$value) { if(preg_match('/^delete_(\d+)$/', $post, $m)) { $delete[] = (int)$m[1]; } } checkDNSBL(); // Check if board exists if(!openBoard($_POST['board'])) error($config['error']['noboard']); // Check if banned checkBan($board['uri']); if(empty($delete)) error($config['error']['nodelete']); foreach($delete as &$id) { $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `thread`, `time`,`password` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if($post = $query->fetch()) { if($password != '' && $post['password'] != $password) error($config['error']['invalidpassword']); if($post['time'] >= time() - $config['delete_time']) { error(sprintf($config['error']['delete_too_soon'], until($post['time'] + $config['delete_time']))); } if(isset($_POST['file'])) { // Delete just the file deleteFile($id); } else { // Delete entire post deletePost($id); } _syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Deleted post: ' . '/' . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $post['thread'] ? $post['thread'] : $id) . ($post['thread'] ? '#' . $id : '') ); } } buildIndex(); $is_mod = isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['mod']; $root = $is_mod ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root']; header('Location: ' . $root . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']); } elseif(isset($_POST['report'])) { if( !isset($_POST['board']) || !isset($_POST['password']) || !isset($_POST['reason']) ) error($config['error']['bot']); $report = Array(); foreach($_POST as $post => $value) { if(preg_match('/^delete_(\d+)$/', $post, $m)) { $report[] = (int)$m[1]; } } checkDNSBL(); // Check if board exists if(!openBoard($_POST['board'])) error($config['error']['noboard']); // Check if banned checkBan($board['uri']); if(empty($report)) error($config['error']['noreport']); if(count($report) > $config['report_limit']) error($config['error']['toomanyreports']); $reason = &$_POST['reason']; markup($reason); foreach($report as &$id) { $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `thread` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $post = $query->fetch(); if($post) { if($config['syslog']) _syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Reported post: ' . '/' . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $post['thread'] ? $post['thread'] : $id) . ($post['thread'] ? '#' . $id : '') . ' for "' . $reason . '"' ); $query = prepare("INSERT INTO `reports` VALUES (NULL, :time, :ip, :board, :post, :reason)"); $query->bindValue(':time', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindValue(':board', $board['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':post', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':reason', $reason, PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); } } $is_mod = isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['mod']; $root = $is_mod ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root']; header('Location: ' . $root . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']); } elseif(isset($_POST['post'])) { if( !isset($_POST['subject']) || !isset($_POST['body']) || !isset($_POST['board']) ) error($config['error']['bot']); if(!isset($_POST['name'])) $_POST['name'] = $config['anonymous']; if(!isset($_POST['email'])) $_POST['email'] = ''; if(!isset($_POST['password'])) $_POST['password'] = ''; $post = Array('board' => $_POST['board']); if(isset($_POST['thread'])) { $OP = false; $post['thread'] = round($_POST['thread']); } elseif($config['quick_reply'] && isset($_POST['quick-reply'])) { $OP = false; $post['thread'] = round($_POST['quick-reply']); } else $OP = true; if(!(($OP && $_POST['post'] == $config['button_newtopic']) || (!$OP && $_POST['post'] == $config['button_reply']))) error($config['error']['bot']); // Check the referrer if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !preg_match($config['referer_match'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) error($config['error']['referer']); checkDNSBL(); // Check if board exists if(!openBoard($post['board'])) error($config['error']['noboard']); // Check if banned checkBan($board['uri']); // Check for CAPTCHA right after opening the board so the "return" link is in there if($config['recaptcha']) { if(!isset($_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field']) || !isset($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) error($config['error']['bot']); // Check what reCAPTCHA has to say... $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($config['recaptcha_private'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']); if(!$resp->is_valid) { error($config['error']['captcha']); } } if(checkSpam(Array($board['uri'], isset($post['thread']) && !($config['quick_reply'] && isset($_POST['quick-reply'])) ? $post['thread'] : null))) error($config['error']['spam']); if($config['robot_enable'] && $config['robot_mute']) { checkMute(); } //Check if thread exists if(!