and time() >= ban.expires %}

{% trans %}You were banned! ;_;{% endtrans %}

{% else %}

{% trans %}You are banned! ;_;{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}

{% if ban.expires and time() >= ban.expires %} {% trans %}You were banned from{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}You have been banned from{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if ban.board %} {{ config.board_abbreviation|sprintf(ban.board) }} {% else %} {% trans %}all boards{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if ban.reason %} {% trans %}for the following reason:{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}for an unspecified reason.{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% if ban.reason %}

{{ ban.reason }}

{% endif %}

{% trans %}Your ban was filed on{% endtrans %} {{ ban.created|date(config.ban_date) }} {% if config.show_modname %} {% if ban.username %} {% trans %}by{% endtrans %} {{ ban.username }} {% else %} {% trans %}by{% endtrans %} 'system' {% endif %} {% endif %} {% trans %}and{% endtrans %} {% if ban.expires and time() >= ban.expires %} {% trans %} has since expired. Refresh the page to continue.{% endtrans %} {% elseif ban.expires %} {% trans %}expires{% endtrans %} {{ ban.expires|until }} {% trans %}from now, which is on{% endtrans %} {{ ban.expires|date(config.ban_date) }} {% else %} {% trans %}will not expire{% endtrans %}. {% endif %}

{% trans %}Your IP address is{% endtrans %} {{ ban.ip }}.

{% if config.ban_page_extra %}

{{ config.ban_page_extra }}

{% endif %} {% if post and config.ban_show_post %}

{% trans %}You were banned for the following post on{% endtrans %} {{ board.url }}:

{{ post }}
{% endif %} {% if config.ban_appeals and (not ban.expires or ban.expires - ban.created > config.ban_appeals_min_length )%}
{% if pending_appeal %}

{% trans %}You submitted an appeal for this ban on{% endtrans %} {{ pending_appeal|date(config.ban_date) }}. {% trans %}It is still pending{% endtrans %}.

{% elseif denied_appeals|length >= config.ban_appeals_max %} {% if denied_appeals|length == 1 %}

{% trans %}You appealed this ban on{% endtrans %} {{ denied_appeals[0]|date(config.ban_date) }} {% trans %}and it was denied. You may not appeal this ban again.{% endtrans %}

{% else %}

{% trans %}You have submitted the maximum number of ban appeals allowed. You may not appeal this ban again.{% endtrans %}

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if denied_appeals|length %} {% if denied_appeals|length == 1 %}

{% trans %}You appealed this ban on{% endtrans %} {{ denied_appeals[0]|date(config.ban_date) }} {% trans %}and it was denied.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}You may appeal this ban again. Please enter your reasoning below.{% endtrans %}

{% else %}

{% trans %}You last appealed this ban on{% endtrans %} {{ denied_appeals[denied_appeals|length - 1]|date(config.ban_date) }} {% trans %}and it was denied.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}You may appeal this ban again. Please enter your reasoning below.{% endtrans %}

{% endif %} {% else %}

{% trans %}You may appeal this ban. Please enter your reasoning below.{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endapply %}