/* * style-select.js * https://github.com/savetheinternet/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/style-select.js * * Changes the stylesheet chooser links to a ').css({float:"none"}); var options = []; var i = 1; stylesDiv.children().each(function() { var name = this.innerHTML.replace(/(^\[|\]$)/g, ''); var opt = $('') .html(name) .val(i); if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) opt.attr('selected', true); options.push ([name.toUpperCase (), opt]); $(this).attr('id', 'style-select-' + i); i++; }); options.sort ((a, b) => { const keya = a [0]; const keyb = b [0]; if (keya < keyb) { return -1; } if (keya > keyb) { return 1; } return 0; }).forEach (([key, opt]) => { stylesSelect.append(opt); }); stylesSelect.change(function() { $('#style-select-' + $(this).val()).click(); }); stylesDiv.hide() pages.after( $('
') .append(_('Select theme: '), stylesSelect) ); }); stylesDiv = $('div.styles'); var pages = $('div.pages'); var stylesSelect = $(''); var i = 1; stylesDiv.children().each(function() { var opt = $('') .html(this.innerHTML.replace(/(^\[|\]$)/g, '')) .val(i); if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) opt.attr('selected', true); stylesSelect.append(opt); $(this).attr('id', 'style-select-' + i); i++; }); stylesSelect.change(function() { $('#style-select-' + $(this).val()).click(); }); stylesDiv.hide() pages.after( $('
') /*.text(_('Style: '))*/ .append(stylesSelect) ); });