$OP) { $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `sticky`,`locked`,`sage` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL LIMIT 1", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':id', $post['thread'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error()); if(!$thread = $query->fetch()) { // Non-existant error($config['error']['nonexistant']); } } // Check for an embed field if($config['enable_embedding'] && isset($_POST['embed']) && !empty($_POST['embed'])) { // yep; validate it $value = $_POST['embed']; foreach($config['embedding'] as &$embed) { if($html = preg_replace($embed[0], $embed[1], $value)) { if($html == $value) { // Nope. continue; } // Width and height $html = str_replace('%%tb_width%%', $config['embed_width'], $html); $html = str_replace('%%tb_height%%', $config['embed_height'], $html); // Validated. It works. $post['embed'] = $html; // This looks messy right now, I know. I'll work on a better alternative later. $post['no_longer_require_an_image_for_op'] = true; break; } } if(!isset($post['embed'])) { error($config['error']['invalid_embed']); } } if($post['mod'] = isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['mod']) { require 'inc/mod.php'; if(!$mod) { // Liar. You're not a mod. error($config['error']['notamod']); } $post['sticky'] = $OP && isset($_POST['sticky']); $post['locked'] = $OP && isset($_POST['lock']); $post['raw'] = isset($_POST['raw']); if($post['sticky'] && !hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board['uri'])) error($config['error']['noaccess']); if($post['locked'] && !hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board['uri'])) error($config['error']['noaccess']); if($post['raw'] && !hasPermission($config['mod']['rawhtml'], $board['uri'])) error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if(!hasPermission($config['mod']['bypass_field_disable'], $board['uri'])) { if($config['field_disable_name']) $_POST['name'] = $config['anonymous']; // "forced anonymous" if($config['field_disable_email']) $_POST['email'] = ''; if($config['field_disable_password']) $_POST['password'] = ''; } // Check for a file if($OP && !isset($post['no_longer_require_an_image_for_op'])) { if(!isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] == '' && $config['force_image_op']) error($config['error']['noimage']); } $post['name'] = $_POST['name'] != '' ? $_POST['name'] : $config['anonymous']; $post['subject'] = $_POST['subject']; $post['email'] = utf8tohtml($_POST['email']); $post['body'] = $_POST['body']; $post['password'] = $_POST['password']; $post['has_file'] = !isset($post['embed']) && (($OP && !isset($post['no_longer_require_an_image_for_op']) && $config['force_image_op']) || (isset($_FILES['file']) && $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] != '')); if($post['has_file']) $post['filename'] = utf8tohtml(get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_FILES['file']['name']) : $_FILES['file']['name']); if(!($post['has_file'] || isset($post['embed'])) || (($OP && $config['force_body_op']) || (!$OP && $config['force_body']))) { $stripped_whitespace = preg_replace('/[\s]/u', '', $post['body']); if($stripped_whitespace == '') { error($config['error']['tooshort_body']); } } // Check if thread is locked // but allow mods to post if(!$OP && !hasPermission($config['mod']['postinlocked'], $board['uri'])) { if($thread['locked']) error($config['error']['locked']); } if($post['has_file']) { $size = $_FILES['file']['size']; if($size > $config['max_filesize']) error(sprintf3($config['error']['filesize'], array( 'sz'=>commaize($size), 'filesz'=>commaize($size), 'maxsz'=>commaize($config['max_filesize'])))); } if($mod && $mod['type'] >= MOD && preg_match('/^((.+) )?## (.+)$/', $post['name'], $match)) { if(($mod['type'] == MOD && $match[3] == 'Mod') || $mod['type'] >= ADMIN) { $post['capcode'] = utf8tohtml($match[3]); $post['name'] = $match[2] != '' ? $match[2] : $config['anonymous']; } } else { $post['capcode'] = false; } $trip = generate_tripcode($post['name']); $post['name'] = $trip[0]; $post['trip'] = isset($trip[1]) ? $trip[1] : ''; if(strtolower($post['email']) == 'noko') { $noko = true; $post['email'] = ''; } else $noko = false; if($post['has_file']) { $post['extension'] = strtolower(substr($post['filename'], strrpos($post['filename'], '.') + 1)); if(isset($config['filename_func'])) $post['file_id'] = $config['filename_func']($post); else $post['file_id'] = time() . substr(microtime(), 2, 3); $post['file'] = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'] . $post['file_id'] . '.' . $post['extension']; $post['thumb'] = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $post['file_id'] . '.' . ($config['thumb_ext'] ? $config['thumb_ext'] : $post['extension']); } // Check string lengths if(mb_strlen($post['name']) > 35) error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'name')); if(mb_strlen($post['email']) > 40) error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'email')); if(mb_strlen($post['subject']) > 100) error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'subject')); if(!