{% filter remove_whitespace %} {{ settings.title }}
{{ boardlist.top }}

{{ settings.title }}

{{ settings.subtitle }}


  1. Read the rules before posting.
  2. Everybody just relax, this is Lainchan, we are trying to have fun and learn.
  3. Breathe deeply before replying or posting.
  4. The mods have your back, don't respond to lamers. Report and carry on.
  5. Protip: contribute to the thread instead of complaining. Respond to bad threads with thoughtful/informed information/opinions. Articulate your argument if you disagree.
  6. Think, learn, listen, read.
  7. Don't be afraid to post or ask a stupid question.
  8. Don't be afraid to bump old threads. The only dead thread is a sagelocked one.
  9. /all shows you popular threads, try out /random.
  10. Do not post in or view any boards if you are under 18 years of age.
  11. Do not post unspoilered adult content on worksafe boards, these being any but /l/.
  12. Complaining and feature requests should only be made on /q/.
  13. Feel free to complain about the mods/admins/kalyx, on /q/
  14. Do not spam or advertise.
  15. Being anonymous does not mean you can be a cocksucker. Don't bait, please calm down. Let's prove that being anonymouse is a good thing.
  16. Having an opinion you disagree with is not a sufficient reason to report it.
  17. Do not call for mods, or anounce reports in a thread.
  18. Make use of the catalog to prevent duplicate threads.
  19. Arguing is fine, obviously. Read the rules again.


  1. "Which language should i learn" outside of the beginner general is not allowed. This includes "how do I become a programm$
  2. No "religious wars"; keep it rational. It's why we're here and not elsewhere.
  3. Electronics threads are for /diy/.
  4. There should always be a beginner general; check the catalog before you make a new one.
  5. We ALWAYS need contributors to our board software, located at https://git$
{% endfilter %}