/* * remove-lazy-loading.js - Removes lazy loading from thread reply images to force them to eagerly load. * Lazy loading of images helps render threads quicker, but this means that images will only be loaded on scroll. * This impacts the user experience in a negative way since they will often see blank images when scrolling * while the thumbnails load. This js solves this problem by allowing images to deferred and loaded lazily, * and once everything has loaded, eagerly load the images at once by removing the lazy attribute. * * * Copyleft (ɔ) 2021 Leftypol Moderation Team * * Usage: * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/remove-lazy-loading.js' * */ function removeLazyLoading(){ if(document.readyState === "complete"){ $(".post-image").removeAttr("loading") } else { $(window).on("load", removeLazyLoading) } } $(removeLazyLoading);