$mod && mb_strlen($post['body']) > $config['max_body']) error($config['error']['toolong_body']); if(mb_strlen($post['password']) > 20) error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'password')); wordfilters($post['body']); $post['body_nomarkup'] = $post['body']; if(!($mod && isset($post['raw']) && $post['raw'])) $post['tracked_cites'] = markup($post['body'], true); // Check for a flood if(!hasPermission($config['mod']['flood'], $board['uri']) && checkFlood($post)) { error($config['error']['flood']); } // Custom anti-spam filters if(isset($config['flood_filters'])) { foreach($config['flood_filters'] as &$filter) { unset($did_not_match); // Set up default stuff if(!isset($filter['action'])) $filter['action'] = 'reject'; if(!isset($filter['message'])) $filter['message'] = 'Posting throttled by flood filter.'; foreach($filter['condition'] as $condition => $value) { if($condition == 'posts_in_past_x_minutes' && isset($value[0]) && isset($value[1])) { // Check if there's been X posts in the past X minutes (on this board) $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `posts` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `time` >= :time", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':time', time() - ($value[1] * 60), PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if(($count = $query->fetch()) && $count['posts'] >= $value[0]) { // Matched filter continue; } } elseif($condition == 'threads_with_no_replies_in_past_x_minutes' && isset($value[0]) && isset($value[1])) { // Check if there's been X new empty threads posted in the past X minutes (on this board) // Confusing query. I couldn't think of anything simpler... $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` IS NULL AND `time` >= :time) - COUNT(DISTINCT(`threads`.`id`))) AS `posts` FROM `posts_%s` AS `threads` INNER JOIN `posts_%s` AS `replies` ON `replies`.`thread` = `threads`.`id` WHERE `threads`.`thread` IS NULL AND `threads`.`time` >= :time", $board['uri'], $board['uri'], $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':time', time() - ($value[1] * 60), PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if(($count = $query->fetch()) && $count['posts'] >= $value[0]) { // Matched filter continue; } } elseif($condition == 'name') { if(preg_match($value, $post['name'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'trip') { if(preg_match($value, $post['trip'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'email') { if(preg_match($value, $post['email'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'subject') { if(preg_match($value, $post['subject'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'body') { if(preg_match($value, $post['body_nomarkup'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'extension') { if($post['has_file'] && preg_match($value, $post['extension'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'filename') { if($post['has_file'] && preg_match($value, $post['filename'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'has_file') { if($value == $post['has_file']) continue; } elseif($condition == 'ip') { if(preg_match($value, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) continue; } elseif($condition == 'OP') { // Am I OP? if($value == $OP) continue; } else { // Unknown block continue; } $did_not_match = true; break; } if(!isset($did_not_match)) { // Matched filter! if(isset($filter) && $filter['action'] == 'reject') { error($filter['message']); } } } } if($post['has_file']) { if(!in_array($post['extension'], $config['allowed_ext']) && !in_array($post['extension'], $config['allowed_ext_files'])) error($config['error']['unknownext']); $is_an_image = !in_array($post['extension'], $config['allowed_ext_files']); // Truncate filename if it is too long $post['filename'] = substr($post['filename'], 0, $config['max_filename_len']); $upload = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; if(!is_readable($upload)) error($config['error']['nomove']); $post['filehash'] = $config['file_hash']($upload); $post['filesize'] = filesize($upload); if($is_an_image) { // Check IE MIME type detection XSS exploit $buffer = file_get_contents($upload, null, null, null, 255); if(preg_match($config['ie_mime_type_detection'], $buffer)) { undoImage($post); error($config['error']['mime_exploit']); } require_once 'inc/image.php'; if($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') { // This is tricky, because Imagick won't let us find // an image's dimensions without loading it all into // memory first, unlike GD which provides the // getimagesize() to do exactly that. This section // is why GD is required, even when using Imagick // instead. There doesn't seem to be an alternative. // Necessary for security, as Imagick even ignores // PHP's memory limit. // first try GD's getimagesize() if($size = @getimagesize($upload)) { if($size[0] > $config['max_width'] || $size[1] > $config['max_height']) { error($config['error']['maxsize']); } } else { // GD failed // TODO? } } else { // find dimensions of an image using GD if(!