// This script puts a link to the catalog below the board subtitle, and next to the board list. function catalog() { var board = $("input[name='board']"); if (board.length>0) { if (window.location.href.indexOf("/res/")==-1){ //if we are inside a thread var catalog_url = 'catalog.html'; } else { var catalog_url = '../catalog.html'; } var pages = document.getElementsByClassName('pages')[0]; var bottom = document.getElementsByClassName('boardlist bottom')[0] var subtitle = document.getElementsByClassName('subtitle')[0]; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = catalog_url; if (pages) { link.textContent = _('Catalog'); link.style.color = '#F10000'; link.style.padding = '4px'; link.style.paddingLeft = '9px'; link.style.borderLeft = '1px solid' link.style.borderLeftColor = '#A8A8A8'; link.style.textDecoration = "underline"; pages.appendChild(link) } else { link.textContent = '['+_('Catalog').']'; link.style.paddingLeft = '10px'; link.style.textDecoration = "underline"; document.body.insertBefore(link, bottom); } if (subtitle) { var link2 = document.createElement('a'); link2.textContent = _('Catalog'); link2.href = catalog_url; var br = document.createElement('br'); subtitle.appendChild(br); subtitle.appendChild(link2); } } } $(document).ready(catalog);