Browse Source

Multiple changes.

Added $config['minify_js'] to compress Javascript with minify
Added $config['additional_javascript_compile'] to put all Javascript files/addons into one file.
Moved delete/report post controls to a shared template.
Ability to have different Javascript files between boards.
Michael Save 12 years ago
  1. 7
  2. 1370
  3. 366
  4. 335
  5. 385
  6. 2086
  7. 617
  8. 103
  9. 99
  10. 249
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  12. 133
  13. 195
  14. 140
  15. 142
  16. 89
  17. 250
  18. 78
  19. 93
  20. 231
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  22. 118
  23. 26
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  25. 193
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  37. 20
  38. 8
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  40. 11
  41. 20


@ -531,9 +531,16 @@
// Automatically remove unnecessary whitespace when compiling HTML files from templates.
$config['minify_html'] = true;
// Minify Javascript using
$config['minify_js'] = false;
// Additional Javascript files to include on board index and thread pages.
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'something.js';
// Where these script files are located (defaults to $config['root']).
// $config['additional_javascript_url'] = '/js/';
// Compile all additional scripts into one file ($config['file_script']) instead of including them seperately.
$config['additional_javascript_compile'] = false;
* ====================


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
* Class HTTP_ConditionalGet
* @package Minify
* @subpackage HTTP
* Implement conditional GET via a timestamp or hash of content
* E.g. Content from DB with update time:
* <code>
* list($updateTime, $content) = getDbUpdateAndContent();
* $cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array(
* 'lastModifiedTime' => $updateTime
* ,'isPublic' => true
* ));
* $cg->sendHeaders();
* if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
* exit();
* }
* echo $content;
* </code>
* E.g. Shortcut for the above
* <code>
* HTTP_ConditionalGet::check($updateTime, true); // exits if client has cache
* echo $content;
* </code>
* E.g. Content from DB with no update time:
* <code>
* $content = getContentFromDB();
* $cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array(
* 'contentHash' => md5($content)
* ));
* $cg->sendHeaders();
* if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
* exit();
* }
* echo $content;
* </code>
* E.g. Static content with some static includes:
* <code>
* // before content
* $cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array(
* 'lastUpdateTime' => max(
* filemtime(__FILE__)
* ,filemtime('/path/to/')
* ,filemtime('/path/to/')
* )
* ));
* $cg->sendHeaders();
* if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
* exit();
* }
* </code>
* @package Minify
* @subpackage HTTP
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class HTTP_ConditionalGet {
* Does the client have a valid copy of the requested resource?
* You'll want to check this after instantiating the object. If true, do
* not send content, just call sendHeaders() if you haven't already.
* @var bool
public $cacheIsValid = null;
* @param array $spec options
* 'isPublic': (bool) if false, the Cache-Control header will contain
* "private", allowing only browser caching. (default false)
* 'lastModifiedTime': (int) if given, both ETag AND Last-Modified headers
* will be sent with content. This is recommended.
* 'encoding': (string) if set, the header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" will
* always be sent and a truncated version of the encoding will be appended
* to the ETag. E.g. "pub123456;gz". This will also trigger a more lenient
* checking of the client's If-None-Match header, as the encoding portion of
* the ETag will be stripped before comparison.
* 'contentHash': (string) if given, only the ETag header can be sent with
* content (only HTTP1.1 clients can conditionally GET). The given string
* should be short with no quote characters and always change when the
* resource changes (recommend md5()). This is not needed/used if
* lastModifiedTime is given.
* 'eTag': (string) if given, this will be used as the ETag header rather
* than values based on lastModifiedTime or contentHash. Also the encoding
* string will not be appended to the given value as described above.
* 'invalidate': (bool) if true, the client cache will be considered invalid
* without testing. Effectively this disables conditional GET.
* (default false)
* 'maxAge': (int) if given, this will set the Cache-Control max-age in
* seconds, and also set the Expires header to the equivalent GMT date.
* After the max-age period has passed, the browser will again send a
* conditional GET to revalidate its cache.
public function __construct($spec)
$scope = (isset($spec['isPublic']) && $spec['isPublic'])
? 'public'
: 'private';
$maxAge = 0;
// backwards compatibility (can be removed later)
if (isset($spec['setExpires'])
&& is_numeric($spec['setExpires'])
&& ! isset($spec['maxAge'])) {
$spec['maxAge'] = $spec['setExpires'] - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
if (isset($spec['maxAge'])) {
$maxAge = $spec['maxAge'];
$this->_headers['Expires'] = self::gmtDate(
$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + $spec['maxAge']
$etagAppend = '';
if (isset($spec['encoding'])) {
$this->_stripEtag = true;
$this->_headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding';
if ('' !== $spec['encoding']) {
if (0 === strpos($spec['encoding'], 'x-')) {
$spec['encoding'] = substr($spec['encoding'], 2);
$etagAppend = ';' . substr($spec['encoding'], 0, 2);
if (isset($spec['lastModifiedTime'])) {
if (isset($spec['eTag'])) { // Use it
$this->_setEtag($spec['eTag'], $scope);
} else { // base both headers on time
$this->_setEtag($spec['lastModifiedTime'] . $etagAppend, $scope);
} elseif (isset($spec['eTag'])) { // Use it
$this->_setEtag($spec['eTag'], $scope);
} elseif (isset($spec['contentHash'])) { // Use the hash as the ETag
$this->_setEtag($spec['contentHash'] . $etagAppend, $scope);
$privacy = ($scope === 'private')
? ', private'
: '';
$this->_headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age={$maxAge}{$privacy}";
// invalidate cache if disabled, otherwise check
$this->cacheIsValid = (isset($spec['invalidate']) && $spec['invalidate'])
? false
: $this->_isCacheValid();
* Get array of output headers to be sent
* In the case of 304 responses, this array will only contain the response
* code header: array('_responseCode' => 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified')
* Otherwise something like:
* <code>
* array(
* 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0, public'
* ,'ETag' => '"foobar"'
* )
* </code>
* @return array
public function getHeaders()
return $this->_headers;
* Set the Content-Length header in bytes
* With most PHP configs, as long as you don't flush() output, this method
* is not needed and PHP will buffer all output and set Content-Length for
* you. Otherwise you'll want to call this to let the client know up front.
* @param int $bytes
* @return int copy of input $bytes
public function setContentLength($bytes)
return $this->_headers['Content-Length'] = $bytes;
* Send headers
* @see getHeaders()
* Note this doesn't "clear" the headers. Calling sendHeaders() will
* call header() again (but probably have not effect) and getHeaders() will
* still return the headers.
* @return null
public function sendHeaders()
$headers = $this->_headers;
if (array_key_exists('_responseCode', $headers)) {
// FastCGI environments require 3rd arg to header() to be set
list(, $code) = explode(' ', $headers['_responseCode'], 3);
header($headers['_responseCode'], true, $code);
foreach ($headers as $name => $val) {
header($name . ': ' . $val);
* Exit if the client's cache is valid for this resource
* This is a convenience method for common use of the class
* @param int $lastModifiedTime if given, both ETag AND Last-Modified headers
* will be sent with content. This is recommended.
* @param bool $isPublic (default false) if true, the Cache-Control header
* will contain "public", allowing proxies to cache the content. Otherwise
* "private" will be sent, allowing only browser caching.
* @param array $options (default empty) additional options for constructor
public static function check($lastModifiedTime = null, $isPublic = false, $options = array())
if (null !== $lastModifiedTime) {
$options['lastModifiedTime'] = (int)$lastModifiedTime;
$options['isPublic'] = (bool)$isPublic;
$cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet($options);
if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
* Get a GMT formatted date for use in HTTP headers
* <code>
* header('Expires: ' . HTTP_ConditionalGet::gmtdate($time));
* </code>
* @param int $time unix timestamp
* @return string
public static function gmtDate($time)
return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $time);
protected $_headers = array();
protected $_lmTime = null;
protected $_etag = null;
protected $_stripEtag = false;
* @param string $hash
* @param string $scope
protected function _setEtag($hash, $scope)
$this->_etag = '"' . substr($scope, 0, 3) . $hash . '"';
$this->_headers['ETag'] = $this->_etag;
* @param int $time
protected function _setLastModified($time)
$this->_lmTime = (int)$time;
$this->_headers['Last-Modified'] = self::gmtDate($time);
* Determine validity of client cache and queue 304 header if valid
* @return bool
protected function _isCacheValid()
if (null === $this->_etag) {
// lmTime is copied to ETag, so this condition implies that the
// server sent neither ETag nor Last-Modified, so the client can't
// possibly has a valid cache.
return false;
$isValid = ($this->resourceMatchedEtag() || $this->resourceNotModified());
if ($isValid) {
$this->_headers['_responseCode'] = 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified';
return $isValid;
* @return bool
protected function resourceMatchedEtag()
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) {
return false;
$clientEtagList = get_magic_quotes_gpc()
? stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])
$clientEtags = explode(',', $clientEtagList);
$compareTo = $this->normalizeEtag($this->_etag);
foreach ($clientEtags as $clientEtag) {
if ($this->normalizeEtag($clientEtag) === $compareTo) {
// respond with the client's matched ETag, even if it's not what
// we would've sent by default
$this->_headers['ETag'] = trim($clientEtag);
return true;
return false;
* @param string $etag
* @return string
protected function normalizeEtag($etag) {
$etag = trim($etag);
return $this->_stripEtag
? preg_replace('/;\\w\\w"$/', '"', $etag)
: $etag;
* @return bool
protected function resourceNotModified()
return false;
// strip off IE's extra data (semicolon)
list($ifModifiedSince) = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 2);
if (strtotime($ifModifiedSince) >= $this->_lmTime) {
// Apache 2.2's behavior. If there was no ETag match, send the
// non-encoded version of the ETag value.
$this->_headers['ETag'] = $this->normalizeEtag($this->_etag);
return true;
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
* Class HTTP_Encoder
* @package Minify
* @subpackage HTTP
* Encode and send gzipped/deflated content
* The "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header is sent. If the client allows encoding,
* Content-Encoding and Content-Length are added.
* <code>
* // Send a CSS file, compressed if possible
* $he = new HTTP_Encoder(array(
* 'content' => file_get_contents($cssFile)
* ,'type' => 'text/css'
* ));
* $he->encode();
* $he->sendAll();
* </code>
* <code>
* // Shortcut to encoding output
* header('Content-Type: text/css'); // needed if not HTML
* HTTP_Encoder::output($css);
* </code>
* <code>
* // Just sniff for the accepted encoding
* $encoding = HTTP_Encoder::getAcceptedEncoding();
* </code>
* For more control over headers, use getHeaders() and getData() and send your
* own output.
* Note: If you don't need header mgmt, use PHP's native gzencode, gzdeflate,
* and gzcompress functions for gzip, deflate, and compress-encoding
* respectively.
* @package Minify
* @subpackage HTTP
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class HTTP_Encoder {
* Should the encoder allow HTTP encoding to IE6?
* If you have many IE6 users and the bandwidth savings is worth troubling
* some of them, set this to true.
* By default, encoding is only offered to IE7+. When this is true,
* getAcceptedEncoding() will return an encoding for IE6 if its user agent
* string contains "SV1". This has been documented in many places as "safe",
* but there seem to be remaining, intermittent encoding bugs in patched
* IE6 on the wild web.
* @var bool
public static $encodeToIe6 = true;
* Default compression level for zlib operations
* This level is used if encode() is not given a $compressionLevel
* @var int
public static $compressionLevel = 6;
* Get an HTTP Encoder object
* @param array $spec options
* 'content': (string required) content to be encoded
* 'type': (string) if set, the Content-Type header will have this value.
* 'method: (string) only set this if you are forcing a particular encoding
* method. If not set, the best method will be chosen by getAcceptedEncoding()
* The available methods are 'gzip', 'deflate', 'compress', and '' (no
* encoding)
public function __construct($spec)
$this->_useMbStrlen = (function_exists('mb_strlen')
&& (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') !== '')
&& ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2));
$this->_content = $spec['content'];
$this->_headers['Content-Length'] = $this->_useMbStrlen
? (string)mb_strlen($this->_content, '8bit')
: (string)strlen($this->_content);
if (isset($spec['type'])) {
$this->_headers['Content-Type'] = $spec['type'];
if (isset($spec['method'])
&& in_array($spec['method'], array('gzip', 'deflate', 'compress', '')))
$this->_encodeMethod = array($spec['method'], $spec['method']);
} else {
$this->_encodeMethod = self::getAcceptedEncoding();
* Get content in current form
* Call after encode() for encoded content.
* @return string
public function getContent()
return $this->_content;
* Get array of output headers to be sent
* E.g.
* <code>
* array(
* 'Content-Length' => '615'
* ,'Content-Encoding' => 'x-gzip'
* ,'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding'
* )
* </code>
* @return array
public function getHeaders()
return $this->_headers;
* Send output headers
* You must call this before headers are sent and it probably cannot be
* used in conjunction with zlib output buffering / mod_gzip. Errors are
* not handled purposefully.
* @see getHeaders()
public function sendHeaders()
foreach ($this->_headers as $name => $val) {
header($name . ': ' . $val);
* Send output headers and content
* A shortcut for sendHeaders() and echo getContent()
* You must call this before headers are sent and it probably cannot be
* used in conjunction with zlib output buffering / mod_gzip. Errors are
* not handled purposefully.
public function sendAll()
echo $this->_content;
* Determine the client's best encoding method from the HTTP Accept-Encoding
* header.
* If no Accept-Encoding header is set, or the browser is IE before v6 SP2,
* this will return ('', ''), the "identity" encoding.
* A syntax-aware scan is done of the Accept-Encoding, so the method must
* be non 0. The methods are favored in order of gzip, deflate, then
* compress. Deflate is always smallest and generally faster, but is
* rarely sent by servers, so client support could be buggier.
* @param bool $allowCompress allow the older compress encoding
* @param bool $allowDeflate allow the more recent deflate encoding
* @return array two values, 1st is the actual encoding method, 2nd is the
* alias of that method to use in the Content-Encoding header (some browsers
* call gzip "x-gzip" etc.)
public static function getAcceptedEncoding($allowCompress = true, $allowDeflate = true)
// @link
|| self::isBuggyIe())
return array('', '');
// gzip checks (quick)
if (0 === strpos($ae, 'gzip,') // most browsers
|| 0 === strpos($ae, 'deflate, gzip,') // opera
) {
return array('gzip', 'gzip');
// gzip checks (slow)
if (preg_match(
,$m)) {
return array('gzip', $m[1]);
if ($allowDeflate) {
// deflate checks
$aeRev = strrev($ae);
if (0 === strpos($aeRev, 'etalfed ,') // ie, webkit
|| 0 === strpos($aeRev, 'etalfed,') // gecko
|| 0 === strpos($ae, 'deflate,') // opera
// slow parsing
|| preg_match(
'@(?:^|,)\\s*deflate\\s*(?:$|,|;\\s*q=(?:0\\.|1))@', $ae)) {
return array('deflate', 'deflate');
if ($allowCompress && preg_match(
,$m)) {
return array('compress', $m[1]);
return array('', '');
* Encode (compress) the content
* If the encode method is '' (none) or compression level is 0, or the 'zlib'
* extension isn't loaded, we return false.
* Then the appropriate gz_* function is called to compress the content. If
* this fails, false is returned.
* The header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" is added. If encoding is successful,
* the Content-Length header is updated, and Content-Encoding is also added.
* @param int $compressionLevel given to zlib functions. If not given, the
* class default will be used.
* @return bool success true if the content was actually compressed
public function encode($compressionLevel = null)
if (! self::isBuggyIe()) {
$this->_headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding';
if (null === $compressionLevel) {
$compressionLevel = self::$compressionLevel;
if ('' === $this->_encodeMethod[0]
|| ($compressionLevel == 0)
|| !extension_loaded('zlib'))
return false;
if ($this->_encodeMethod[0] === 'deflate') {
$encoded = gzdeflate($this->_content, $compressionLevel);
} elseif ($this->_encodeMethod[0] === 'gzip') {
$encoded = gzencode($this->_content, $compressionLevel);
} else {
$encoded = gzcompress($this->_content, $compressionLevel);
if (false === $encoded) {
return false;
$this->_headers['Content-Length'] = $this->_useMbStrlen
? (string)mb_strlen($encoded, '8bit')
: (string)strlen($encoded);
$this->_headers['Content-Encoding'] = $this->_encodeMethod[1];
$this->_content = $encoded;
return true;
* Encode and send appropriate headers and content
* This is a convenience method for common use of the class
* @param string $content
* @param int $compressionLevel given to zlib functions. If not given, the
* class default will be used.
* @return bool success true if the content was actually compressed
public static function output($content, $compressionLevel = null)
if (null === $compressionLevel) {
$compressionLevel = self::$compressionLevel;
$he = new HTTP_Encoder(array('content' => $content));
$ret = $he->encode($compressionLevel);
return $ret;
* Is the browser an IE version earlier than 6 SP2?
* @return bool
public static function isBuggyIe()
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
return false;
// quick escape for non-IEs
if (0 !== strpos($ua, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ')
|| false !== strpos($ua, 'Opera')) {
return false;
// no regex = faaast
$version = (float)substr($ua, 30);
return self::$encodeToIe6
? ($version < 6 || ($version == 6 && false === strpos($ua, 'SV1')))
: ($version < 7);
protected $_content = '';
protected $_headers = array();
protected $_encodeMethod = array('', '');
protected $_useMbStrlen = false;


