// author: joakimoa // keyboard navigation // v1.4 $(document).ready(function() { // adding keyboard navigation to options menu if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) { Options.extend_tab("general", "
Keyboard Navigation " + ("") + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
ActionKey (a-z)
Next Reply
Previous Reply
Expand File
Refresh Thread
"); } $('.keyboardnav').on('change', function(){ var setting = $(this).attr('id'); localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked'); }); var nextReplyKeycode = 74; // j var previousReplyKeycode = 75; // k var expandoKeycode = 69; // e var refreshThreadKeycode = 82; // r if (!localStorage.keyboardnav) { localStorage.keyboardnav = 'false'; } if (!localStorage["next.reply.key"]) { localStorage["next.reply.key"] = nextReplyKeycode; } if (!localStorage["previous.reply.key"]) { localStorage["previous.reply.key"] = previousReplyKeycode; } if (!localStorage["expando.key"]) { localStorage["expando.key"] = expandoKeycode; } if (!localStorage["refresh.thread.key"]) { localStorage["refresh.thread.key"] = refreshThreadKeycode; } // getting locally stored setting function getSetting(key) { return (localStorage[key] == 'true'); } function isKeySet(key) { return (localStorage[key] !== false); } var nextReplyInput = document.getElementsByName("next-reply-input")[0]; var previousReplyInput = document.getElementsByName("previous-reply-input")[0]; var expandoInput = document.getElementsByName("expando-input")[0]; var refreshThreadInput = document.getElementsByName("refresh-thread-input")[0]; if (getSetting('keyboardnav')) $('#keyboardnav>input').prop('checked', 'checked'); if (isKeySet('next.reply.key')) { nextReplyKeycode = localStorage["next.reply.key"]; nextReplyInput.value = nextReplyKeycode; } if (isKeySet('previous.reply.key')) { previousReplyKeycode = localStorage["previous.reply.key"]; previousReplyInput.value = previousReplyKeycode; } if (isKeySet('expando.key')) { expandoKeycode = localStorage["expando.key"]; expandoInput.value = expandoKeycode; } if (isKeySet('refresh.thread.key')) { refreshThreadKeycode = localStorage["refresh.thread.key"]; refreshThreadInput.value = refreshThreadKeycode; } nextReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(nextReplyKeycode); previousReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(previousReplyKeycode); expandoInput.value = String.fromCharCode(expandoKeycode); refreshThreadInput.value = String.fromCharCode(refreshThreadKeycode); nextReplyInput.addEventListener("keyup", changeNextReplyKey, false); previousReplyInput.addEventListener("keyup", changePreviousReplyKey, false); expandoInput.addEventListener("keyup", changeExpandoKey, false); refreshThreadInput.addEventListener("keyup", changeRefreshThreadKey, false); function changeNextReplyKey(e) { nextReplyInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { nextReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["next.reply.key"] = e.keyCode; } } function changePreviousReplyKey(e) { previousReplyInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { previousReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["previous.reply.key"] = e.keyCode; } } function changeExpandoKey(e) { expandoInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { expandoInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["expando.key"] = e.keyCode; } } function changeRefreshThreadKey(e) { refreshThreadInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { refreshThreadInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["refresh.thread.key"] = e.keyCode; } } // loads the main function function loadKeyboardNav() { var replies = document.getElementsByClassName("post reply"); var current_file = null; var default_color = "#333"; var highlight_color = "#555"; // grabs base and highlight colors if (replies.length > 0) { if (replies[0].classList.contains("highlighted")) { replies[0].classList.remove('highlighted'); default_color = window.getComputedStyle(replies[0], null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); replies[0].classList.add('highlighted'); highlight_color = window.getComputedStyle(replies[0], null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); } else { default_color = window.getComputedStyle(replies[0], null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); replies[0].classList.add('highlighted'); highlight_color = window.getComputedStyle(replies[0], null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); replies[0].classList.remove('highlighted'); } } // check if user is in textareas where hotkeys needs to be disabled var text_input_focused = false; function checkFocused () { var el = document.activeElement; if (el && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input' && el.type == 'text' || el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea')) { text_input_focused = true; } else { text_input_focused = false; } } document.addEventListener('focus',function(e){ checkFocused(); }, true); document.addEventListener('blur',function(e){ text_input_focused = false; }, true); // strips out tags function getFileList(e) { var arr = []; var e = e.getElementsByClassName("file"); if (e.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (e[i].tagName === "DIV") { arr.push(e[i]); } } } return arr; } var reply_indexx = -1; // might change back to 0 var image_indexx = -1; function focusNextReply() { if (reply_indexx < replies.length-1) { reply_indexx++; image_indexx = -1; var images = getFileList(replies[reply_indexx]); if (images.length !== 0) { focusNextImage(); } else { scrollTo(replies[reply_indexx], true); } } } function focusNextImage() { var images = getFileList(replies[reply_indexx]); if (images.length === 0) { focusNextReply(); } else { image_indexx++; if (image_indexx > images.length-1) { image_indexx = 0; focusNextReply(); } else { var im = images[image_indexx].getElementsByClassName("full-image"); if (im.length === 0) { im = images[image_indexx].getElementsByClassName("post-image"); } scrollTo(im[0], true); } } } function focusPreviousReply() { if (reply_indexx > 0) { reply_indexx--; var images = getFileList(replies[reply_indexx]); image_indexx = images.length; if (images.length !== 0) { focusPreviousImage(); } else { image_indexx = -1; scrollTo(replies[reply_indexx], false); } } } function focusPreviousImage() { var images = getFileList(replies[reply_indexx]); if (images.length === 0) { focusPreviousReply(); } else { image_indexx--; if (image_indexx < 0) { image_indexx = 0; focusPreviousReply(); } else { var im = images[image_indexx].getElementsByClassName("full-image"); if (im.length === 0) { im = images[image_indexx].getElementsByClassName("post-image") } scrollTo(im[0], false); } } } // from https://gist.github.com/jjmu15/8646226 function isInViewport(element) { var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); var html = document.documentElement; return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || html.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || html.clientWidth) ); } function scrollTo(e, direction_down) { if (current_file !== null && !current_file.classList.contains("highlighted")) { current_file.style.backgroundColor = default_color; } current_file = e; if (!isInViewport(e)) { if (direction_down) { e.scrollIntoView(false); window.scrollBy(0, 30); } else { e.scrollIntoView(); window.scrollBy(0, -30); } } e.style.backgroundColor = highlight_color; } function expandFile() { var imgg = replies[reply_indexx].getElementsByClassName("post-image"); if (imgg.length > 0 && image_indexx > -1) { imgg[image_indexx].click(); } } // input window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false); function checkKeyPressed(e) { if (!text_input_focused) { replies = document.getElementsByClassName("post reply"); // if new ones via AJAX if (e.keyCode == nextReplyKeycode) { if (reply_indexx === -1) { // needed for initial condition focusNextReply(); } else { focusNextImage(); } } else if (e.keyCode == previousReplyKeycode) { focusPreviousImage(); } else if (e.keyCode == expandoKeycode) { expandFile(); } else if (e.keyCode == refreshThreadKeycode) { document.getElementById("update_thread").click(); } } } } // loads main function if checkbox toggled and in a thread with replies if (getSetting('keyboardnav') && document.getElementsByClassName("thread").length === 1 && document.getElementsByClassName("post reply").length > 0) { loadKeyboardNav(); } });