{% filter remove_whitespace %} {# Automatically removes unnecessary whitespace #}

{% trans %}You are banned! ;_;{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}You have been banned from {% if ban.uri %} {{ config.board_abbreviation|sprintf(ban.uri) }} {% else %} {% trans %}all boards{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if ban.reason %} {% trans %}for the following reason:{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}for an unspecified reason.{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% if ban.reason %}

{{ ban.reason }}

{% endif %}

{% trans %}Your ban was filed on{% endtrans %} {{ ban.set|date(config.ban_date) }} {% trans %}and{% endtrans %} {% if ban.expires %} {% trans %}expires{% endtrans %} {{ ban.expires|until }} {% trans %}from now, which is on{% endtrans %} {{ ban.expires|date(config.ban_date) }} {% else %} {% trans %}will not expire{% endtrans %}. {% endif %}

{% trans %}Your IP address is{% endtrans %} {{ ban.ip }}.

{% endfilter %}