@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
* JSMin.php - modified PHP implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin.
* <code>
* $minifiedJs = JSMin::minify($js);
* </code>
* This is a modified port of jsmin.c. Improvements:
* Does not choke on some regexp literals containing quote characters. E.g. /'/
* Spaces are preserved after some add/sub operators, so they are not mistakenly
* converted to post-inc/dec. E.g. a + ++b -> a+ ++b
* Preserves multi-line comments that begin with /*!
* PHP 5 or higher is required.
* Permission is hereby granted to use this version of the library under the
* same terms as jsmin.c, which has the following license:
* --
* Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford (
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.
* --
* @package JSMin
* @author Ryan Grove <> (PHP port)
* @author Steve Clay <> (modifications + cleanup)
* @author Andrea Giammarchi <> (spaceBeforeRegExp)
* @copyright 2002 Douglas Crockford <> (jsmin.c)
* @copyright 2008 Ryan Grove <> (PHP port)
* @license MIT License
* @link
class JSMin {
const ORD_LF = 10;
const ORD_SPACE = 32;
const ACTION_KEEP_A = 1;
const ACTION_DELETE_A = 2;
const ACTION_DELETE_A_B = 3;
protected $a = "\n";
protected $b = '';
protected $input = '';
protected $inputIndex = 0;
protected $inputLength = 0;
protected $lookAhead = null;
protected $output = '';
protected $lastByteOut = '';
* Minify Javascript.
* @param string $js Javascript to be minified
* @return string
public static function minify($js)
$jsmin = new JSMin($js);
return $jsmin->min();
* @param string $input
public function __construct($input)
$this->input = $input;
* Perform minification, return result
* @return string
public function min()
if ($this->output !== '') { // min already run
return $this->output;
$mbIntEnc = null;
if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2)) {
$mbIntEnc = mb_internal_encoding();
$this->input = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->input);
$this->inputLength = strlen($this->input);
while ($this->a !== null) {
// determine next command
$command = self::ACTION_KEEP_A; // default
if ($this->a === ' ') {
if (($this->lastByteOut === '+' || $this->lastByteOut === '-')
&& ($this->b === $this->lastByteOut)) {
// Don't delete this space. If we do, the addition/subtraction
// could be parsed as a post-increment
} elseif (! $this->isAlphaNum($this->b)) {
$command = self::ACTION_DELETE_A;
} elseif ($this->a === "\n") {
if ($this->b === ' ') {
$command = self::ACTION_DELETE_A_B;
// in case of mbstring.func_overload & 2, must check for null b,
// otherwise mb_strpos will give WARNING
} elseif ($this->b === null
|| (false === strpos('{[(+-', $this->b)
&& ! $this->isAlphaNum($this->b))) {
$command = self::ACTION_DELETE_A;
} elseif (! $this->isAlphaNum($this->a)) {
if ($this->b === ' '
|| ($this->b === "\n"
&& (false === strpos('}])+-"\'', $this->a)))) {
$command = self::ACTION_DELETE_A_B;
$this->output = trim($this->output);
if ($mbIntEnc !== null) {
return $this->output;
* ACTION_KEEP_A = Output A. Copy B to A. Get the next B.
* ACTION_DELETE_A = Copy B to A. Get the next B.
* ACTION_DELETE_A_B = Get the next B.
* @param int $command
* @throws JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException|JSMin_UnterminatedStringException
protected function action($command)
if ($command === self::ACTION_DELETE_A_B
&& $this->b === ' '
&& ($this->a === '+' || $this->a === '-')) {
// Note: we're at an addition/substraction operator; the inputIndex
// will certainly be a valid index
if ($this->input[$this->inputIndex] === $this->a) {
// This is "+ +" or "- -". Don't delete the space.
$command = self::ACTION_KEEP_A;
switch ($command) {
case self::ACTION_KEEP_A:
$this->output .= $this->a;
$this->lastByteOut = $this->a;
// fallthrough
case self::ACTION_DELETE_A:
$this->a = $this->b;
if ($this->a === "'" || $this->a === '"') { // string literal
$str = $this->a; // in case needed for exception
while (true) {
$this->output .= $this->a;
$this->lastByteOut = $this->a;
$this->a = $this->get();
if ($this->a === $this->b) { // end quote
if (ord($this->a) <= self::ORD_LF) {
throw new JSMin_UnterminatedStringException(
"JSMin: Unterminated String at byte "
. $this->inputIndex . ": {$str}");
$str .= $this->a;
if ($this->a === '\\') {
$this->output .= $this->a;
$this->lastByteOut = $this->a;
$this->a = $this->get();
$str .= $this->a;
// fallthrough
case self::ACTION_DELETE_A_B:
$this->b = $this->next();
if ($this->b === '/' && $this->isRegexpLiteral()) { // RegExp literal
$this->output .= $this->a . $this->b;
$pattern = '/'; // in case needed for exception
while (true) {
$this->a = $this->get();
$pattern .= $this->a;
if ($this->a === '/') { // end pattern
break; // while (true)
} elseif ($this->a === '\\') {
$this->output .= $this->a;
$this->a = $this->get();
$pattern .= $this->a;
} elseif (ord($this->a) <= self::ORD_LF) {
throw new JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException(
"JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte "
. $this->inputIndex .": {$pattern}");
$this->output .= $this->a;
$this->lastByteOut = $this->a;
$this->b = $this->next();
// end case ACTION_DELETE_A_B
* @return bool
protected function isRegexpLiteral()
if (false !== strpos("\n{;(,=:[!&|?", $this->a)) { // we aren't dividing
return true;
if (' ' === $this->a) {
$length = strlen($this->output);
if ($length < 2) { // weird edge case
return true;
// you can't divide a keyword
if (preg_match('/(?:case|else|in|return|typeof)$/', $this->output, $m)) {
if ($this->output === $m[0]) { // odd but could happen
return true;
// make sure it's a keyword, not end of an identifier
$charBeforeKeyword = substr($this->output, $length - strlen($m[0]) - 1, 1);
if (! $this->isAlphaNum($charBeforeKeyword)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get next char. Convert ctrl char to space.
* @return string
protected function get()
$c = $this->lookAhead;
$this->lookAhead = null;
if ($c === null) {
if ($this->inputIndex < $this->inputLength) {
$c = $this->input[$this->inputIndex];
$this->inputIndex += 1;
} else {
return null;
if ($c === "\r" || $c === "\n") {
return "\n";
if (ord($c) < self::ORD_SPACE) { // control char
return ' ';
return $c;
* Get next char. If is ctrl character, translate to a space or newline.
* @return string
protected function peek()
$this->lookAhead = $this->get();
return $this->lookAhead;
* Is $c a letter, digit, underscore, dollar sign, escape, or non-ASCII?
* @param string $c
* @return bool
protected function isAlphaNum($c)
return (preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\$\\\\]$/', $c) || ord($c) > 126);
* @return string
protected function singleLineComment()
$comment = '';
while (true) {
$get = $this->get();
$comment .= $get;
if (ord($get) <= self::ORD_LF) { // EOL reached
// if IE conditional comment
if (preg_match('/^\\/@(?:cc_on|if|elif|else|end)\\b/', $comment)) {
return "/{$comment}";
return $get;
* @return string
* @throws JSMin_UnterminatedCommentException
protected function multipleLineComment()
$comment = '';
while (true) {
$get = $this->get();
if ($get === '*') {
if ($this->peek() === '/') { // end of comment reached
// if comment preserved by YUI Compressor
if (0 === strpos($comment, '!')) {
return "\n/*!" . substr($comment, 1) . "*/\n";
// if IE conditional comment
if (preg_match('/^@(?:cc_on|if|elif|else|end)\\b/', $comment)) {
return "/*{$comment}*/";
return ' ';
} elseif ($get === null) {
throw new JSMin_UnterminatedCommentException(
"JSMin: Unterminated comment at byte "
. $this->inputIndex . ": /*{$comment}");
$comment .= $get;
* Get the next character, skipping over comments.
* Some comments may be preserved.
* @return string
protected function next()
$get = $this->get();
if ($get !== '/') {
return $get;
switch ($this->peek()) {
case '/': return $this->singleLineComment();
case '*': return $this->multipleLineComment();
default: return $get;
class JSMin_UnterminatedStringException extends Exception {}
class JSMin_UnterminatedCommentException extends Exception {}
class JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException extends Exception {}


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
* Class Minify
* @package Minify
* Minify_Source
require_once 'Minify/Source.php';
* Minify - Combines, minifies, and caches JavaScript and CSS files on demand.
* See README for usage instructions (for now).
* This library was inspired by {@link mailto:[email protected] jscsscomp by Maxim Martynyuk}
* and by the article {@link "Supercharged JavaScript" by Patrick Hunlock}.
* Requires PHP 5.1.0.
* Tested on PHP 5.1.6.
* @package Minify
* @author Ryan Grove <>
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @copyright 2008 Ryan Grove, Stephen Clay. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @link
class Minify {
const VERSION = '2.1.5';
const TYPE_CSS = 'text/css';
const TYPE_HTML = 'text/html';
// there is some debate over the ideal JS Content-Type, but this is the
// Apache default and what Yahoo! uses..
const TYPE_JS = 'application/x-javascript';
const URL_DEBUG = '';
* How many hours behind are the file modification times of uploaded files?
* If you upload files from Windows to a non-Windows server, Windows may report
* incorrect mtimes for the files. Immediately after modifying and uploading a
* file, use the touch command to update the mtime on the server. If the mtime
* jumps ahead by a number of hours, set this variable to that number. If the mtime
* moves back, this should not be needed.
* @var int $uploaderHoursBehind
public static $uploaderHoursBehind = 0;
* If this string is not empty AND the serve() option 'bubbleCssImports' is
* NOT set, then serve() will check CSS files for @import declarations that
* appear too late in the combined stylesheet. If found, serve() will prepend
* the output with this warning.
* @var string $importWarning
public static $importWarning = "/* See */\n";
* Has the DOCUMENT_ROOT been set in user code?
* @var bool
public static $isDocRootSet = false;
* Specify a cache object (with identical interface as Minify_Cache_File) or
* a path to use with Minify_Cache_File.
* If not called, Minify will not use a cache and, for each 200 response, will
* need to recombine files, minify and encode the output.
* @param mixed $cache object with identical interface as Minify_Cache_File or
* a directory path, or null to disable caching. (default = '')
* @param bool $fileLocking (default = true) This only applies if the first
* parameter is a string.
* @return null
public static function setCache($cache = '', $fileLocking = true)
if (is_string($cache)) {
require_once 'Minify/Cache/File.php';
self::$_cache = new Minify_Cache_File($cache, $fileLocking);
} else {
self::$_cache = $cache;
* Serve a request for a minified file.
* Here are the available options and defaults in the base controller:
* 'isPublic' : send "public" instead of "private" in Cache-Control
* headers, allowing shared caches to cache the output. (default true)
* 'quiet' : set to true to have serve() return an array rather than sending
* any headers/output (default false)
* 'encodeOutput' : set to false to disable content encoding, and not send
* the Vary header (default true)
* 'encodeMethod' : generally you should let this be determined by
* HTTP_Encoder (leave null), but you can force a particular encoding
* to be returned, by setting this to 'gzip' or '' (no encoding)
* 'encodeLevel' : level of encoding compression (0 to 9, default 9)
* 'contentTypeCharset' : appended to the Content-Type header sent. Set to a falsey
* value to remove. (default 'utf-8')
* 'maxAge' : set this to the number of seconds the client should use its cache
* before revalidating with the server. This sets Cache-Control: max-age and the
* Expires header. Unlike the old 'setExpires' setting, this setting will NOT
* prevent conditional GETs. Note this has nothing to do with server-side caching.
* 'rewriteCssUris' : If true, serve() will automatically set the 'currentDir'
* minifier option to enable URI rewriting in CSS files (default true)
* 'bubbleCssImports' : If true, all @import declarations in combined CSS
* files will be move to the top. Note this may alter effective CSS values
* due to a change in order. (default false)
* 'debug' : set to true to minify all sources with the 'Lines' controller, which
* eases the debugging of combined files. This also prevents 304 responses.
* @see Minify_Lines::minify()
* 'minifiers' : to override Minify's default choice of minifier function for
* a particular content-type, specify your callback under the key of the
* content-type:
* <code>
* // call customCssMinifier($css) for all CSS minification
* $options['minifiers'][Minify::TYPE_CSS] = 'customCssMinifier';
* // don't minify Javascript at all
* $options['minifiers'][Minify::TYPE_JS] = '';
* </code>
* 'minifierOptions' : to send options to the minifier function, specify your options
* under the key of the content-type. E.g. To send the CSS minifier an option:
* <code>
* // give CSS minifier array('optionName' => 'optionValue') as 2nd argument
* $options['minifierOptions'][Minify::TYPE_CSS]['optionName'] = 'optionValue';
* </code>
* 'contentType' : (optional) this is only needed if your file extension is not
* js/css/html. The given content-type will be sent regardless of source file
* extension, so this should not be used in a Groups config with other
* Javascript/CSS files.
* Any controller options are documented in that controller's setupSources() method.
* @param mixed $controller instance of subclass of Minify_Controller_Base or string
* name of controller. E.g. 'Files'
* @param array $options controller/serve options
* @return mixed null, or, if the 'quiet' option is set to true, an array
* with keys "success" (bool), "statusCode" (int), "content" (string), and
* "headers" (array).
public static function serve($controller, $options = array())
if (! self::$isDocRootSet && 0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) {
if (is_string($controller)) {
// make $controller into object
$class = 'Minify_Controller_' . $controller;
if (! class_exists($class, false)) {
require_once "Minify/Controller/"
. str_replace('_', '/', $controller) . ".php";
$controller = new $class();
/* @var Minify_Controller_Base $controller */
// set up controller sources and mix remaining options with
// controller defaults
$options = $controller->setupSources($options);
$options = $controller->analyzeSources($options);
self::$_options = $controller->mixInDefaultOptions($options);
// check request validity
if (! $controller->sources) {
// invalid request!
if (! self::$_options['quiet']) {
self::_errorExit(self::$_options['badRequestHeader'], self::URL_DEBUG);
} else {
list(,$statusCode) = explode(' ', self::$_options['badRequestHeader']);
return array(
'success' => false
,'statusCode' => (int)$statusCode
,'content' => ''
,'headers' => array()
self::$_controller = $controller;
if (self::$_options['debug']) {
self::$_options['maxAge'] = 0;
// determine encoding
if (self::$_options['encodeOutput']) {
$sendVary = true;
if (self::$_options['encodeMethod'] !== null) {
// controller specifically requested this
$contentEncoding = self::$_options['encodeMethod'];
} else {
// sniff request header
require_once 'HTTP/Encoder.php';
// depending on what the client accepts, $contentEncoding may be
// 'x-gzip' while our internal encodeMethod is 'gzip'. Calling
// getAcceptedEncoding(false, false) leaves out compress and deflate as options.
list(self::$_options['encodeMethod'], $contentEncoding) = HTTP_Encoder::getAcceptedEncoding(false, false);
$sendVary = ! HTTP_Encoder::isBuggyIe();
} else {
self::$_options['encodeMethod'] = ''; // identity (no encoding)
// check client cache
require_once 'HTTP/ConditionalGet.php';
$cgOptions = array(
'lastModifiedTime' => self::$_options['lastModifiedTime']
,'isPublic' => self::$_options['isPublic']
,'encoding' => self::$_options['encodeMethod']
if (self::$_options['maxAge'] > 0) {
$cgOptions['maxAge'] = self::$_options['maxAge'];
} elseif (self::$_options['debug']) {
$cgOptions['invalidate'] = true;
$cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet($cgOptions);
if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
// client's cache is valid
if (! self::$_options['quiet']) {
} else {
return array(
'success' => true
,'statusCode' => 304
,'content' => ''
,'headers' => $cg->getHeaders()
} else {
// client will need output
$headers = $cg->getHeaders();
if (self::$_options['contentType'] === self::TYPE_CSS
&& self::$_options['rewriteCssUris']) {
foreach($controller->sources as $key => $source) {
if ($source->filepath
&& !isset($source->minifyOptions['currentDir'])
&& !isset($source->minifyOptions['prependRelativePath'])
) {
$source->minifyOptions['currentDir'] = dirname($source->filepath);
// check server cache
if (null !== self::$_cache && ! self::$_options['debug']) {
// using cache
// the goal is to use only the cache methods to sniff the length and
// output the content, as they do not require ever loading the file into
// memory.
$cacheId = self::_getCacheId();
$fullCacheId = (self::$_options['encodeMethod'])
? $cacheId . '.gz'
: $cacheId;
// check cache for valid entry
$cacheIsReady = self::$_cache->isValid($fullCacheId, self::$_options['lastModifiedTime']);
if ($cacheIsReady) {
$cacheContentLength = self::$_cache->getSize($fullCacheId);
} else {
// generate & cache content
try {
$content = self::_combineMinify();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (! self::$_options['quiet']) {
self::_errorExit(self::$_options['errorHeader'], self::URL_DEBUG);
throw $e;
self::$_cache->store($cacheId, $content);
if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
self::$_cache->store($cacheId . '.gz', gzencode($content, self::$_options['encodeLevel']));
} else {
// no cache
$cacheIsReady = false;
try {
$content = self::_combineMinify();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (! self::$_options['quiet']) {
self::_errorExit(self::$_options['errorHeader'], self::URL_DEBUG);
throw $e;
if (! $cacheIsReady && self::$_options['encodeMethod']) {
// still need to encode
$content = gzencode($content, self::$_options['encodeLevel']);
// add headers
$headers['Content-Length'] = $cacheIsReady
? $cacheContentLength
: ((function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2))
? mb_strlen($content, '8bit')
: strlen($content)
$headers['Content-Type'] = self::$_options['contentTypeCharset']
? self::$_options['contentType'] . '; charset=' . self::$_options['contentTypeCharset']
: self::$_options['contentType'];
if (self::$_options['encodeMethod'] !== '') {
$headers['Content-Encoding'] = $contentEncoding;
if (self::$_options['encodeOutput'] && $sendVary) {
$headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding';
if (! self::$_options['quiet']) {
// output headers & content
foreach ($headers as $name => $val) {
header($name . ': ' . $val);
if ($cacheIsReady) {
} else {
echo $content;
} else {
return array(
'success' => true
,'statusCode' => 200
,'content' => $cacheIsReady
? self::$_cache->fetch($fullCacheId)
: $content
,'headers' => $headers
* Return combined minified content for a set of sources
* No internal caching will be used and the content will not be HTTP encoded.
* @param array $sources array of filepaths and/or Minify_Source objects
* @param array $options (optional) array of options for serve. By default
* these are already set: quiet = true, encodeMethod = '', lastModifiedTime = 0.
* @return string
public static function combine($sources, $options = array())
$cache = self::$_cache;
self::$_cache = null;
$options = array_merge(array(
'files' => (array)$sources
,'quiet' => true
,'encodeMethod' => ''
,'lastModifiedTime' => 0
), $options);
$out = self::serve('Files', $options);
self::$_cache = $cache;
return $out['content'];
* Set $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. On IIS, the value is created from SCRIPT_FILENAME and SCRIPT_NAME.
* @param string $docRoot value to use for DOCUMENT_ROOT
public static function setDocRoot($docRoot = '')
self::$isDocRootSet = true;
if ($docRoot) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])
&& 0 === strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS/')) {
,strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
* Any Minify_Cache_* object or null (i.e. no server cache is used)
* @var Minify_Cache_File
private static $_cache = null;
* Active controller for current request
* @var Minify_Controller_Base
protected static $_controller = null;
* Options for current request
* @var array
protected static $_options = null;
* @param string $header
* @param string $url
protected static function _errorExit($header, $url)
$url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
list(,$h1) = explode(' ', $header, 2);
$h1 = htmlspecialchars($h1);
// FastCGI environments require 3rd arg to header() to be set
list(, $code) = explode(' ', $header, 3);
header($header, true, $code);
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
echo "<h1>$h1</h1>";
echo "<p>Please see <a href='$url'>$url</a>.</p>";
* Set up sources to use Minify_Lines
* @param array $sources Minify_Source instances
protected static function _setupDebug($sources)
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$source->minifier = array('Minify_Lines', 'minify');
$id = $source->getId();
$source->minifyOptions = array(
'id' => (is_file($id) ? basename($id) : $id)
* Combines sources and minifies the result.
* @return string
protected static function _combineMinify()
$type = self::$_options['contentType']; // ease readability
// when combining scripts, make sure all statements separated and
// trailing single line comment is terminated
$implodeSeparator = ($type === self::TYPE_JS)
? "\n;"
: '';
// allow the user to pass a particular array of options to each
// minifier (designated by type). source objects may still override
// these
$defaultOptions = isset(self::$_options['minifierOptions'][$type])
? self::$_options['minifierOptions'][$type]
: array();
// if minifier not set, default is no minification. source objects
// may still override this
$defaultMinifier = isset(self::$_options['minifiers'][$type])
? self::$_options['minifiers'][$type]
: false;
// process groups of sources with identical minifiers/options
$content = array();
$i = 0;
$l = count(self::$_controller->sources);
$groupToProcessTogether = array();
$lastMinifier = null;
$lastOptions = null;
do {
// get next source
$source = null;
if ($i < $l) {
$source = self::$_controller->sources[$i];
/* @var Minify_Source $source */
$sourceContent = $source->getContent();
// allow the source to override our minifier and options
$minifier = (null !== $source->minifier)
? $source->minifier
: $defaultMinifier;
$options = (null !== $source->minifyOptions)
? array_merge($defaultOptions, $source->minifyOptions)
: $defaultOptions;
// do we need to process our group right now?
if ($i > 0 // yes, we have at least the first group populated
&& (
! $source // yes, we ran out of sources
|| $type === self::TYPE_CSS // yes, to process CSS individually (avoiding PCRE bugs/limits)
|| $minifier !== $lastMinifier // yes, minifier changed
|| $options !== $lastOptions) // yes, options changed
// minify previous sources with last settings
$imploded = implode($implodeSeparator, $groupToProcessTogether);
$groupToProcessTogether = array();
if ($lastMinifier) {
try {
$content[] = call_user_func($lastMinifier, $imploded, $lastOptions);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Exception in minifier: " . $e->getMessage());
} else {
$content[] = $imploded;
// add content to the group
if ($source) {
$groupToProcessTogether[] = $sourceContent;
$lastMinifier = $minifier;
$lastOptions = $options;
} while ($source);
$content = implode($implodeSeparator, $content);
if ($type === self::TYPE_CSS && false !== strpos($content, '@import')) {
$content = self::_handleCssImports($content);
// do any post-processing (esp. for editing build URIs)
if (self::$_options['postprocessorRequire']) {
require_once self::$_options['postprocessorRequire'];
if (self::$_options['postprocessor']) {
$content = call_user_func(self::$_options['postprocessor'], $content, $type);
return $content;
* Make a unique cache id for for this request.
* Any settings that could affect output are taken into consideration
* @param string $prefix
* @return string
protected static function _getCacheId($prefix = 'minify')
$name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.=_,]/', '', self::$_controller->selectionId);
$name = preg_replace('/\\.+/', '.', $name);
$name = substr($name, 0, 200 - 34 - strlen($prefix));
$md5 = md5(serialize(array(
return "{$prefix}_{$name}_{$md5}";
* Bubble CSS @imports to the top or prepend a warning if an import is detected not at the top.
* @param string $css
* @return string
protected static function _handleCssImports($css)
if (self::$_options['bubbleCssImports']) {
// bubble CSS imports
preg_match_all('/@import.*?;/', $css, $imports);
$css = implode('', $imports[0]) . preg_replace('/@import.*?;/', '', $css);
} else if ('' !== self::$importWarning) {
// remove comments so we don't mistake { in a comment as a block
$noCommentCss = preg_replace('@/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/@', '', $css);
$lastImportPos = strrpos($noCommentCss, '@import');
$firstBlockPos = strpos($noCommentCss, '{');
if (false !== $lastImportPos
&& false !== $firstBlockPos
&& $firstBlockPos < $lastImportPos
) {
// { appears before @import : prepend warning
$css = self::$importWarning . $css;
return $css;


