An attempt to rebase leftypol software on vichan.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
3.9 KiB

if (!$config['smart_build']) {
die('You need to enable $config["smart_build"]');
$config['smart_build'] = false; // Let's disable it, so we can build the page for real
function after_open_board() { global $config;
$config['smart_build'] = false;
function sb_board($b, $page = 1) { global $config, $build_pages; $page = (int)$page;
if ($page < 1) return false;
if (!openBoard($b)) return false;
if ($page > $config['max_pages']) return false;
$config['try_smarter'] = true;
$build_pages = array($page);
return true;
function sb_api_board($b, $page = 0) { $page = (int)$page;
return sb_board($b, $page + 1);
function sb_thread($b, $thread) { global $config; $thread = (int)$thread;
if (!openBoard($b)) return false;
return true;
function sb_api($b) { global $config;
if (!openBoard($b)) return false;
$config['try_smarter'] = true;
$build_pages = array(-1);
return true;
function sb_ukko() {
rebuildTheme("ukko", "post-thread");
return true;
function sb_catalog($b) {
rebuildTheme("catalog", "post-thread", $b);
return true;
function sb_recent() {
rebuildTheme("recent", "post-thread");
return true;
$entrypoints = array();
$entrypoints['/%b/'] = 'sb_board';
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['file_index']] = 'sb_board';
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['file_page']] = 'sb_board';
$entrypoints['/%b/%d.json'] = 'sb_api_board';
if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
$entrypoints['/%b/threads.json'] = 'sb_api';
$entrypoints['/%b/catalog.json'] = 'sb_api';
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page']] = 'sb_thread';
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page50']] = 'sb_thread';
if ($config['slugify']) {
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page_slug']] = 'sb_thread';
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page50_slug']] = 'sb_thread';
if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
$entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].'%d.json'] = 'sb_thread';
$entrypoints['/*/'] = 'sb_ukko';
$entrypoints['/*/index.html'] = 'sb_ukko';
$entrypoints['/recent.html'] = 'sb_recent';
$entrypoints['/%b/catalog.html'] = 'sb_catalog';
$reached = false;
$request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
foreach ($entrypoints as $id => $fun) {
$id = '@^' . preg_quote($id, '@') . '$@u';
$id = str_replace('%b', '('.$config['board_regex'].')', $id);
$id = str_replace('%d', '([0-9]+)', $id);
$id = str_replace('%s', '[a-zA-Z0-9-]+', $id);
$matches = null;
if (preg_match ($id, $request, $matches)) {
$reached = call_user_func_array($fun, $matches);
if ($reached) {
if ($request[strlen($request)-1] == '/') {
$request .= 'index.html';
$request = '.'.$request;
if (!file_exists($request)) {
header("Location: ".$config['page_404']);
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header("Status: 200 OK");
if (preg_match('/\.json$/', $request)) {
header("Content-Type", "application/json");
elseif (preg_match('/\.js$/', $request)) {
header("Content-Type", "text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
else {
header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
header("Cache-Control: public, nocache, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate");
header("Expires: Fri, 22 Feb 1991 06:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: ".date('r', filemtime($request)));
//if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && preg_match('/gzip/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && file_exists($request.".gz")) {
// header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
// $file = fopen($request.".gz", 'r');
//else {
$file = fopen($request, 'r');
else {
header("Location: ".$config['page_404']);