/* * no-animated-gif.js - Toggle GIF animated thumbnails when gifsicle is enabled * * Copyright (c) 2014 Fredrick Brennan * Copyright (c) 2014 Marcin Ɓabanowski * * Usage: * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js'; * //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options.js'; * //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/style-select.js'; * //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options/general.js'; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/no-animated-gif.js'; */ function unanimate_gif(e) { var c = $(''); $(e).parent().prepend(c); c.attr('width', $(e).width()); c.attr('height',$(e).height()); function draw_image() { c[0].getContext('2d').drawImage(e, 0, 0, $(e).width(), $(e).height()) }; // Fix drawing image before loaded. Note that Chrome needs to check .complete because load() is NOT called if loaded from cache. if (!e.complete) { e.onload = draw_image; } else { draw_image(); } $(e).addClass("unanimated").hide(); } function no_animated_gif() { var anim_gifs = $('img.post-image[src$=".gif"]'); localStorage.no_animated_gif = true; $('#no-animated-gif>a').text(_('Animate GIFs')); $('#no-animated-gif>input').prop('checked', true); $.each(anim_gifs, function(i, e) {unanimate_gif(e)} ); } function animated_gif() { $('canvas.post-image').remove(); $('img.post-image').removeClass("unanimated").show(); localStorage.no_animated_gif = false; $('#no-animated-gif>a').text(_('Unanimate GIFs')); $('#no-animated-gif>input').prop('checked', false); } if (active_page == 'thread' || active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'ukko') { $(function(){ var selector, event; if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) { selector = '#no-animated-gif>input'; event = 'change'; Options.extend_tab("general", ""); } else { selector = '#no-animated-gif'; event = 'click'; $('hr:first').before('') } $(selector).on(event, function() { if (localStorage.no_animated_gif === 'true') { animated_gif(); } else { no_animated_gif(); } }); if (localStorage.no_animated_gif === 'true') no_animated_gif(); }); }