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
* Class Minify_Build
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Source.php';
* Maintain a single last modification time for a group of Minify sources to
* allow use of far off Expires headers in Minify.
* <code>
* // in config file
* $groupSources = array(
* 'js' => array('file1.js', 'file2.js')
* ,'css' => array('file1.css', 'file2.css', 'file3.css')
* )
* // during HTML generation
* $jsBuild = new Minify_Build($groupSources['js']);
* $cssBuild = new Minify_Build($groupSources['css']);
* $script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='"
* . $jsBuild->uri('/min.php/js') . "'></script>";
* $link = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='"
* . $cssBuild->uri('/min.php/css') . "'>";
* // in min.php
* Minify::serve('Groups', array(
* 'groups' => $groupSources
* ,'setExpires' => (time() + 86400 * 365)
* ));
* </code>
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Build {
* Last modification time of all files in the build
* @var int
public $lastModified = 0;
* String to use as ampersand in uri(). Set this to '&' if
* you are not HTML-escaping URIs.
* @var string
public static $ampersand = '&amp;';
* Get a time-stamped URI
* <code>
* echo $b->uri('/site.js');
* // outputs "/site.js?1678242"
* echo $b->uri('/scriptaculous.js?load=effects');
* // outputs "/scriptaculous.js?load=effects&amp1678242"
* </code>
* @param string $uri
* @param boolean $forceAmpersand (default = false) Force the use of ampersand to
* append the timestamp to the URI.
* @return string
public function uri($uri, $forceAmpersand = false) {
$sep = ($forceAmpersand || strpos($uri, '?') !== false)
? self::$ampersand
: '?';
return "{$uri}{$sep}{$this->lastModified}";
* Create a build object
* @param array $sources array of Minify_Source objects and/or file paths
* @return null
public function __construct($sources)
$max = 0;
foreach ((array)$sources as $source) {
if ($source instanceof Minify_Source) {
$max = max($max, $source->lastModified);
} elseif (is_string($source)) {
if (0 === strpos($source, '//')) {
$source = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($source, 1);
if (is_file($source)) {
$max = max($max, filemtime($source));
$this->lastModified = $max;


@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* Class Minify_CSS
* @package Minify
* Minify CSS
* This class uses Minify_CSS_Compressor and Minify_CSS_UriRewriter to
* minify CSS and rewrite relative URIs.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @author (Issue 64 patch)
class Minify_CSS {
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @param array $options available options:
* 'preserveComments': (default true) multi-line comments that begin
* with "/*!" will be preserved with newlines before and after to
* enhance readability.
* 'removeCharsets': (default true) remove all @charset at-rules
* 'prependRelativePath': (default null) if given, this string will be
* prepended to all relative URIs in import/url declarations
* 'currentDir': (default null) if given, this is assumed to be the
* directory of the current CSS file. Using this, minify will rewrite
* all relative URIs in import/url declarations to correctly point to
* the desired files. For this to work, the files *must* exist and be
* visible by the PHP process.
* 'symlinks': (default = array()) If the CSS file is stored in
* a symlink-ed directory, provide an array of link paths to
* target paths, where the link paths are within the document root. Because
* paths need to be normalized for this to work, use "//" to substitute
* the doc root in the link paths (the array keys). E.g.:
* <code>
* array('//symlink' => '/real/target/path') // unix
* array('//static' => 'D:\\staticStorage') // Windows
* </code>
* 'docRoot': (default = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])
* see Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite
* @return string
public static function minify($css, $options = array())
$options = array_merge(array(
'removeCharsets' => true,
'preserveComments' => true,
'currentDir' => null,
'docRoot' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],
'prependRelativePath' => null,
'symlinks' => array(),
), $options);
if ($options['removeCharsets']) {
$css = preg_replace('/@charset[^;]+;\\s*/', '', $css);
require_once 'Minify/CSS/Compressor.php';
if (! $options['preserveComments']) {
$css = Minify_CSS_Compressor::process($css, $options);
} else {
require_once 'Minify/CommentPreserver.php';
$css = Minify_CommentPreserver::process(
,array('Minify_CSS_Compressor', 'process')
if (! $options['currentDir'] && ! $options['prependRelativePath']) {
return $css;
require_once 'Minify/CSS/UriRewriter.php';
if ($options['currentDir']) {
return Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite(
} else {
return Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::prepend(


@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
* Class Minify_CSS_Compressor
* @package Minify
* Compress CSS
* This is a heavy regex-based removal of whitespace, unnecessary
* comments and tokens, and some CSS value minimization, where practical.
* Many steps have been taken to avoid breaking comment-based hacks,
* including the ie5/mac filter (and its inversion), but expect tricky
* hacks involving comment tokens in 'content' value strings to break
* minimization badly. A test suite is available.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @author (Issue 64 patch)
class Minify_CSS_Compressor {
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @param array $options (currently ignored)
* @return string
public static function process($css, $options = array())
$obj = new Minify_CSS_Compressor($options);
return $obj->_process($css);
* @var array
protected $_options = null;
* Are we "in" a hack? I.e. are some browsers targetted until the next comment?
* @var bool
protected $_inHack = false;
* Constructor
* @param array $options (currently ignored)
private function __construct($options) {
$this->_options = $options;
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @return string
protected function _process($css)
$css = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $css);
// preserve empty comment after '>'
$css = preg_replace('@>/\\*\\s*\\*/@', '>/*keep*/', $css);
// preserve empty comment between property and value
$css = preg_replace('@/\\*\\s*\\*/\\s*:@', '/*keep*/:', $css);
$css = preg_replace('@:\\s*/\\*\\s*\\*/@', ':/*keep*/', $css);
// apply callback to all valid comments (and strip out surrounding ws
$css = preg_replace_callback('@\\s*/\\*([\\s\\S]*?)\\*/\\s*@'
,array($this, '_commentCB'), $css);
// remove ws around { } and last semicolon in declaration block
$css = preg_replace('/\\s*{\\s*/', '{', $css);
$css = preg_replace('/;?\\s*}\\s*/', '}', $css);
// remove ws surrounding semicolons
$css = preg_replace('/\\s*;\\s*/', ';', $css);
// remove ws around urls
$css = preg_replace('/
url\\( # url(
([^\\)]+?) # 1 = the URL (really just a bunch of non right parenthesis)
\\) # )
/x', 'url($1)', $css);
// remove ws between rules and colons
$css = preg_replace('/
([{;]) # 1 = beginning of block or rule separator
([\\*_]?[\\w\\-]+) # 2 = property (and maybe IE filter)
(\\b|[#\'"-]) # 3 = first character of a value
/x', '$1$2:$3', $css);
// remove ws in selectors
$css = preg_replace_callback('/
(?: # non-capture
[^~>+,\\s]+ # selector part
[,>+~] # combinators
[^~>+,\\s]+ # selector part
{ # open declaration block
,array($this, '_selectorsCB'), $css);
// minimize hex colors
$css = preg_replace('/([^=])#([a-f\\d])\\2([a-f\\d])\\3([a-f\\d])\\4([\\s;\\}])/i'
, '$1#$2$3$4$5', $css);
// remove spaces between font families
$css = preg_replace_callback('/font-family:([^;}]+)([;}])/'
,array($this, '_fontFamilyCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace('/@import\\s+url/', '@import url', $css);
// replace any ws involving newlines with a single newline
$css = preg_replace('/[ \\t]*\\n+\\s*/', "\n", $css);
// separate common descendent selectors w/ newlines (to limit line lengths)
$css = preg_replace('/([\\w#\\.\\*]+)\\s+([\\w#\\.\\*]+){/', "$1\n$2{", $css);
// Use newline after 1st numeric value (to limit line lengths).
$css = preg_replace('/
((?:padding|margin|border|outline):\\d+(?:px|em)?) # 1 = prop : 1st numeric value
,"$1\n", $css);
// prevent triggering IE6 bug:
$css = preg_replace('/:first-l(etter|ine)\\{/', ':first-l$1 {', $css);
return trim($css);
* Replace what looks like a set of selectors
* @param array $m regex matches
* @return string
protected function _selectorsCB($m)
// remove ws around the combinators
return preg_replace('/\\s*([,>+~])\\s*/', '$1', $m[0]);
* Process a comment and return a replacement
* @param array $m regex matches
* @return string
protected function _commentCB($m)
$hasSurroundingWs = (trim($m[0]) !== $m[1]);
$m = $m[1];
// $m is the comment content w/o the surrounding tokens,
// but the return value will replace the entire comment.
if ($m === 'keep') {
return '/**/';
if ($m === '" "') {
// component of
return '/*" "*/';
if (preg_match('@";\\}\\s*\\}/\\*\\s+@', $m)) {
// component of
return '/*";}}/* */';
if ($this->_inHack) {
// inversion: feeding only to one browser
if (preg_match('@
^/ # comment started like /*/
(\\S[\\s\\S]+?) # has at least some non-ws content
/\\* # ends like /*/ or /**/
@x', $m, $n)) {
// end hack mode after this comment, but preserve the hack and comment content
$this->_inHack = false;
return "/*/{$n[1]}/**/";
if (substr($m, -1) === '\\') { // comment ends like \*/
// begin hack mode and preserve hack
$this->_inHack = true;
return '/*\\*/';
if ($m !== '' && $m[0] === '/') { // comment looks like /*/ foo */
// begin hack mode and preserve hack
$this->_inHack = true;
return '/*/*/';
if ($this->_inHack) {
// a regular comment ends hack mode but should be preserved
$this->_inHack = false;
return '/**/';
// Issue 107: if there's any surrounding whitespace, it may be important, so
// replace the comment with a single space
return $hasSurroundingWs // remove all other comments
? ' '
: '';
* Process a font-family listing and return a replacement
* @param array $m regex matches
* @return string
protected function _fontFamilyCB($m)
// Issue 210: must not eliminate WS between words in unquoted families
$pieces = preg_split('/(\'[^\']+\'|"[^"]+")/', $m[1], null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$out = 'font-family:';
while (null !== ($piece = array_shift($pieces))) {
if ($piece[0] !== '"' && $piece[0] !== "'") {
$piece = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $piece);
$piece = preg_replace('/\\s?,\\s?/', ',', $piece);
$out .= $piece;
return $out . $m[2];


