Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.3 KiB

if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
function sql_open() {
global $pdo, $config;
if($pdo) return true;
$dsn = $config['db']['type'] . ':host=' . $config['db']['server'] . ';dbname=' . $config['db']['database'];
$dsn .= ';' . $config['db']['dsn'];
try {
return $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $config['db']['user'], $config['db']['password']);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
// Remove any sensitive information
$message = str_replace($config['db']['user'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
$message = str_replace($config['db']['password'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
// Print error
error('Database error: ' . $message);
function sql_close() {
global $pdo;
$pdo = NULL;
function prepare($query) {
global $pdo;
return $pdo->prepare($query);
function query($query) {
global $pdo;
return $pdo->query($query);
function db_error($PDOStatement=null) {
global $pdo;
if(isset($PDOStatement)) {
$err = $PDOStatement->errorInfo();
return $err[2];
} else {
$err = $pdo->errorInfo();
return $err[2];