@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
* Class Minify_CSS_UriRewriter
* @package Minify
* Rewrite file-relative URIs as root-relative in CSS files
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_CSS_UriRewriter {
* rewrite() and rewriteRelative() append debugging information here
* @var string
public static $debugText = '';
* In CSS content, rewrite file relative URIs as root relative
* @param string $css
* @param string $currentDir The directory of the current CSS file.
* @param string $docRoot The document root of the web site in which
* the CSS file resides (default = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).
* @param array $symlinks (default = array()) If the CSS file is stored in
* a symlink-ed directory, provide an array of link paths to
* target paths, where the link paths are within the document root. Because
* paths need to be normalized for this to work, use "//" to substitute
* the doc root in the link paths (the array keys). E.g.:
* <code>
* array('//symlink' => '/real/target/path') // unix
* array('//static' => 'D:\\staticStorage') // Windows
* </code>
* @return string
public static function rewrite($css, $currentDir, $docRoot = null, $symlinks = array())
self::$_docRoot = self::_realpath(
$docRoot ? $docRoot : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
self::$_currentDir = self::_realpath($currentDir);
self::$_symlinks = array();
// normalize symlinks
foreach ($symlinks as $link => $target) {
$link = ($link === '//')
? self::$_docRoot
: str_replace('//', self::$_docRoot . '/', $link);
$link = strtr($link, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
self::$_symlinks[$link] = self::_realpath($target);
self::$debugText .= "docRoot : " . self::$_docRoot . "\n"
. "currentDir : " . self::$_currentDir . "\n";
if (self::$_symlinks) {
self::$debugText .= "symlinks : " . var_export(self::$_symlinks, 1) . "\n";
self::$debugText .= "\n";
$css = self::_trimUrls($css);
// rewrite
$css = preg_replace_callback('/@import\\s+([\'"])(.*?)[\'"]/'
,array(self::$className, '_processUriCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace_callback('/url\\(\\s*([^\\)\\s]+)\\s*\\)/'
,array(self::$className, '_processUriCB'), $css);
return $css;
* In CSS content, prepend a path to relative URIs
* @param string $css
* @param string $path The path to prepend.
* @return string
public static function prepend($css, $path)
self::$_prependPath = $path;
$css = self::_trimUrls($css);
// append
$css = preg_replace_callback('/@import\\s+([\'"])(.*?)[\'"]/'
,array(self::$className, '_processUriCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace_callback('/url\\(\\s*([^\\)\\s]+)\\s*\\)/'
,array(self::$className, '_processUriCB'), $css);
self::$_prependPath = null;
return $css;
* Get a root relative URI from a file relative URI
* <code>
* Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewriteRelative(
* '../img/hello.gif'
* , '/home/user/www/css' // path of CSS file
* , '/home/user/www' // doc root
* );
* // returns '/img/hello.gif'
* // example where static files are stored in a symlinked directory
* Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewriteRelative(
* 'hello.gif'
* , '/var/staticFiles/theme'
* , '/home/user/www'
* , array('/home/user/www/static' => '/var/staticFiles')
* );
* // returns '/static/theme/hello.gif'
* </code>
* @param string $uri file relative URI
* @param string $realCurrentDir realpath of the current file's directory.
* @param string $realDocRoot realpath of the site document root.
* @param array $symlinks (default = array()) If the file is stored in
* a symlink-ed directory, provide an array of link paths to
* real target paths, where the link paths "appear" to be within the document
* root. E.g.:
* <code>
* array('/home/foo/www/not/real/path' => '/real/target/path') // unix
* array('C:\\htdocs\\not\\real' => 'D:\\real\\target\\path') // Windows
* </code>
* @return string
public static function rewriteRelative($uri, $realCurrentDir, $realDocRoot, $symlinks = array())
// prepend path with current dir separator (OS-independent)
$path = strtr($realCurrentDir, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
self::$debugText .= "file-relative URI : {$uri}\n"
. "path prepended : {$path}\n";
// "unresolve" a symlink back to doc root
foreach ($symlinks as $link => $target) {
if (0 === strpos($path, $target)) {
// replace $target with $link
$path = $link . substr($path, strlen($target));
self::$debugText .= "symlink unresolved : {$path}\n";
// strip doc root
$path = substr($path, strlen($realDocRoot));
self::$debugText .= "docroot stripped : {$path}\n";
// fix to root-relative URI
$uri = strtr($path, '/\\', '//');
$uri = self::removeDots($uri);
self::$debugText .= "traversals removed : {$uri}\n\n";
return $uri;
* Remove instances of "./" and "../" where possible from a root-relative URI
* @param string $uri
* @return string
public static function removeDots($uri)
$uri = str_replace('/./', '/', $uri);
// inspired by patch from Oleg Cherniy
do {
$uri = preg_replace('@/[^/]+/\\.\\./@', '/', $uri, 1, $changed);
} while ($changed);
return $uri;
* Defines which class to call as part of callbacks, change this
* if you extend Minify_CSS_UriRewriter
* @var string
protected static $className = 'Minify_CSS_UriRewriter';
* Get realpath with any trailing slash removed. If realpath() fails,
* just remove the trailing slash.
* @param string $path
* @return mixed path with no trailing slash
protected static function _realpath($path)
$realPath = realpath($path);
if ($realPath !== false) {
$path = $realPath;
return rtrim($path, '/\\');
* Directory of this stylesheet
* @var string
private static $_currentDir = '';
* @var string
private static $_docRoot = '';
* directory replacements to map symlink targets back to their
* source (within the document root) E.g. '/var/www/symlink' => '/var/realpath'
* @var array
private static $_symlinks = array();
* Path to prepend
* @var string
private static $_prependPath = null;
* @param string $css
* @return string
private static function _trimUrls($css)
return preg_replace('/
url\\( # url(
([^\\)]+?) # 1 = URI (assuming does not contain ")")
\\) # )
/x', 'url($1)', $css);
* @param array $m
* @return string
private static function _processUriCB($m)
// $m matched either '/@import\\s+([\'"])(.*?)[\'"]/' or '/url\\(\\s*([^\\)\\s]+)\\s*\\)/'
$isImport = ($m[0][0] === '@');
// determine URI and the quote character (if any)
if ($isImport) {
$quoteChar = $m[1];
$uri = $m[2];
} else {
// $m[1] is either quoted or not
$quoteChar = ($m[1][0] === "'" || $m[1][0] === '"')
? $m[1][0]
: '';
$uri = ($quoteChar === '')
? $m[1]
: substr($m[1], 1, strlen($m[1]) - 2);
// analyze URI
if ('/' !== $uri[0] // root-relative
&& false === strpos($uri, '//') // protocol (non-data)
&& 0 !== strpos($uri, 'data:') // data protocol
) {
// URI is file-relative: rewrite depending on options
if (self::$_prependPath === null) {
$uri = self::rewriteRelative($uri, self::$_currentDir, self::$_docRoot, self::$_symlinks);
} else {
$uri = self::$_prependPath . $uri;
if ($uri[0] === '/') {
$root = '';
$rootRelative = $uri;
$uri = $root . self::removeDots($rootRelative);
} elseif (preg_match('@^((https?\:)?//([^/]+))/@', $uri, $m) && (false !== strpos($m[3], '.'))) {
$root = $m[1];
$rootRelative = substr($uri, strlen($root));
$uri = $root . self::removeDots($rootRelative);
return $isImport
? "@import {$quoteChar}{$uri}{$quoteChar}"
: "url({$quoteChar}{$uri}{$quoteChar})";


@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* Class Minify_Cache_APC
* @package Minify
* APC-based cache class for Minify
* <code>
* Minify::setCache(new Minify_Cache_APC());
* </code>
* @package Minify
* @author Chris Edwards
class Minify_Cache_APC {
* Create a Minify_Cache_APC object, to be passed to
* Minify::setCache().
* @param int $expire seconds until expiration (default = 0
* meaning the item will not get an expiration date)
* @return null
public function __construct($expire = 0)
$this->_exp = $expire;
* Write data to cache.
* @param string $id cache id
* @param string $data
* @return bool success
public function store($id, $data)
return apc_store($id, "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']}|{$data}", $this->_exp);
* Get the size of a cache entry
* @param string $id cache id
* @return int size in bytes
public function getSize($id)
if (! $this->_fetch($id)) {
return false;
return (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2))
? mb_strlen($this->_data, '8bit')
: strlen($this->_data);
* Does a valid cache entry exist?
* @param string $id cache id
* @param int $srcMtime mtime of the original source file(s)
* @return bool exists
public function isValid($id, $srcMtime)
return ($this->_fetch($id) && ($this->_lm >= $srcMtime));
* Send the cached content to output
* @param string $id cache id
public function display($id)
echo $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
* Fetch the cached content
* @param string $id cache id
* @return string
public function fetch($id)
return $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
private $_exp = null;
// cache of most recently fetched id
private $_lm = null;
private $_data = null;
private $_id = null;
* Fetch data and timestamp from apc, store in instance
* @param string $id
* @return bool success
private function _fetch($id)
if ($this->_id === $id) {
return true;
$ret = apc_fetch($id);
if (false === $ret) {
$this->_id = null;
return false;
list($this->_lm, $this->_data) = explode('|', $ret, 2);
$this->_id = $id;
return true;


@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* Class Minify_Cache_File
* @package Minify
class Minify_Cache_File {
public function __construct($path = '', $fileLocking = false)
if (! $path) {
$path = self::tmp();
$this->_locking = $fileLocking;
$this->_path = $path;
* Write data to cache.
* @param string $id cache id (e.g. a filename)
* @param string $data
* @return bool success
public function store($id, $data)
$flag = $this->_locking
: null;
$file = $this->_path . '/' . $id;
if (! @file_put_contents($file, $data, $flag)) {
$this->_log("Minify_Cache_File: Write failed to '$file'");
// write control
if ($data !== $this->fetch($id)) {
$this->_log("Minify_Cache_File: Post-write read failed for '$file'");
return false;
return true;
* Get the size of a cache entry
* @param string $id cache id (e.g. a filename)
* @return int size in bytes
public function getSize($id)
return filesize($this->_path . '/' . $id);
* Does a valid cache entry exist?
* @param string $id cache id (e.g. a filename)
* @param int $srcMtime mtime of the original source file(s)
* @return bool exists
public function isValid($id, $srcMtime)
$file = $this->_path . '/' . $id;
return (is_file($file) && (filemtime($file) >= $srcMtime));
* Send the cached content to output
* @param string $id cache id (e.g. a filename)
public function display($id)
if ($this->_locking) {
$fp = fopen($this->_path . '/' . $id, 'rb');
flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
} else {
readfile($this->_path . '/' . $id);
* Fetch the cached content
* @param string $id cache id (e.g. a filename)
* @return string
public function fetch($id)
if ($this->_locking) {
$fp = fopen($this->_path . '/' . $id, 'rb');
flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
$ret = stream_get_contents($fp);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
return $ret;
} else {
return file_get_contents($this->_path . '/' . $id);
* Fetch the cache path used
* @return string
public function getPath()
return $this->_path;
* Get a usable temp directory
* Adapted from Solar/Dir.php
* @author Paul M. Jones <>
* @license BSD
* @link
* @return string
public static function tmp()
static $tmp = null;
if (! $tmp) {
$tmp = function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')
? sys_get_temp_dir()
: self::_tmp();
$tmp = rtrim($tmp, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
return $tmp;
* Returns the OS-specific directory for temporary files
* @author Paul M. Jones <>
* @license BSD
* @link
* @return string
protected static function _tmp()
// non-Windows system?
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) != 'win') {
$tmp = empty($_ENV['TMPDIR']) ? getenv('TMPDIR') : $_ENV['TMPDIR'];
if ($tmp) {
return $tmp;
} else {
return '/tmp';
// Windows 'TEMP'
$tmp = empty($_ENV['TEMP']) ? getenv('TEMP') : $_ENV['TEMP'];
if ($tmp) {
return $tmp;
// Windows 'TMP'
$tmp = empty($_ENV['TMP']) ? getenv('TMP') : $_ENV['TMP'];
if ($tmp) {
return $tmp;
// Windows 'windir'
$tmp = empty($_ENV['windir']) ? getenv('windir') : $_ENV['windir'];
if ($tmp) {
return $tmp;
// final fallback for Windows
return getenv('SystemRoot') . '\\temp';
* Send message to the Minify logger
* @param string $msg
* @return null
protected function _log($msg)
require_once 'Minify/Logger.php';
private $_path = null;
private $_locking = null;


@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* Class Minify_Cache_Memcache
* @package Minify
* Memcache-based cache class for Minify
* <code>
* // fall back to disk caching if memcache can't connect
* $memcache = new Memcache;
* if ($memcache->connect('localhost', 11211)) {
* Minify::setCache(new Minify_Cache_Memcache($memcache));
* } else {
* Minify::setCache();
* }
* </code>
class Minify_Cache_Memcache {
* Create a Minify_Cache_Memcache object, to be passed to
* Minify::setCache().
* @param Memcache $memcache already-connected instance
* @param int $expire seconds until expiration (default = 0
* meaning the item will not get an expiration date)
* @return null
public function __construct($memcache, $expire = 0)
$this->_mc = $memcache;
$this->_exp = $expire;
* Write data to cache.
* @param string $id cache id
* @param string $data
* @return bool success
public function store($id, $data)
return $this->_mc->set($id, "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']}|{$data}", 0, $this->_exp);
* Get the size of a cache entry
* @param string $id cache id
* @return int size in bytes
public function getSize($id)
if (! $this->_fetch($id)) {
return false;
return (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2))
? mb_strlen($this->_data, '8bit')
: strlen($this->_data);
* Does a valid cache entry exist?
* @param string $id cache id
* @param int $srcMtime mtime of the original source file(s)
* @return bool exists
public function isValid($id, $srcMtime)
return ($this->_fetch($id) && ($this->_lm >= $srcMtime));
* Send the cached content to output
* @param string $id cache id
public function display($id)
echo $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
* Fetch the cached content
* @param string $id cache id
* @return string
public function fetch($id)
return $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
private $_mc = null;
private $_exp = null;
// cache of most recently fetched id
private $_lm = null;
private $_data = null;
private $_id = null;
* Fetch data and timestamp from memcache, store in instance
* @param string $id
* @return bool success
private function _fetch($id)
if ($this->_id === $id) {
return true;
$ret = $this->_mc->get($id);
if (false === $ret) {
$this->_id = null;
return false;
list($this->_lm, $this->_data) = explode('|', $ret, 2);
$this->_id = $id;
return true;


@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
* Class Minify_Cache_ZendPlatform
* @package Minify
* ZendPlatform-based cache class for Minify
* Based on Minify_Cache_APC, uses output_cache_get/put (currently deprecated)
* <code>
* Minify::setCache(new Minify_Cache_ZendPlatform());
* </code>
* @package Minify
* @author Patrick van Dissel
class Minify_Cache_ZendPlatform {
* Create a Minify_Cache_ZendPlatform object, to be passed to
* Minify::setCache().
* @param int $expire seconds until expiration (default = 0
* meaning the item will not get an expiration date)
* @return null
public function __construct($expire = 0)
$this->_exp = $expire;
* Write data to cache.
* @param string $id cache id
* @param string $data
* @return bool success
public function store($id, $data)
return output_cache_put($id, "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']}|{$data}");
* Get the size of a cache entry
* @param string $id cache id
* @return int size in bytes
public function getSize($id)
return $this->_fetch($id)
? strlen($this->_data)
: false;
* Does a valid cache entry exist?
* @param string $id cache id
* @param int $srcMtime mtime of the original source file(s)
* @return bool exists
public function isValid($id, $srcMtime)
$ret = ($this->_fetch($id) && ($this->_lm >= $srcMtime));
return $ret;
* Send the cached content to output
* @param string $id cache id
public function display($id)
echo $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
* Fetch the cached content
* @param string $id cache id
* @return string
public function fetch($id)
return $this->_fetch($id)
? $this->_data
: '';
private $_exp = null;
// cache of most recently fetched id
private $_lm = null;
private $_data = null;
private $_id = null;
* Fetch data and timestamp from ZendPlatform, store in instance
* @param string $id
* @return bool success
private function _fetch($id)
if ($this->_id === $id) {
return true;
$ret = output_cache_get($id, $this->_exp);
if (false === $ret) {
$this->_id = null;
return false;
list($this->_lm, $this->_data) = explode('|', $ret, 2);
$this->_id = $id;
return true;


@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Class Minify_CommentPreserver
* @package Minify
* Process a string in pieces preserving C-style comments that begin with "/*!"
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_CommentPreserver {
* String to be prepended to each preserved comment
* @var string
public static $prepend = "\n";
* String to be appended to each preserved comment
* @var string
public static $append = "\n";
* Process a string outside of C-style comments that begin with "/*!"
* On each non-empty string outside these comments, the given processor
* function will be called. The comments will be surrounded by
* Minify_CommentPreserver::$preprend and Minify_CommentPreserver::$append.
* @param string $content
* @param callback $processor function
* @param array $args array of extra arguments to pass to the processor
* function (default = array())
* @return string
public static function process($content, $processor, $args = array())
$ret = '';
while (true) {
list($beforeComment, $comment, $afterComment) = self::_nextComment($content);
if ('' !== $beforeComment) {
$callArgs = $args;
array_unshift($callArgs, $beforeComment);
$ret .= call_user_func_array($processor, $callArgs);
if (false === $comment) {
$ret .= $comment;
$content = $afterComment;
return $ret;
* Extract comments that YUI Compressor preserves.
* @param string $in input
* @return array 3 elements are returned. If a YUI comment is found, the
* 2nd element is the comment and the 1st and 3rd are the surrounding
* strings. If no comment is found, the entire string is returned as the
* 1st element and the other two are false.
private static function _nextComment($in)
if (
false === ($start = strpos($in, '/*!'))
|| false === ($end = strpos($in, '*/', $start + 3))
) {
return array($in, false, false);
$ret = array(
substr($in, 0, $start)
,self::$prepend . '/*!' . substr($in, $start + 3, $end - $start - 1) . self::$append
$endChars = (strlen($in) - $end - 2);
$ret[] = (0 === $endChars)
? ''
: substr($in, -$endChars);
return $ret;


@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_Base
* @package Minify
* Base class for Minify controller
* The controller class validates a request and uses it to create sources
* for minification and set options like contentType. It's also responsible
* for loading minifier code upon request.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
abstract class Minify_Controller_Base {
* Setup controller sources and set an needed options for Minify::source
* You must override this method in your subclass controller to set
* $this->sources. If the request is NOT valid, make sure $this->sources
* is left an empty array. Then strip any controller-specific options from
* $options and return it. To serve files, $this->sources must be an array of
* Minify_Source objects.
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* @return array $options Minify::serve options
abstract public function setupSources($options);
* Get default Minify options for this controller.
* Override in subclass to change defaults
* @return array options for Minify
public function getDefaultMinifyOptions() {
return array(
'isPublic' => true
,'encodeOutput' => function_exists('gzdeflate')
,'encodeMethod' => null // determine later
,'encodeLevel' => 9
,'minifierOptions' => array() // no minifier options
,'contentTypeCharset' => 'utf-8'
,'maxAge' => 1800 // 30 minutes
,'rewriteCssUris' => true
,'bubbleCssImports' => false
,'quiet' => false // serve() will send headers and output
,'debug' => false
// if you override these, the response codes MUST be directly after
// the first space.
,'badRequestHeader' => 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'
,'errorHeader' => 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'
// callback function to see/modify content of all sources
,'postprocessor' => null
// file to require to load preprocessor
,'postprocessorRequire' => null
* Get default minifiers for this controller.
* Override in subclass to change defaults
* @return array minifier callbacks for common types
public function getDefaultMinifers() {
$ret[Minify::TYPE_JS] = array('JSMin', 'minify');
$ret[Minify::TYPE_CSS] = array('Minify_CSS', 'minify');
$ret[Minify::TYPE_HTML] = array('Minify_HTML', 'minify');
return $ret;
* Load any code necessary to execute the given minifier callback.
* The controller is responsible for loading minification code on demand
* via this method. This built-in function will only load classes for
* static method callbacks where the class isn't already defined. It uses
* the PEAR convention, so, given array('Jimmy_Minifier', 'minCss'), this
* function will include 'Jimmy/Minifier.php'.
* If you need code loaded on demand and this doesn't suit you, you'll need
* to override this function in your subclass.
* @see Minify_Controller_Page::loadMinifier()
* @param callback $minifierCallback callback of minifier function
* @return null
public function loadMinifier($minifierCallback)
if (is_array($minifierCallback)
&& is_string($minifierCallback[0])
&& !class_exists($minifierCallback[0], false)) {
require str_replace('_', '/', $minifierCallback[0]) . '.php';
* Is a user-given file within an allowable directory, existing,
* and having an extension js/css/html/txt ?
* This is a convenience function for controllers that have to accept
* user-given paths
* @param string $file full file path (already processed by realpath())
* @param array $safeDirs directories where files are safe to serve. Files can also
* be in subdirectories of these directories.
* @return bool file is safe
* @deprecated use checkAllowDirs, checkNotHidden instead
public static function _fileIsSafe($file, $safeDirs)
$pathOk = false;
foreach ((array)$safeDirs as $safeDir) {
if (strpos($file, $safeDir) === 0) {
$pathOk = true;
$base = basename($file);
if (! $pathOk || ! is_file($file) || $base[0] === '.') {
return false;
list($revExt) = explode('.', strrev($base));
return in_array(strrev($revExt), array('js', 'css', 'html', 'txt'));
* @param string $file
* @param array $allowDirs
* @param string $uri
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public static function checkAllowDirs($file, $allowDirs, $uri)
foreach ((array)$allowDirs as $allowDir) {
if (strpos($file, $allowDir) === 0) {
return true;
throw new Exception("File '$file' is outside \$allowDirs. If the path is"
. " resolved via an alias/symlink, look into the \$min_symlinks option."
. " E.g. \$min_symlinks['/" . dirname($uri) . "'] = '" . dirname($file) . "';");
* @param string $file
* @throws Exception
public static function checkNotHidden($file)
$b = basename($file);
if (0 === strpos($b, '.')) {
throw new Exception("Filename '$b' starts with period (may be hidden)");
* instances of Minify_Source, which provide content and any individual minification needs.
* @var array
* @see Minify_Source
public $sources = array();
* Short name to place inside cache id
* The setupSources() method may choose to set this, making it easier to
* recognize a particular set of sources/settings in the cache folder. It
* will be filtered and truncated to make the final cache id <= 250 bytes.
* @var string
public $selectionId = '';
* Mix in default controller options with user-given options
* @param array $options user options
* @return array mixed options
public final function mixInDefaultOptions($options)
$ret = array_merge(
$this->getDefaultMinifyOptions(), $options
if (! isset($options['minifiers'])) {
$options['minifiers'] = array();
$ret['minifiers'] = array_merge(
$this->getDefaultMinifers(), $options['minifiers']
return $ret;
* Analyze sources (if there are any) and set $options 'contentType'
* and 'lastModifiedTime' if they already aren't.
* @param array $options options for Minify
* @return array options for Minify
public final function analyzeSources($options = array())
if ($this->sources) {
if (! isset($options['contentType'])) {
$options['contentType'] = Minify_Source::getContentType($this->sources);
// last modified is needed for caching, even if setExpires is set
if (! isset($options['lastModifiedTime'])) {
$max = 0;
foreach ($this->sources as $source) {
$max = max($source->lastModified, $max);
$options['lastModifiedTime'] = $max;
return $options;
* Send message to the Minify logger
* @param string $msg
* @return null
public function log($msg) {
require_once 'Minify/Logger.php';


@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_Files
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Controller/Base.php';
* Controller class for minifying a set of files
* E.g. the following would serve the minified Javascript for a site
* <code>
* Minify::serve('Files', array(
* 'files' => array(
* '//js/jquery.js'
* ,'//js/plugins.js'
* ,'/home/username/file.js'
* )
* ));
* </code>
* As a shortcut, the controller will replace "//" at the beginning
* of a filename with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/'.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Controller_Files extends Minify_Controller_Base {
* Set up file sources
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* @return array Minify options
* Controller options:
* 'files': (required) array of complete file paths, or a single path
public function setupSources($options) {
// strip controller options
$files = $options['files'];
// if $files is a single object, casting will break it
if (is_object($files)) {
$files = array($files);
} elseif (! is_array($files)) {
$files = (array)$files;
$sources = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file instanceof Minify_Source) {
$sources[] = $file;
if (0 === strpos($file, '//')) {
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($file, 1);
$realPath = realpath($file);
if (is_file($realPath)) {
$sources[] = new Minify_Source(array(
'filepath' => $realPath
} else {
$this->log("The path \"{$file}\" could not be found (or was not a file)");
return $options;
if ($sources) {
$this->sources = $sources;
return $options;


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_Groups
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Controller/Base.php';
* Controller class for serving predetermined groups of minimized sets, selected
* <code>
* Minify::serve('Groups', array(
* 'groups' => array(
* 'css' => array('//css/type.css', '//css/layout.css')
* ,'js' => array('//js/jquery.js', '//js/site.js')
* )
* ));
* </code>
* If the above code were placed in /serve.php, it would enable the URLs
* /serve.php/js and /serve.php/css
* As a shortcut, the controller will replace "//" at the beginning
* of a filename with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/'.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Controller_Groups extends Minify_Controller_Base {
* Set up groups of files as sources
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* 'groups': (required) array mapping PATH_INFO strings to arrays
* of complete file paths. @see Minify_Controller_Groups
* @return array Minify options
public function setupSources($options) {
// strip controller options
$groups = $options['groups'];
// mod_fcgid places PATH_INFO in ORIG_PATH_INFO
$pi = isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'])
? substr($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'], 1)
: (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])
? substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1)
: false
if (false === $pi || ! isset($groups[$pi])) {
// no PATH_INFO or not a valid group
$this->log("Missing PATH_INFO or no group set for \"$pi\"");
return $options;
$sources = array();
$files = $groups[$pi];
// if $files is a single object, casting will break it
if (is_object($files)) {
$files = array($files);
} elseif (! is_array($files)) {
$files = (array)$files;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file instanceof Minify_Source) {
$sources[] = $file;
if (0 === strpos($file, '//')) {
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($file, 1);
$realPath = realpath($file);
if (is_file($realPath)) {
$sources[] = new Minify_Source(array(
'filepath' => $realPath
} else {
$this->log("The path \"{$file}\" could not be found (or was not a file)");
return $options;
if ($sources) {
$this->sources = $sources;
return $options;


@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_MinApp
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Controller/Base.php';
* Controller class for requests to /min/index.php
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Controller_MinApp extends Minify_Controller_Base {
* Set up groups of files as sources
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* @return array Minify options
public function setupSources($options) {
// filter controller options
$cOptions = array_merge(
'allowDirs' => '//'
,'groupsOnly' => false
,'groups' => array()
,'noMinPattern' => '@[-\\.]min\\.(?:js|css)$@i' // matched against basename
,(isset($options['minApp']) ? $options['minApp'] : array())
$sources = array();
$this->selectionId = '';
$firstMissingResource = null;
if (isset($_GET['g'])) {
// add group(s)
$this->selectionId .= 'g=' . $_GET['g'];
$keys = explode(',', $_GET['g']);
if ($keys != array_unique($keys)) {
$this->log("Duplicate group key found.");
return $options;
$keys = explode(',', $_GET['g']);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (! isset($cOptions['groups'][$key])) {
$this->log("A group configuration for \"{$key}\" was not found");
return $options;
$files = $cOptions['groups'][$key];
// if $files is a single object, casting will break it
if (is_object($files)) {
$files = array($files);
} elseif (! is_array($files)) {
$files = (array)$files;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file instanceof Minify_Source) {
$sources[] = $file;
if (0 === strpos($file, '//')) {
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($file, 1);
$realpath = realpath($file);
if ($realpath && is_file($realpath)) {
$sources[] = $this->_getFileSource($realpath, $cOptions);
} else {
$this->log("The path \"{$file}\" (realpath \"{$realpath}\") could not be found (or was not a file)");
if (null === $firstMissingResource) {
$firstMissingResource = basename($file);
} else {
$secondMissingResource = basename($file);
$this->log("More than one file was missing: '$firstMissingResource', '$secondMissingResource'");
return $options;
if ($sources) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $options;
if (! $cOptions['groupsOnly'] && isset($_GET['f'])) {
// try user files
// The following restrictions are to limit the URLs that minify will
// respond to.
if (// verify at least one file, files are single comma separated,
// and are all same extension
! preg_match('/^[^,]+\\.(css|js)(?:,[^,]+\\.\\1)*$/', $_GET['f'], $m)
// no "//"
|| strpos($_GET['f'], '//') !== false
// no "\"
|| strpos($_GET['f'], '\\') !== false
) {
$this->log("GET param 'f' was invalid");
return $options;
$ext = ".{$m[1]}";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $options;
$files = explode(',', $_GET['f']);
if ($files != array_unique($files)) {
$this->log("Duplicate files were specified");
return $options;
if (isset($_GET['b'])) {
// check for validity
if (preg_match('@^[^/]+(?:/[^/]+)*$@', $_GET['b'])
&& false === strpos($_GET['b'], '..')
&& $_GET['b'] !== '.') {
// valid base
$base = "/{$_GET['b']}/";
} else {
$this->log("GET param 'b' was invalid");
return $options;
} else {
$base = '/';
$allowDirs = array();
foreach ((array)$cOptions['allowDirs'] as $allowDir) {
$allowDirs[] = realpath(str_replace('//', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/', $allowDir));
$basenames = array(); // just for cache id
foreach ($files as $file) {
$uri = $base . $file;
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uri;
$realpath = realpath($path);
if (false === $realpath || ! is_file($realpath)) {
$this->log("The path \"{$path}\" (realpath \"{$realpath}\") could not be found (or was not a file)");
if (null === $firstMissingResource) {
$firstMissingResource = $uri;
} else {
$secondMissingResource = $uri;
$this->log("More than one file was missing: '$firstMissingResource', '$secondMissingResource`'");
return $options;
try {
parent::checkAllowDirs($realpath, $allowDirs, $uri);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $options;
$sources[] = $this->_getFileSource($realpath, $cOptions);
$basenames[] = basename($realpath, $ext);
if ($this->selectionId) {
$this->selectionId .= '_f=';
$this->selectionId .= implode(',', $basenames) . $ext;
if ($sources) {
if (null !== $firstMissingResource) {
array_unshift($sources, new Minify_Source(array(
'id' => 'missingFile'
// should not cause cache invalidation
,'lastModified' => 0
// due to caching, filename is unreliable.
,'content' => "/* Minify: at least one missing file. See " . Minify::URL_DEBUG . " */\n"
,'minifier' => ''
$this->sources = $sources;
} else {
$this->log("No sources to serve");
return $options;
* @param string $file
* @param array $cOptions
* @return Minify_Source
protected function _getFileSource($file, $cOptions)
$spec['filepath'] = $file;
if ($cOptions['noMinPattern']
&& preg_match($cOptions['noMinPattern'], basename($file))) {
$spec['minifier'] = '';
return new Minify_Source($spec);
protected $_type = null;
* Make sure that only source files of a single type are registered
* @param string $sourceOrExt
* @throws Exception
public function checkType($sourceOrExt)
if ($sourceOrExt === 'js') {
$type = Minify::TYPE_JS;
} elseif ($sourceOrExt === 'css') {
$type = Minify::TYPE_CSS;
} elseif ($sourceOrExt->contentType !== null) {
$type = $sourceOrExt->contentType;
} else {
if ($this->_type === null) {
$this->_type = $type;
} elseif ($this->_type !== $type) {
throw new Exception('Content-Type mismatch');


@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_Page
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Controller/Base.php';
* Controller class for serving a single HTML page
* @link
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Controller_Page extends Minify_Controller_Base {
* Set up source of HTML content
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* @return array Minify options
* Controller options:
* 'content': (required) HTML markup
* 'id': (required) id of page (string for use in server-side caching)
* 'lastModifiedTime': timestamp of when this content changed. This
* is recommended to allow both server and client-side caching.
* 'minifyAll': should all CSS and Javascript blocks be individually
* minified? (default false)
* @todo Add 'file' option to read HTML file.
public function setupSources($options) {
if (isset($options['file'])) {
$sourceSpec = array(
'filepath' => $options['file']
$f = $options['file'];
} else {
// strip controller options
$sourceSpec = array(
'content' => $options['content']
,'id' => $options['id']
$f = $options['id'];
unset($options['content'], $options['id']);
// something like "builder,index.php" or "directory,file.html"
$this->selectionId = strtr(substr($f, 1 + strlen(dirname(dirname($f)))), '/\\', ',,');
if (isset($options['minifyAll'])) {
// this will be the 2nd argument passed to Minify_HTML::minify()
$sourceSpec['minifyOptions'] = array(
'cssMinifier' => array('Minify_CSS', 'minify')
,'jsMinifier' => array('JSMin', 'minify')
$this->_loadCssJsMinifiers = true;
$this->sources[] = new Minify_Source($sourceSpec);
$options['contentType'] = Minify::TYPE_HTML;
return $options;
protected $_loadCssJsMinifiers = false;
* @see Minify_Controller_Base::loadMinifier()
public function loadMinifier($minifierCallback)
if ($this->_loadCssJsMinifiers) {
// Minify will not call for these so we must manually load
// them when Minify/HTML.php is called for.
require_once 'Minify/CSS.php';
require_once 'JSMin.php';
parent::loadMinifier($minifierCallback); // load Minify/HTML.php


@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* Class Minify_Controller_Version1
* @package Minify
require_once 'Minify/Controller/Base.php';
* Controller class for emulating version 1 of minify.php (mostly a proof-of-concept)
* <code>
* Minify::serve('Version1');
* </code>
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Controller_Version1 extends Minify_Controller_Base {
* Set up groups of files as sources
* @param array $options controller and Minify options
* @return array Minify options
public function setupSources($options) {
$cacheDir = defined('MINIFY_CACHE_DIR')
: '';
$options['badRequestHeader'] = 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found';
$options['contentTypeCharset'] = MINIFY_ENCODING;
// The following restrictions are to limit the URLs that minify will
// respond to. Ideally there should be only one way to reference a file.
if (! isset($_GET['files'])
// verify at least one file, files are single comma separated,
// and are all same extension
|| ! preg_match('/^[^,]+\\.(css|js)(,[^,]+\\.\\1)*$/', $_GET['files'], $m)
// no "//" (makes URL rewriting easier)
|| strpos($_GET['files'], '//') !== false
// no "\"
|| strpos($_GET['files'], '\\') !== false
// no "./"
|| preg_match('/(?:^|[^\\.])\\.\\//', $_GET['files'])
) {
return $options;
$extension = $m[1];
$files = explode(',', $_GET['files']);
if (count($files) > MINIFY_MAX_FILES) {
return $options;
// strings for prepending to relative/absolute paths
$prependRelPaths = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])
$prependAbsPaths = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$sources = array();
$goodFiles = array();
$hasBadSource = false;
$allowDirs = isset($options['allowDirs'])
? $options['allowDirs']
foreach ($files as $file) {
// prepend appropriate string for abs/rel paths
$file = ($file[0] === '/' ? $prependAbsPaths : $prependRelPaths) . $file;
// make sure a real file!
$file = realpath($file);
// don't allow unsafe or duplicate files
if (parent::_fileIsSafe($file, $allowDirs)
&& !in_array($file, $goodFiles))
$goodFiles[] = $file;
$srcOptions = array(
'filepath' => $file
$this->sources[] = new Minify_Source($srcOptions);
} else {
$hasBadSource = true;
if ($hasBadSource) {
$this->sources = array();
$options['rewriteCssUris'] = false;
return $options;
private static function _setupDefines()
$defaults = array(
,'MINIFY_ENCODING' => 'utf-8'
foreach ($defaults as $const => $val) {
if (! defined($const)) {
define($const, $val);


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* Detect whether request should be debugged
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_DebugDetector {
public static function shouldDebugRequest($cookie, $get, $requestUri)
if (isset($get['debug'])) {
return true;
if (! empty($cookie['minifyDebug'])) {
foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', $cookie['minifyDebug']) as $debugUri) {
$pattern = '@' . preg_quote($debugUri, '@') . '@i';
$pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\?'), array('.*', '.'), $pattern);
if (preg_match($pattern, $requestUri)) {
return true;
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
* Class Minify_HTML
* @package Minify
* Compress HTML
* This is a heavy regex-based removal of whitespace, unnecessary comments and
* tokens. IE conditional comments are preserved. There are also options to have
* STYLE and SCRIPT blocks compressed by callback functions.
* A test suite is available.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_HTML {
* "Minify" an HTML page
* @param string $html
* @param array $options
* 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE
* elements.
* 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT
* elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored.
* 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If
* unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype.
* @return string
public static function minify($html, $options = array()) {
$min = new Minify_HTML($html, $options);
return $min->process();
* Create a minifier object
* @param string $html
* @param array $options
* 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE
* elements.
* 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT
* elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored.
* 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If
* unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype.
* @return null
public function __construct($html, $options = array())
$this->_html = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim($html));
if (isset($options['xhtml'])) {
$this->_isXhtml = (bool)$options['xhtml'];
if (isset($options['cssMinifier'])) {
$this->_cssMinifier = $options['cssMinifier'];
if (isset($options['jsMinifier'])) {
$this->_jsMinifier = $options['jsMinifier'];
* Minify the markeup given in the constructor
* @return string
public function process()
if ($this->_isXhtml === null) {
$this->_isXhtml = (false !== strpos($this->_html, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML'));
$this->_replacementHash = 'MINIFYHTML' . md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
$this->_placeholders = array();
// replace SCRIPTs (and minify) with placeholders
$this->_html = preg_replace_callback(
,array($this, '_removeScriptCB')
// replace STYLEs (and minify) with placeholders
$this->_html = preg_replace_callback(
,array($this, '_removeStyleCB')
// remove HTML comments (not containing IE conditional comments).
$this->_html = preg_replace_callback(
,array($this, '_commentCB')
// replace PREs with placeholders
$this->_html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s*<pre(\\b[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/pre>)\\s*/i'
,array($this, '_removePreCB')
// replace TEXTAREAs with placeholders
$this->_html = preg_replace_callback(
,array($this, '_removeTextareaCB')
// trim each line.
// @todo take into account attribute values that span multiple lines.
$this->_html = preg_replace('/^\\s+|\\s+$/m', '', $this->_html);
// remove ws around block/undisplayed elements
$this->_html = preg_replace('/\\s+(<\\/?(?:area|base(?:font)?|blockquote|body'
.'|ul)\\b[^>]*>)/i', '$1', $this->_html);
// remove ws outside of all elements
$this->_html = preg_replace(
// use newlines before 1st attribute in open tags (to limit line lengths)
$this->_html = preg_replace('/(<[a-z\\-]+)\\s+([^>]+>)/i', "$1\n$2", $this->_html);
// fill placeholders
$this->_html = str_replace(
// issue 229: multi-pass to catch scripts that didn't get replaced in textareas
$this->_html = str_replace(
return $this->_html;
protected function _commentCB($m)
return (0 === strpos($m[1], '[') || false !== strpos($m[1], '<!['))
? $m[0]
: '';
protected function _reservePlace($content)
$placeholder = '%' . $this->_replacementHash . count($this->_placeholders) . '%';
$this->_placeholders[$placeholder] = $content;
return $placeholder;
protected $_isXhtml = null;
protected $_replacementHash = null;
protected $_placeholders = array();
protected $_cssMinifier = null;
protected $_jsMinifier = null;
protected function _removePreCB($m)
return $this->_reservePlace("<pre{$m[1]}");
protected function _removeTextareaCB($m)
return $this->_reservePlace("<textarea{$m[1]}");
protected function _removeStyleCB($m)
$openStyle = "<style{$m[1]}";
$css = $m[2];
// remove HTML comments
$css = preg_replace('/(?:^\\s*<!--|-->\\s*$)/', '', $css);
// remove CDATA section markers
$css = $this->_removeCdata($css);
// minify
$minifier = $this->_cssMinifier
? $this->_cssMinifier
: 'trim';
$css = call_user_func($minifier, $css);
return $this->_reservePlace($this->_needsCdata($css)
? "{$openStyle}/*<![CDATA[*/{$css}/*]]>*/</style>"
: "{$openStyle}{$css}</style>"
protected function _removeScriptCB($m)
$openScript = "<script{$m[2]}";
$js = $m[3];
// whitespace surrounding? preserve at least one space
$ws1 = ($m[1] === '') ? '' : ' ';
$ws2 = ($m[4] === '') ? '' : ' ';
// remove HTML comments (and ending "//" if present)
$js = preg_replace('/(?:^\\s*<!--\\s*|\\s*(?:\\/\\/)?\\s*-->\\s*$)/', '', $js);
// remove CDATA section markers
$js = $this->_removeCdata($js);
// minify
$minifier = $this->_jsMinifier
? $this->_jsMinifier
: 'trim';
$js = call_user_func($minifier, $js);
return $this->_reservePlace($this->_needsCdata($js)
? "{$ws1}{$openScript}/*<![CDATA[*/{$js}/*]]>*/</script>{$ws2}"
: "{$ws1}{$openScript}{$js}</script>{$ws2}"
protected function _removeCdata($str)
return (false !== strpos($str, '<![CDATA['))
? str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $str)
: $str;
protected function _needsCdata($str)
return ($this->_isXhtml && preg_match('/(?:[<&]|\\-\\-|\\]\\]>)/', $str));


@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
* Class Minify_HTML_Helper
* @package Minify
* Helpers for writing Minfy URIs into HTML
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_HTML_Helper {
public $rewriteWorks = true;
public $minAppUri = '/min';
public $groupsConfigFile = '';
* Get an HTML-escaped Minify URI for a group or set of files
* @param mixed $keyOrFiles a group key or array of filepaths/URIs
* @param array $opts options:
* 'farExpires' : (default true) append a modified timestamp for cache revving
* 'debug' : (default false) append debug flag
* 'charset' : (default 'UTF-8') for htmlspecialchars
* 'minAppUri' : (default '/min') URI of min directory
* 'rewriteWorks' : (default true) does mod_rewrite work in min app?
* 'groupsConfigFile' : specify if different
* @return string
public static function getUri($keyOrFiles, $opts = array())
$opts = array_merge(array( // default options
'farExpires' => true
,'debug' => false
,'charset' => 'UTF-8'
,'minAppUri' => '/min'
,'rewriteWorks' => true
,'groupsConfigFile' => ''
), $opts);
$h = new self;
$h->minAppUri = $opts['minAppUri'];
$h->rewriteWorks = $opts['rewriteWorks'];
$h->groupsConfigFile = $opts['groupsConfigFile'];
if (is_array($keyOrFiles)) {
$h->setFiles($keyOrFiles, $opts['farExpires']);
} else {
$h->setGroup($keyOrFiles, $opts['farExpires']);
$uri = $h->getRawUri($opts['farExpires'], $opts['debug']);
return htmlspecialchars($uri, ENT_QUOTES, $opts['charset']);
* Get non-HTML-escaped URI to minify the specified files
public function getRawUri($farExpires = true, $debug = false)
$path = rtrim($this->minAppUri, '/') . '/';
if (! $this->rewriteWorks) {
$path .= '?';
if (null === $this->_groupKey) {
// @todo: implement shortest uri
$path = self::_getShortestUri($this->_filePaths, $path);
} else {
$path .= "g=" . $this->_groupKey;
if ($debug) {
$path .= "&debug";
} elseif ($farExpires && $this->_lastModified) {
$path .= "&" . $this->_lastModified;
return $path;
public function setFiles($files, $checkLastModified = true)
$this->_groupKey = null;
if ($checkLastModified) {
$this->_lastModified = self::getLastModified($files);
// normalize paths like in /min/f=<paths>
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (0 === strpos($file, '//')) {
$file = substr($file, 2);
} elseif (0 === strpos($file, '/')
|| 1 === strpos($file, ':\\')) {
$file = substr($file, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) + 1);
$file = strtr($file, '\\', '/');
$files[$k] = $file;
$this->_filePaths = $files;
public function setGroup($key, $checkLastModified = true)
$this->_groupKey = $key;
if ($checkLastModified) {
if (! $this->groupsConfigFile) {
$this->groupsConfigFile = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/groupsConfig.php';
if (is_file($this->groupsConfigFile)) {
$gc = (require $this->groupsConfigFile);
if (isset($gc[$key])) {
$this->_lastModified = self::getLastModified($gc[$key]);
public static function getLastModified($sources, $lastModified = 0)
$max = $lastModified;
foreach ((array)$sources as $source) {
if (is_object($source) && isset($source->lastModified)) {
$max = max($max, $source->lastModified);
} elseif (is_string($source)) {
if (0 === strpos($source, '//')) {
$source = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($source, 1);
if (is_file($source)) {
$max = max($max, filemtime($source));
return $max;
protected $_groupKey = null; // if present, URI will be like g=...
protected $_filePaths = array();
protected $_lastModified = null;
* In a given array of strings, find the character they all have at
* a particular index
* @param array $arr array of strings
* @param int $pos index to check
* @return mixed a common char or '' if any do not match
protected static function _getCommonCharAtPos($arr, $pos) {
$l = count($arr);
$c = $arr[0][$pos];
if ($c === '' || $l === 1)
return $c;
for ($i = 1; $i < $l; ++$i)
if ($arr[$i][$pos] !== $c)
return '';
return $c;
* Get the shortest URI to minify the set of source files
* @param array $paths root-relative URIs of files
* @param string $minRoot root-relative URI of the "min" application
protected static function _getShortestUri($paths, $minRoot = '/min/') {
$pos = 0;
$base = '';
while (true) {
$c = self::_getCommonCharAtPos($paths, $pos);
if ($c === '') {
} else {
$base .= $c;
$base = preg_replace('@[^/]+$@', '', $base);
$uri = $minRoot . 'f=' . implode(',', $paths);
if (substr($base, -1) === '/') {
// we have a base dir!
$basedPaths = $paths;
$l = count($paths);
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i) {
$basedPaths[$i] = substr($paths[$i], strlen($base));
$base = substr($base, 0, strlen($base) - 1);
$bUri = $minRoot . 'b=' . $base . '&f=' . implode(',', $basedPaths);
$uri = strlen($uri) < strlen($bUri)
? $uri
: $bUri;
return $uri;


@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
* Class Minify_ImportProcessor
* @package Minify
* Linearize a CSS/JS file by including content specified by CSS import
* declarations. In CSS files, relative URIs are fixed.
* @imports will be processed regardless of where they appear in the source
* files; i.e. @imports commented out or in string content will still be
* processed!
* This has a unit test but should be considered "experimental".
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @author Simon Schick <>
class Minify_ImportProcessor {
public static $filesIncluded = array();
public static function process($file)
self::$filesIncluded = array();
self::$_isCss = (strtolower(substr($file, -4)) === '.css');
$obj = new Minify_ImportProcessor(dirname($file));
return $obj->_getContent($file);
// allows callback funcs to know the current directory
private $_currentDir = null;
// allows callback funcs to know the directory of the file that inherits this one
private $_previewsDir = null;
// allows _importCB to write the fetched content back to the obj
private $_importedContent = '';
private static $_isCss = null;
* @param String $currentDir
* @param String $previewsDir Is only used internally
private function __construct($currentDir, $previewsDir = "")
$this->_currentDir = $currentDir;
$this->_previewsDir = $previewsDir;
private function _getContent($file, $is_imported = false)
$file = realpath($file);
if (! $file
|| in_array($file, self::$filesIncluded)
|| false === ($content = @file_get_contents($file))
) {
// file missing, already included, or failed read
return '';
self::$filesIncluded[] = realpath($file);
$this->_currentDir = dirname($file);
// remove UTF-8 BOM if present
if (pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf) === substr($content, 0, 3)) {
$content = substr($content, 3);
// ensure uniform EOLs
$content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content);
// process @imports
$content = preg_replace_callback(
(?:url\\(\\s*)? # maybe url(
[\'"]? # maybe quote
(.*?) # 1 = URI
[\'"]? # maybe end quote
(?:\\s*\\))? # maybe )
([a-zA-Z,\\s]*)? # 2 = media list
; # end token
,array($this, '_importCB')
// You only need to rework the import-path if the script is imported
if (self::$_isCss && $is_imported) {
// rewrite remaining relative URIs
$content = preg_replace_callback(
,array($this, '_urlCB')
return $this->_importedContent . $content;
private function _importCB($m)
$url = $m[1];
$mediaList = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $m[2]);
if (strpos($url, '://') > 0) {
// protocol, leave in place for CSS, comment for JS
return self::$_isCss
? $m[0]
: "/* Minify_ImportProcessor will not include remote content */";
if ('/' === $url[0]) {
// protocol-relative or root path
$url = ltrim($url, '/');
. strtr($url, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
} else {
// relative to current path
$file = $this->_currentDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. strtr($url, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$obj = new Minify_ImportProcessor(dirname($file), $this->_currentDir);
$content = $obj->_getContent($file, true);
if ('' === $content) {
// failed. leave in place for CSS, comment for JS
return self::$_isCss
? $m[0]
: "/* Minify_ImportProcessor could not fetch '{$file}' */";
return (!self::$_isCss || preg_match('@(?:^$|\\ball\\b)@', $mediaList))
? $content
: "@media {$mediaList} {\n{$content}\n}\n";
private function _urlCB($m)
// $m[1] is either quoted or not
$quote = ($m[1][0] === "'" || $m[1][0] === '"')
? $m[1][0]
: '';
$url = ($quote === '')
? $m[1]
: substr($m[1], 1, strlen($m[1]) - 2);
if ('/' !== $url[0]) {
if (strpos($url, '//') > 0) {
// probably starts with protocol, do not alter
} else {
// prepend path with current dir separator (OS-independent)
$path = $this->_currentDir
// update the relative path by the directory of the file that imported this one
$url = self::getPathDiff(realpath($this->_previewsDir), $path);
return "url({$quote}{$url}{$quote})";
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @param string $ps
* @return string
private function getPathDiff($from, $to, $ps = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
$realFrom = $this->truepath($from);
$realTo = $this->truepath($to);
$arFrom = explode($ps, rtrim($realFrom, $ps));
$arTo = explode($ps, rtrim($realTo, $ps));
while (count($arFrom) && count($arTo) && ($arFrom[0] == $arTo[0]))
return str_pad("", count($arFrom) * 3, '..' . $ps) . implode($ps, $arTo);
* This function is to replace PHP's extremely buggy realpath().
* @param string $path The original path, can be relative etc.
* @return string The resolved path, it might not exist.
* @see
function truepath($path)
// whether $path is unix or not
$unipath = strlen($path) == 0 || $path{0} != '/';
// attempts to detect if path is relative in which case, add cwd
if (strpos($path, ':') === false && $unipath)
$path = $this->_currentDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
// resolve path parts (single dot, double dot and double delimiters)
$path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
$parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen');
$absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('.' == $part)
if ('..' == $part) {
} else {
$absolutes[] = $part;
$path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes);
// resolve any symlinks
if (file_exists($path) && linkinfo($path) > 0)
$path = readlink($path);
// put initial separator that could have been lost
$path = !$unipath ? '/' . $path : $path;
return $path;


@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* Class Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler
* @package Minify
* Minify Javascript using Google's Closure Compiler API
* @link
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @todo can use a stream wrapper to unit test this?
class Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler {
const URL = '';
* Minify Javascript code via HTTP request to the Closure Compiler API
* @param string $js input code
* @param array $options unused at this point
* @return string
public static function minify($js, array $options = array())
$obj = new self($options);
return $obj->min($js);
* @param array $options
* fallbackFunc : default array($this, 'fallback');
public function __construct(array $options = array())
$this->_fallbackFunc = isset($options['fallbackMinifier'])
? $options['fallbackMinifier']
: array($this, '_fallback');
public function min($js)
$postBody = $this->_buildPostBody($js);
$bytes = (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2))
? mb_strlen($postBody, '8bit')
: strlen($postBody);
if ($bytes > 200000) {
throw new Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception(
'POST content larger than 200000 bytes'
$response = $this->_getResponse($postBody);
if (preg_match('/^Error\(\d\d?\):/', $response)) {
if (is_callable($this->_fallbackFunc)) {
$response = "/* Received errors from Closure Compiler API:\n$response"
. "\n(Using fallback minifier)\n*/\n";
$response .= call_user_func($this->_fallbackFunc, $js);
} else {
throw new Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception($response);
if ($response === '') {
$errors = $this->_getResponse($this->_buildPostBody($js, true));
throw new Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception($errors);
return $response;
protected $_fallbackFunc = null;
protected function _getResponse($postBody)
$allowUrlFopen = preg_match('/1|yes|on|true/i', ini_get('allow_url_fopen'));
if ($allowUrlFopen) {
$contents = file_get_contents(self::URL, false, stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postBody,
'max_redirects' => 0,
'timeout' => 15,
} elseif (defined('CURLOPT_POST')) {
$ch = curl_init(self::URL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postBody);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15);
$contents = curl_exec($ch);
} else {
throw new Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception(
"Could not make HTTP request: allow_url_open is false and cURL not available"
if (false === $contents) {
throw new Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception(
"No HTTP response from server"
return trim($contents);
protected function _buildPostBody($js, $returnErrors = false)
return http_build_query(array(
'js_code' => $js,
'output_info' => ($returnErrors ? 'errors' : 'compiled_code'),
'output_format' => 'text',
'compilation_level' => 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS'
), null, '&');
* Default fallback function if CC API fails
* @param string $js
* @return string
protected function _fallback($js)
require_once 'JSMin.php';
return JSMin::minify($js);
class Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception extends Exception {}


@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* Class Minify_Lines
* @package Minify
* Add line numbers in C-style comments for easier debugging of combined content
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @author Adam Pedersen (Issue 55 fix)
class Minify_Lines {
* Add line numbers in C-style comments
* This uses a very basic parser easily fooled by comment tokens inside
* strings or regexes, but, otherwise, generally clean code will not be
* mangled. URI rewriting can also be performed.
* @param string $content
* @param array $options available options:
* 'id': (optional) string to identify file. E.g. file name/path
* 'currentDir': (default null) if given, this is assumed to be the
* directory of the current CSS file. Using this, minify will rewrite
* all relative URIs in import/url declarations to correctly point to
* the desired files, and prepend a comment with debugging information about
* this process.
* @return string
public static function minify($content, $options = array())
$id = (isset($options['id']) && $options['id'])
? $options['id']
: '';
$content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content);
// Hackily rewrite strings with XPath expressions that are
// likely to throw off our dumb parser (for Prototype 1.6.1).
$content = str_replace('"/*"', '"/"+"*"', $content);
$content = preg_replace('@([\'"])(\\.?//?)\\*@', '$1$2$1+$1*', $content);
$lines = explode("\n", $content);
$numLines = count($lines);
// determine left padding
$padTo = strlen((string) $numLines); // e.g. 103 lines = 3 digits
$inComment = false;
$i = 0;
$newLines = array();
while (null !== ($line = array_shift($lines))) {
if (('' !== $id) && (0 == $i % 50)) {
array_push($newLines, '', "/* {$id} */", '');
$newLines[] = self::_addNote($line, $i, $inComment, $padTo);
$inComment = self::_eolInComment($line, $inComment);
$content = implode("\n", $newLines) . "\n";
// check for desired URI rewriting
if (isset($options['currentDir'])) {
require_once 'Minify/CSS/UriRewriter.php';
Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText = '';
$content = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite(
,isset($options['docRoot']) ? $options['docRoot'] : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
,isset($options['symlinks']) ? $options['symlinks'] : array()
$content = "/* Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::\$debugText\n\n"
. Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText . "*/\n"
. $content;
return $content;
* Is the parser within a C-style comment at the end of this line?
* @param string $line current line of code
* @param bool $inComment was the parser in a comment at the
* beginning of the line?
* @return bool
private static function _eolInComment($line, $inComment)
while (strlen($line)) {
$search = $inComment
? '*/'
: '/*';
$pos = strpos($line, $search);
if (false === $pos) {
return $inComment;
} else {
if ($pos == 0
|| ($inComment
? substr($line, $pos, 3)
: substr($line, $pos-1, 3)) != '*/*')
$inComment = ! $inComment;
$line = substr($line, $pos + 2);
return $inComment;
* Prepend a comment (or note) to the given line
* @param string $line current line of code
* @param string $note content of note/comment
* @param bool $inComment was the parser in a comment at the
* beginning of the line?
* @param int $padTo minimum width of comment
* @return string
private static function _addNote($line, $note, $inComment, $padTo)
return $inComment
? '/* ' . str_pad($note, $padTo, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ' *| ' . $line
: '/* ' . str_pad($note, $padTo, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ' */ ' . $line;


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Class Minify_Logger
* @package Minify
* Message logging class
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
* @todo lose this singleton! pass log object in Minify::serve and distribute to others
class Minify_Logger {
* Set logger object.
* The object should have a method "log" that accepts a value as 1st argument and
* an optional string label as the 2nd.
* @param mixed $obj or a "falsey" value to disable
* @return null
public static function setLogger($obj = null) {
self::$_logger = $obj
? $obj
: null;
* Pass a message to the logger (if set)
* @param string $msg message to log
* @return null
public static function log($msg, $label = 'Minify') {
if (! self::$_logger) return;
self::$_logger->log($msg, $label);
* @var mixed logger object (like FirePHP) or null (i.e. no logger available)
private static $_logger = null;


@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Class Minify_Packer
* To use this class you must first download the PHP port of Packer
* and place the file "class.JavaScriptPacker.php" in /lib (or your
* include_path).
* @link
* Be aware that, as long as HTTP encoding is used, scripts minified with JSMin
* will provide better client-side performance, as they need not be unpacked in
* client-side code.
* @package Minify
if (false === (@include 'class.JavaScriptPacker.php')) {
'The script "class.JavaScriptPacker.php" is required. Please see: http:'
* Minify Javascript using Dean Edward's Packer
* @package Minify
class Minify_Packer {
public static function minify($code, $options = array())
// @todo: set encoding options based on $options :)
$packer = new JavascriptPacker($code, 'Normal', true, false);
return trim($packer->pack());


@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
* Class Minify_Source
* @package Minify
* A content source to be minified by Minify.
* This allows per-source minification options and the mixing of files with
* content from other sources.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_Source {
* @var int time of last modification
public $lastModified = null;
* @var callback minifier function specifically for this source.
public $minifier = null;
* @var array minification options specific to this source.
public $minifyOptions = null;
* @var string full path of file
public $filepath = null;
* @var string HTTP Content Type (Minify requires one of the constants Minify::TYPE_*)
public $contentType = null;
* Create a Minify_Source
* In the $spec array(), you can either provide a 'filepath' to an existing
* file (existence will not be checked!) or give 'id' (unique string for
* the content), 'content' (the string content) and 'lastModified'
* (unixtime of last update).
* As a shortcut, the controller will replace "//" at the beginning
* of a filepath with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/'.
* @param array $spec options
public function __construct($spec)
if (isset($spec['filepath'])) {
if (0 === strpos($spec['filepath'], '//')) {
$spec['filepath'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . substr($spec['filepath'], 1);
$segments = explode('.', $spec['filepath']);
$ext = strtolower(array_pop($segments));
switch ($ext) {
case 'js' : $this->contentType = 'application/x-javascript';
case 'css' : $this->contentType = 'text/css';
case 'htm' : // fallthrough
case 'html' : $this->contentType = 'text/html';
$this->filepath = $spec['filepath'];
$this->_id = $spec['filepath'];
$this->lastModified = filemtime($spec['filepath'])
// offset for Windows uploaders with out of sync clocks
+ round(Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind * 3600);
} elseif (isset($spec['id'])) {
$this->_id = 'id::' . $spec['id'];
if (isset($spec['content'])) {
$this->_content = $spec['content'];
} else {
$this->_getContentFunc = $spec['getContentFunc'];
$this->lastModified = isset($spec['lastModified'])
? $spec['lastModified']
: time();
if (isset($spec['contentType'])) {
$this->contentType = $spec['contentType'];
if (isset($spec['minifier'])) {
$this->minifier = $spec['minifier'];
if (isset($spec['minifyOptions'])) {
$this->minifyOptions = $spec['minifyOptions'];
* Get content
* @return string
public function getContent()
$content = (null !== $this->filepath)
? file_get_contents($this->filepath)
: ((null !== $this->_content)
? $this->_content
: call_user_func($this->_getContentFunc, $this->_id)
// remove UTF-8 BOM if present
return (pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf) === substr($content, 0, 3))
? substr($content, 3)
: $content;
* Get id
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
* Verifies a single minification call can handle all sources
* @param array $sources Minify_Source instances
* @return bool true iff there no sources with specific minifier preferences.
public static function haveNoMinifyPrefs($sources)
foreach ($sources as $source) {
if (null !== $source->minifier
|| null !== $source->minifyOptions) {
return false;
return true;
* Get unique string for a set of sources
* @param array $sources Minify_Source instances
* @return string
public static function getDigest($sources)
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$info[] = array(
$source->_id, $source->minifier, $source->minifyOptions
return md5(serialize($info));
* Get content type from a group of sources
* This is called if the user doesn't pass in a 'contentType' options
* @param array $sources Minify_Source instances
* @return string content type. e.g. 'text/css'
public static function getContentType($sources)
foreach ($sources as $source) {
if ($source->contentType !== null) {
return $source->contentType;
return 'text/plain';
protected $_content = null;
protected $_getContentFunc = null;
protected $_id = null;


@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
* YUI Compressor
* Author: Julien Lecomte -
* Author: Isaac Schlueter -
* Author: Stoyan Stefanov -
* Copyright (c) 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CssCompressor {
private StringBuffer srcsb = new StringBuffer();
public CssCompressor(Reader in) throws IOException {
// Read the stream...
int c;
while ((c = != -1) {
srcsb.append((char) c);
// Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.
protected String extractDataUrls(String css, ArrayList preservedTokens) {
int maxIndex = css.length() - 1;
int appendIndex = 0;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("url\\(\\s*([\"']?)data\\:");
Matcher m = p.matcher(css);
* Since we need to account for non-base64 data urls, we need to handle
* ' and ) being part of the data string. Hence switching to indexOf,
* to determine whether or not we have matching string terminators and
* handling sb appends directly, instead of using matcher.append* methods.
while (m.find()) {
int startIndex = m.start() + 4; // "url(".length()
String terminator =; // ', " or empty (not quoted)
if (terminator.length() == 0) {
terminator = ")";
boolean foundTerminator = false;
int endIndex = m.end() - 1;
while(foundTerminator == false && endIndex+1 <= maxIndex) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(terminator, endIndex+1);
if ((endIndex > 0) && (css.charAt(endIndex-1) != '\\')) {
foundTerminator = true;
if (!")".equals(terminator)) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(")", endIndex);
// Enough searching, start moving stuff over to the buffer
sb.append(css.substring(appendIndex, m.start()));
if (foundTerminator) {
String token = css.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
token = token.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
String preserver = "url(___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___)";
appendIndex = endIndex + 1;
} else {
// No end terminator found, re-add the whole match. Should we throw/warn here?
sb.append(css.substring(m.start(), m.end()));
appendIndex = m.end();
return sb.toString();
public void compress(Writer out, int linebreakpos)
throws IOException {
Pattern p;
Matcher m;
String css = srcsb.toString();
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int i = 0;
int max = 0;
ArrayList preservedTokens = new ArrayList(0);
ArrayList comments = new ArrayList(0);
String token;
int totallen = css.length();
String placeholder;
css = this.extractDataUrls(css, preservedTokens);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(css);
// collect all comment blocks...
while ((startIndex = sb.indexOf("/*", startIndex)) >= 0) {
endIndex = sb.indexOf("*/", startIndex + 2);
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = totallen;
token = sb.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex);
sb.replace(startIndex + 2, endIndex, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + (comments.size() - 1) + "___");
startIndex += 2;
css = sb.toString();
// preserve strings so their content doesn't get accidentally minified
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(\"([^\\\\\"]|\\\\.|\\\\)*\")|(\'([^\\\\\']|\\\\.|\\\\)*\')");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
token =;
char quote = token.charAt(0);
token = token.substring(1, token.length() - 1);
// maybe the string contains a comment-like substring?
// one, maybe more? put'em back then
if (token.indexOf("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_") >= 0) {
for (i = 0, max = comments.size(); i < max; i += 1) {
token = token.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", comments.get(i).toString());
// minify alpha opacity in filter strings
token = token.replaceAll("(?i)progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\\(Opacity=", "alpha(opacity=");
String preserver = quote + "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___" + quote;
m.appendReplacement(sb, preserver);
css = sb.toString();
// strings are safe, now wrestle the comments
for (i = 0, max = comments.size(); i < max; i += 1) {
token = comments.get(i).toString();
placeholder = "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___";
// ! in the first position of the comment means preserve
// so push to the preserved tokens while stripping the !
if (token.startsWith("!")) {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// \ in the last position looks like hack for Mac/IE5
// shorten that to /*\*/ and the next one to /**/
if (token.endsWith("\\")) {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
i = i + 1; // attn: advancing the loop
css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// keep empty comments after child selectors (IE7 hack)
// e.g. html >/**/ body
if (token.length() == 0) {
startIndex = css.indexOf(placeholder);
if (startIndex > 2) {
if (css.charAt(startIndex - 3) == '>') {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// in all other cases kill the comment
css = css.replace("/*" + placeholder + "*/", "");
// Normalize all whitespace strings to single spaces. Easier to work with that way.
css = css.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
// Remove the spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
// But, be careful not to turn "p :link {...}" into "p:link{...}"
// Swap out any pseudo-class colons with the token, and then swap back.
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(^|\\})(([^\\{:])+:)+([^\\{]*\\{)");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
String s =;
s = s.replaceAll(":", "___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___");
s = s.replaceAll( "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\" ).replaceAll( "\\$", "\\\\\\$" );
m.appendReplacement(sb, s);
css = sb.toString();
// Remove spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
css = css.replaceAll("\\s+([!{};:>+\\(\\)\\],])", "$1");
// bring back the colon
css = css.replaceAll("___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___", ":");
// retain space for special IE6 cases
css = css.replaceAll(":first\\-(line|letter)(\\{|,)", ":first-$1 $2");
// no space after the end of a preserved comment
css = css.replaceAll("\\*/ ", "*/");
// If there is a @charset, then only allow one, and push to the top of the file.
css = css.replaceAll("^(.*)(@charset \"[^\"]*\";)", "$2$1");
css = css.replaceAll("^(\\s*@charset [^;]+;\\s*)+", "$1");
// Put the space back in some cases, to support stuff like
// @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){
css = css.replaceAll("\\band\\(", "and (");
// Remove the spaces after the things that should not have spaces after them.
css = css.replaceAll("([!{}:;>+\\(\\[,])\\s+", "$1");
// remove unnecessary semicolons
css = css.replaceAll(";+}", "}");
// Replace 0(px,em,%) with 0.
css = css.replaceAll("([\\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex)", "$1$2");
// Replace 0 0 0 0; with 0.
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0 0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
// Replace background-position:0; with background-position:0 0;
// same for transform-origin
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(?i)(background-position|transform-origin|webkit-transform-origin|moz-transform-origin|o-transform-origin|ms-transform-origin):0(;|})");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, + ":0 0" +;
css = sb.toString();
// Replace 0.6 to .6, but only when preceded by : or a white-space
css = css.replaceAll("(:|\\s)0+\\.(\\d+)", "$1.$2");
// Shorten colors from rgb(51,102,153) to #336699
// This makes it more likely that it'll get further compressed in the next step.
p = Pattern.compile("rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9,\\s]+)\\s*\\)");
m = p.matcher(css);
sb = new StringBuffer();
while (m.find()) {
String[] rgbcolors =",");
StringBuffer hexcolor = new StringBuffer("#");
for (i = 0; i < rgbcolors.length; i++) {
int val = Integer.parseInt(rgbcolors[i]);
if (val < 16) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, hexcolor.toString());
css = sb.toString();
// Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC. Note that we want to make sure
// the color is not preceded by either ", " or =. Indeed, the property
// filter: chroma(color="#FFFFFF");
// would become
// filter: chroma(color="#FFF");
// which makes the filter break in IE.
// We also want to make sure we're only compressing #AABBCC patterns inside { }, not id selectors ( #FAABAC {} )
// We also want to avoid compressing invalid values (e.g. #AABBCCD to #ABCD)
p = Pattern.compile("(\\=\\s*?[\"']?)?" + "#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])" + "(:?\\}|[^0-9a-fA-F{][^{]*?\\})");
m = p.matcher(css);
sb = new StringBuffer();
int index = 0;
while (m.find(index)) {
sb.append(css.substring(index, m.start()));
boolean isFilter = ( != null && !"".equals(;
if (isFilter) {
// Restore, as is. Compression will break filters
sb.append( + "#" + + + + + +;
} else {
if( && && {
// #AABBCC pattern
sb.append("#" + ( + +;
} else {
// Non-compressible color, restore, but lower case.
sb.append("#" + ( + + + + +;
index = m.end(7);
css = sb.toString();
// border: none -> border:0
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(?i)(border|border-top|border-right|border-bottom|border-right|outline|background):none(;|})");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, + ":0" +;
css = sb.toString();
// shorter opacity IE filter
css = css.replaceAll("(?i)progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\\(Opacity=", "alpha(opacity=");
// Remove empty rules.
css = css.replaceAll("[^\\}\\{/;]+\\{\\}", "");
// TODO: Should this be after we re-insert tokens. These could alter the break points. However then
// we'd need to make sure we don't break in the middle of a string etc.
if (linebreakpos >= 0) {
// Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer
// than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in
// that case to split long lines after a specific column.
i = 0;
int linestartpos = 0;
sb = new StringBuffer(css);
while (i < sb.length()) {
char c = sb.charAt(i++);
if (c == '}' && i - linestartpos > linebreakpos) {
sb.insert(i, '\n');
linestartpos = i;
css = sb.toString();
// Replace multiple semi-colons in a row by a single one
// See SF bug #1980989
css = css.replaceAll(";;+", ";");
// restore preserved comments and strings
for(i = 0, max = preservedTokens.size(); i < max; i++) {
css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + i + "___", preservedTokens.get(i).toString());
// Trim the final string (for any leading or trailing white spaces)
css = css.trim();
// Write the output...


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* Class Minify_YUI_CssCompressor
* @package Minify
* YUI Compressor
* Author: Julien Lecomte -
* Author: Isaac Schlueter -
* Author: Stoyan Stefanov -
* Author: Steve Clay - (PHP port)
* Copyright (c) 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
* Compress CSS (incomplete DO NOT USE)
* @see
* @package Minify
class Minify_YUI_CssCompressor {
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @return string
public function compress($css, $linebreakpos = 0)
$css = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $css);
* @todo comment removal
* @todo re-port from newer Java version
// Normalize all whitespace strings to single spaces. Easier to work with that way.
$css = preg_replace('@\s+@', ' ', $css);
// Make a pseudo class for the Box Model Hack
$css = preg_replace("@\"\\\\\"}\\\\\"\"@", "___PSEUDOCLASSBMH___", $css);
// Remove the spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
// But, be careful not to turn "p :link {...}" into "p:link{...}"
// Swap out any pseudo-class colons with the token, and then swap back.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@(^|\\})(([^\\{:])+:)+([^\\{]*\\{)@", array($this, '_removeSpacesCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace("@\\s+([!{};:>+\\(\\)\\],])@", "$1", $css);
$css = str_replace("___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___", ":", $css);
// Remove the spaces after the things that should not have spaces after them.
$css = preg_replace("@([!{}:;>+\\(\\[,])\\s+@", "$1", $css);
// Add the semicolon where it's missing.
$css = preg_replace("@([^;\\}])}@", "$1;}", $css);
// Replace 0(px,em,%) with 0.
$css = preg_replace("@([\\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex)@", "$1$2", $css);
// Replace 0 0 0 0; with 0.
$css = str_replace(":0 0 0 0;", ":0;", $css);
$css = str_replace(":0 0 0;", ":0;", $css);
$css = str_replace(":0 0;", ":0;", $css);
// Replace background-position:0; with background-position:0 0;
$css = str_replace("background-position:0;", "background-position:0 0;", $css);
// Replace 0.6 to .6, but only when preceded by : or a white-space
$css = preg_replace("@(:|\\s)0+\\.(\\d+)@", "$1.$2", $css);
// Shorten colors from rgb(51,102,153) to #336699
// This makes it more likely that it'll get further compressed in the next step.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9,\\s]+)\\s*\\)@", array($this, '_shortenRgbCB'), $css);
// Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC. Note that we want to make sure
// the color is not preceded by either ", " or =. Indeed, the property
// filter: chroma(color="#FFFFFF");
// would become
// filter: chroma(color="#FFF");
// which makes the filter break in IE.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@([^\"'=\\s])(\\s*)#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])@", array($this, '_shortenHexCB'), $css);
// Remove empty rules.
$css = preg_replace("@[^\\}]+\\{;\\}@", "", $css);
$linebreakpos = isset($this->_options['linebreakpos'])
? $this->_options['linebreakpos']
: 0;
if ($linebreakpos > 0) {
// Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer
// than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in
// that case to split long lines after a specific column.
$i = 0;
$linestartpos = 0;
$sb = $css;
// make sure strlen returns byte count
$mbIntEnc = null;
if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2)) {
$mbIntEnc = mb_internal_encoding();
$sbLength = strlen($css);
while ($i < $sbLength) {
$c = $sb[$i++];
if ($c === '}' && $i - $linestartpos > $linebreakpos) {
$sb = substr_replace($sb, "\n", $i, 0);
$linestartpos = $i;
$css = $sb;
// undo potential mb_encoding change
if ($mbIntEnc !== null) {
// Replace the pseudo class for the Box Model Hack
$css = str_replace("___PSEUDOCLASSBMH___", "\"\\\\\"}\\\\\"\"", $css);
// Replace multiple semi-colons in a row by a single one
// See SF bug #1980989
$css = preg_replace("@;;+@", ";", $css);
// prevent triggering IE6 bug:
$css = preg_replace('/:first-l(etter|ine)\\{/', ':first-l$1 {', $css);
// Trim the final string (for any leading or trailing white spaces)
$css = trim($css);
return $css;
protected function _removeSpacesCB($m)
return str_replace(':', '___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___', $m[0]);
protected function _shortenRgbCB($m)
$rgbcolors = explode(',', $m[1]);
$hexcolor = '#';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rgbcolors); $i++) {
$val = round($rgbcolors[$i]);
if ($val < 16) {
$hexcolor .= '0';
$hexcolor .= dechex($val);
return $hexcolor;
protected function _shortenHexCB($m)
// Test for AABBCC pattern
if ((strtolower($m[3])===strtolower($m[4])) &&
(strtolower($m[5])===strtolower($m[6])) &&
(strtolower($m[7])===strtolower($m[8]))) {
return $m[1] . $m[2] . "#" . $m[3] . $m[5] . $m[7];
} else {
return $m[0];


@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* Class Minify_YUICompressor
* @package Minify
* Compress Javascript/CSS using the YUI Compressor
* You must set $jarFile and $tempDir before calling the minify functions.
* Also, depending on your shell's environment, you may need to specify
* the full path to java in $javaExecutable or use putenv() to setup the
* Java environment.
* <code>
* Minify_YUICompressor::$jarFile = '/path/to/yuicompressor-2.3.5.jar';
* Minify_YUICompressor::$tempDir = '/tmp';
* $code = Minify_YUICompressor::minifyJs(
* $code
* ,array('nomunge' => true, 'line-break' => 1000)
* );
* </code>
* @todo unit tests, $options docs
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <>
class Minify_YUICompressor {
* Filepath of the YUI Compressor jar file. This must be set before
* calling minifyJs() or minifyCss().
* @var string
public static $jarFile = null;
* Writable temp directory. This must be set before calling minifyJs()
* or minifyCss().
* @var string
public static $tempDir = null;
* Filepath of "java" executable (may be needed if not in shell's PATH)
* @var string
public static $javaExecutable = 'java';
* Minify a Javascript string
* @param string $js
* @param array $options (verbose is ignored)
* @see
* @return string
public static function minifyJs($js, $options = array())
return self::_minify('js', $js, $options);
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @param array $options (verbose is ignored)
* @see
* @return string
public static function minifyCss($css, $options = array())
return self::_minify('css', $css, $options);
private static function _minify($type, $content, $options)
if (! ($tmpFile = tempnam(self::$tempDir, 'yuic_'))) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : could not create temp file.');
file_put_contents($tmpFile, $content);
exec(self::_getCmd($options, $type, $tmpFile), $output, $result_code);
if ($result_code != 0) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : YUI compressor execution failed.');
return implode("\n", $output);
private static function _getCmd($userOptions, $type, $tmpFile)
$o = array_merge(
'charset' => ''
,'line-break' => 5000
,'type' => $type
,'nomunge' => false
,'preserve-semi' => false
,'disable-optimizations' => false
$cmd = self::$javaExecutable . ' -jar ' . escapeshellarg(self::$jarFile)
. " --type {$type}"
. (preg_match('/^[\\da-zA-Z0-9\\-]+$/', $o['charset'])
? " --charset {$o['charset']}"
: '')
. (is_numeric($o['line-break']) && $o['line-break'] >= 0
? ' --line-break ' . (int)$o['line-break']
: '');
if ($type === 'js') {
foreach (array('nomunge', 'preserve-semi', 'disable-optimizations') as $opt) {
$cmd .= $o[$opt]
? " --{$opt}"
: '';
return $cmd . ' ' . escapeshellarg($tmpFile);
private static function _prepare()
if (! is_file(self::$jarFile)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not a valid file.');
if (! is_executable(self::$jarFile)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not executable.');
if (! is_dir(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not a valid direcotry.');
if (! is_writable(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not writable.');


@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
namespace MrClay;
* Forms a front controller for a console app, handling and validating arguments (options)
* Instantiate, add arguments, then call validate(). Afterwards, the user's valid arguments
* and their values will be available in $cli->values.
* You may also specify that some arguments be used to provide input/output. By communicating
* solely through the file pointers provided by openInput()/openOutput(), you can make your
* app more flexible to end users.
* @author Steve Clay <>
* @license MIT License
class Cli {
* @var array validation errors
public $errors = array();
* @var array option values available after validation.
* E.g. array(
* 'a' => false // option was missing
* ,'b' => true // option was present
* ,'c' => "Hello" // option had value
* ,'f' => "/home/user/file" // file path from root
* ,'f.raw' => "~/file" // file path as given to option
* )
public $values = array();
* @var array
public $moreArgs = array();
* @var array
public $debug = array();
* @var bool The user wants help info
public $isHelpRequest = false;
* @var array of Cli\Arg
protected $_args = array();
* @var resource
protected $_stdin = null;
* @var resource
protected $_stdout = null;
* @param bool $exitIfNoStdin (default true) Exit() if STDIN is not defined
public function __construct($exitIfNoStdin = true)
if ($exitIfNoStdin && ! defined('STDIN')) {
exit('This script is for command-line use only.');
if (isset($GLOBALS['argv'][1])
&& ($GLOBALS['argv'][1] === '-?' || $GLOBALS['argv'][1] === '--help')) {
$this->isHelpRequest = true;
* @param Cli\Arg|string $letter
* @return Cli\Arg
public function addOptionalArg($letter)
return $this->addArgument($letter, false);
* @param Cli\Arg|string $letter
* @return Cli\Arg
public function addRequiredArg($letter)
return $this->addArgument($letter, true);
* @param string $letter
* @param bool $required
* @param Cli\Arg|null $arg
* @return Cli\Arg
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function addArgument($letter, $required, Cli\Arg $arg = null)
if (! preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]$/', $letter)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$letter must be in [a-zA-z]');
if (! $arg) {
$arg = new Cli\Arg($required);
$this->_args[$letter] = $arg;
return $arg;
* @param string $letter
* @return Cli\Arg|null
public function getArgument($letter)
return isset($this->_args[$letter]) ? $this->_args[$letter] : null;
* Read and validate options
* @return bool true if all options are valid
public function validate()
$options = '';
$this->errors = array();
$this->values = array();
$this->_stdin = null;
if ($this->isHelpRequest) {
return false;
$lettersUsed = '';
foreach ($this->_args as $letter => $arg) {
/* @var Cli\Arg $arg */
$options .= $letter;
$lettersUsed .= $letter;
if ($arg->mayHaveValue || $arg->mustHaveValue) {
$options .= ($arg->mustHaveValue ? ':' : '::');
$this->debug['argv'] = $GLOBALS['argv'];
$argvCopy = array_slice($GLOBALS['argv'], 1);
$o = getopt($options);
$this->debug['getopt_options'] = $options;
$this->debug['getopt_return'] = $o;
foreach ($this->_args as $letter => $arg) {
/* @var Cli\Arg $arg */
$this->values[$letter] = false;
if (isset($o[$letter])) {
if (is_bool($o[$letter])) {
// remove from argv copy
$k = array_search("-$letter", $argvCopy);
if ($k !== false) {
array_splice($argvCopy, $k, 1);
if ($arg->mustHaveValue) {
$this->addError($letter, "Missing value");
} else {
$this->values[$letter] = true;
} else {
// string
$this->values[$letter] = $o[$letter];
$v =& $this->values[$letter];
// remove from argv copy
// first look for -ovalue or -o=value
$pattern = "/^-{$letter}=?" . preg_quote($v, '/') . "$/";
$foundInArgv = false;
foreach ($argvCopy as $k => $argV) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $argV)) {
array_splice($argvCopy, $k, 1);
$foundInArgv = true;
if (! $foundInArgv) {
// space separated
$k = array_search("-$letter", $argvCopy);
if ($k !== false) {
array_splice($argvCopy, $k, 2);
// check that value isn't really another option
if (strlen($lettersUsed) > 1) {
$pattern = "/^-[" . str_replace($letter, '', $lettersUsed) . "]/i";
if (preg_match($pattern, $v)) {
$this->addError($letter, "Value was read as another option: %s", $v);
return false;
if ($arg->assertFile || $arg->assertDir) {
if ($v[0] !== '/' && $v[0] !== '~') {
$this->values["$letter.raw"] = $v;
$v = getcwd() . "/$v";
if ($arg->assertFile) {
if ($arg->useAsInfile) {
$this->_stdin = $v;
} elseif ($arg->useAsOutfile) {
$this->_stdout = $v;
if ($arg->assertReadable && ! is_readable($v)) {
$this->addError($letter, "File not readable: %s", $v);
if ($arg->assertWritable) {
if (is_file($v)) {
if (! is_writable($v)) {
$this->addError($letter, "File not writable: %s", $v);
} else {
if (! is_writable(dirname($v))) {
$this->addError($letter, "Directory not writable: %s", dirname($v));
} elseif ($arg->assertDir && $arg->assertWritable && ! is_writable($v)) {
$this->addError($letter, "Directory not readable: %s", $v);
} else {
if ($arg->isRequired()) {
$this->addError($letter, "Missing");
$this->moreArgs = $argvCopy;
return empty($this->errors);
* Get the full paths of file(s) passed in as unspecified arguments
* @return array
public function getPathArgs()
$r = $this->moreArgs;
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
if ($v[0] !== '/' && $v[0] !== '~') {
$v = getcwd() . "/$v";
$v = str_replace('/./', '/', $v);
do {
$v = preg_replace('@/[^/]+/\\.\\./@', '/', $v, 1, $changed);
} while ($changed);
$r[$k] = $v;
return $r;
* Get a short list of errors with options
* @return string
public function getErrorReport()
if (empty($this->errors)) {
return '';
$r = "Some arguments did not pass validation:\n";
foreach ($this->errors as $letter => $arr) {
$r .= " $letter : " . implode(', ', $arr) . "\n";
$r .= "\n";
return $r;
* @return string
public function getArgumentsListing()
$r = "\n";
foreach ($this->_args as $letter => $arg) {
/* @var Cli\Arg $arg */
$desc = $arg->getDescription();
$flag = " -$letter ";
if ($arg->mayHaveValue) {
$flag .= "[VAL]";
} elseif ($arg->mustHaveValue) {
$flag .= "VAL";
if ($arg->assertFile) {
$flag = str_replace('VAL', 'FILE', $flag);
} elseif ($arg->assertDir) {
$flag = str_replace('VAL', 'DIR', $flag);
if ($arg->isRequired()) {
$desc = "(required) $desc";
$flag = str_pad($flag, 12, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$desc = wordwrap($desc, 70);
$r .= $flag . str_replace("\n", "\n ", $desc) . "\n\n";
return $r;
* Get resource of open input stream. May be STDIN or a file pointer
* to the file specified by an option with 'STDIN'.
* @return resource
public function openInput()
if (null === $this->_stdin) {
return STDIN;
} else {
$this->_stdin = fopen($this->_stdin, 'rb');
return $this->_stdin;
public function closeInput()
if (null !== $this->_stdin) {
* Get resource of open output stream. May be STDOUT or a file pointer
* to the file specified by an option with 'STDOUT'. The file will be
* truncated to 0 bytes on opening.
* @return resource
public function openOutput()
if (null === $this->_stdout) {
return STDOUT;
} else {
$this->_stdout = fopen($this->_stdout, 'wb');
return $this->_stdout;
public function closeOutput()
if (null !== $this->_stdout) {
* @param string $letter
* @param string $msg
* @param string $value
protected function addError($letter, $msg, $value = null)
if ($value !== null) {
$value = var_export($value, 1);
$this->errors[$letter][] = sprintf($msg, $value);


@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
namespace MrClay\Cli;
* An argument for a CLI app. This specifies the argument, what values it expects and
* how it's treated during validation.
* By default, the argument will be assumed to be an optional letter flag with no value following.
* If the argument may receive a value, call mayHaveValue(). If there's whitespace after the
* flag, the value will be returned as true instead of the string.
* If the argument MUST be accompanied by a value, call mustHaveValue(). In this case, whitespace
* is permitted between the flag and its value.
* Use assertFile() or assertDir() to indicate that the argument must return a string value
* specifying a file or directory. During validation, the value will be resolved to a
* full file/dir path (not necessarily existing!) and the original value will be accessible
* via a "*.raw" key. E.g. $cli->values['f.raw']
* Use assertReadable()/assertWritable() to cause the validator to test the file/dir for
* read/write permissions respectively.
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg mayHaveValue() Assert that the argument, if present, may receive a string value
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg mustHaveValue() Assert that the argument, if present, must receive a string value
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg assertFile() Assert that the argument's value must specify a file
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg assertDir() Assert that the argument's value must specify a directory
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg assertReadable() Assert that the specified file/dir must be readable
* @method \MrClay\Cli\Arg assertWritable() Assert that the specified file/dir must be writable
* @property-read bool mayHaveValue
* @property-read bool mustHaveValue
* @property-read bool assertFile
* @property-read bool assertDir
* @property-read bool assertReadable
* @property-read bool assertWritable
* @property-read bool useAsInfile
* @property-read bool useAsOutfile
* @author Steve Clay <>
* @license MIT License
class Arg {
* @return array
public function getDefaultSpec()
return array(
'mayHaveValue' => false,
'mustHaveValue' => false,
'assertFile' => false,
'assertDir' => false,
'assertReadable' => false,
'assertWritable' => false,
'useAsInfile' => false,
'useAsOutfile' => false,
* @var array
protected $spec = array();
* @var bool
protected $required = false;
* @var string
protected $description = '';
* @param bool $isRequired
public function __construct($isRequired = false)
$this->spec = $this->getDefaultSpec();
$this->required = (bool) $isRequired;
if ($isRequired) {
$this->spec['mustHaveValue'] = true;
* Assert that the argument's value points to a writable file. When
* Cli::openOutput() is called, a write pointer to this file will
* be provided.
* @return Arg
public function useAsOutfile()
$this->spec['useAsOutfile'] = true;
return $this->assertFile()->assertWritable();
* Assert that the argument's value points to a readable file. When
* Cli::openInput() is called, a read pointer to this file will
* be provided.
* @return Arg
public function useAsInfile()
$this->spec['useAsInfile'] = true;
return $this->assertFile()->assertReadable();
* @return array
public function getSpec()
return $this->spec;
* @param string $desc
* @return Arg
public function setDescription($desc)
$this->description = $desc;
return $this;
* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* @return bool
public function isRequired()
return $this->required;
* Note: magic methods declared in class PHPDOC
* @param string $name
* @param array $args
* @return Arg
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function __call($name, array $args = array())
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->spec)) {
$this->spec[$name] = true;
if ($name === 'assertFile' || $name === 'assertDir') {
$this->spec['mustHaveValue'] = true;
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Method does not exist');
return $this;
* Note: magic properties declared in class PHPDOC
* @param string $name
* @return bool|null
public function __get($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->spec)) {
return $this->spec[$name];
return null;


@ -100,7 +100,9 @@
$config['url_stylesheet'] = $config['uri_stylesheets'] . 'style.css';
$config['url_javascript'] = $config['root'] . 'main.js';
$config['url_javascript'] = $config['root'] . $config['file_script'];
$config['additional_javascript_url'] = $config['root'];
if($config['root_file']) {
@ -1266,10 +1268,22 @@
'uri' => addslashes((!empty($uri) ? $config['uri_stylesheets'] : '') . $uri));
file_write($config['file_script'], Element('main.js', Array(
$script = Element('main.js', Array(
'config' => $config,
'stylesheets' => $stylesheets
if($config['additional_javascript_compile']) {
foreach($config['additional_javascript'] as $file) {
$script .= file_get_contents($file);
if($config['minify_js']) {
require_once 'inc/contrib/minify/JSMin.php';
$script = JSMin::minify($script);
file_write($config['file_script'], $script);
function checkDNSBL() {


@ -1920,6 +1920,8 @@
$body .= 'Generating Javascript file&hellip;<br/>';
$main_js = $config['file_script'];
$boards = listBoards();
foreach($boards as &$board) {
@ -1929,6 +1931,12 @@
$body .= 'Creating index pages<br/>';
if($config['file_script'] != $main_js) {
// different javascript file
$body .= 'Generating Javascript file&hellip;<br/>';
$query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
$body .= "Rebuilding #{$post['id']}<br/>";


@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
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{% if not nojavascript %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ config.url_javascript }}"></script>
{% if not config.additional_javascript_compile %}
{% for javascript in config.additional_javascript %}<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ config.additional_javascript_url }}{{ javascript }}"></script>{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if config.recaptcha %}<style type="text/css">{% raw %}
.recaptcha_image_cell {
background: none !important;
@ -44,18 +49,7 @@
{% if config.javascript_local_time %}
<script>{% raw %}init_localtime();{% endraw %}</script>
{% endif %}
<div class="delete">
{% trans %}Delete Post{% endtrans %} [<input title="Delete file only" type="checkbox" name="file" id="delete_file" />
<label for="delete_file">{% trans %}File{% endtrans %}</label>] <label for="password">{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="password" type="password" name="password" size="12" maxlength="18" />
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}" />
<div class="delete" style="clear:both">
<label for="reason">{% trans %}Reason{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="reason" type="text" name="reason" size="20" maxlength="30" />
<input type="submit" name="report" value="{% trans %}Report{% endtrans %}" />
{% include 'report_delete.html' %}
<div class="pages">{{ btn.prev }} {% for page in pages %}
[<a {% if page.selected %}class="selected"{% endif %}{% if not page.selected %}href="{{ }}"{% endif %}>{{ page.num }}</a>]{% if loop.last %} {% endif %}


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<div class="delete">
{% trans %}Delete Post{% endtrans %} [<input title="Delete file only" type="checkbox" name="file" id="delete_file" />
<label for="delete_file">{% trans %}File{% endtrans %}</label>] <label for="password">{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="password" type="password" name="password" size="12" maxlength="18" />
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}" />
<div class="delete" style="clear:both">
<label for="reason">{% trans %}Reason{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="reason" type="text" name="reason" size="20" maxlength="30" />
<input type="submit" name="report" value="{% trans %}Report{% endtrans %}" />


@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
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{% if not nojavascript %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ config.url_javascript }}"></script>
{% if not config.additional_javascript_compile %}
{% for javascript in config.additional_javascript %}<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ config.additional_javascript_url }}{{ javascript }}"></script>{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if config.recaptcha %}<style type="text/css">{% raw %}
.recaptcha_image_cell {
background: none !important;
@ -46,18 +51,7 @@
{% if config.javascript_local_time %}
<script>{% raw %}init_localtime();{% endraw %}</script>
{% endif %}
<div class="delete">
{% trans %}Delete Post{% endtrans %} [<input title="Delete file only" type="checkbox" name="file" id="delete_file" />
<label for="delete_file">{% trans %}File{% endtrans %}</label>] <label for="password">{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="password" type="password" name="password" size="12" maxlength="18" />
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}" />
<div class="delete" style="clear:both">
<label for="reason">{% trans %}Reason{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="reason" type="text" name="reason" size="20" maxlength="30" />
<input type="submit" name="report" value="{% trans %}Report{% endtrans %}" />
{% include 'report_delete.html' %}
<a href="{{ return }}">[{% trans %}Return{% endtrans %}]</a>