$size = @getimagesize($upload)) { error($config['error']['invalidimg']); } if($size[0] > $config['max_width'] || $size[1] > $config['max_height']) { error($config['error']['maxsize']); } } // create image object $image = new Image($upload, $post['extension']); if($image->size->width > $config['max_width'] || $image->size->height > $config['max_height']) { $image->delete(); error($config['error']['maxsize']); } $post['width'] = $image->size->width; $post['height'] = $image->size->height; if($config['spoiler_images'] && isset($_POST['spoiler'])) { $post['thumb'] = 'spoiler'; $size = @getimagesize($config['spoiler_image']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $size[0]; $post['thumbheight'] = $size[1]; } elseif($config['minimum_copy_resize'] && $image->size->width <= $config['thumb_width'] && $image->size->height <= $config['thumb_height'] && $post['extension'] == ($config['thumb_ext'] ? $config['thumb_ext'] : $post['extension'])) { // Copy, because there's nothing to resize copy($upload, $post['thumb']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $image->size->width; $post['thumbheight'] = $image->size->height; } else { $thumb = $image->resize( $config['thumb_ext'] ? $config['thumb_ext'] : $post['extension'], $OP ? $config['thumb_op_width'] : $config['thumb_width'], $OP ? $config['thumb_op_height'] : $config['thumb_height'] ); $thumb->to($post['thumb']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $thumb->width; $post['thumbheight'] = $thumb->height; $thumb->_destroy(); } if($config['redraw_image']) { $image->to($post['file']); } else { if(!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $post['file'])) error($config['error']['nomove']); } $image->destroy(); } else { // not an image //copy($config['file_thumb'], $post['thumb']); $post['thumb'] = 'file'; $size = @getimagesize($config['file_thumb']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $size[0]; $post['thumbheight'] = $size[1]; } } if($post['has_file'] && $config['image_reject_repost'] && $p = getPostByHash($post['filehash'])) { undoImage($post); error(sprintf($config['error']['fileexists'], $post['mod'] ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . ($p['thread'] ? $p['thread'] . '.html#' . $p['id'] : $p['id'] . '.html' ) )); } if(!hasPermission($config['mod']['postunoriginal'], $board['uri']) && $config['robot_enable'] && checkRobot($post['body_nomarkup'])) { undoImage($post); if($config['robot_mute']) { error(sprintf($config['error']['muted'], mute())); } else { error($config['error']['unoriginal']); } } // Remove DIR_* before inserting them into the database. if($post['has_file']) { $post['file'] = substr_replace($post['file'], '', 0, mb_strlen($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'])); if($is_an_image && $post['thumb'] != 'spoiler') $post['thumb'] = substr_replace($post['thumb'], '', 0, mb_strlen($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'])); } $id = post($post, $OP); if(isset($post['tracked_cites'])) { foreach($post['tracked_cites'] as $cite) { $query = prepare('INSERT INTO `cites` VALUES (:board, :post, :target_board, :target)'); $query->bindValue(':board', $board['uri']); $query->bindValue(':post', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':target_board',$cite[0]); $query->bindValue(':target', $cite[1], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); } } buildThread($OP ? $id : $post['thread']); if(!$OP && strtolower($post['email']) != 'sage' && !$thread['sage'] && ($config['reply_limit'] == 0 || numPosts($post['thread']) < $config['reply_limit'])) { bumpThread($post['thread']); } if($OP) clean(); buildIndex(); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { // Tell Javascript that we posted successfully if(isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['js']])) $js = json_decode($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['js']]); else $js = (object) Array(); // Tell it to delete the cached post for referer $js->{$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']} = true; // Encode and set cookie setcookie($config['cookies']['js'], json_encode($js), 0, $config['cookies']['jail'] ? $config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, false, false); } $root = $post['mod'] ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root']; if($config['always_noko'] || $noko) { $redirect = $root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $OP ? $id:$post['thread']) . (!$OP ? '#' . $id : ''); } else { $redirect = $root . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index']; } if($config['syslog']) _syslog(LOG_INFO, 'New post: /' . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $OP?$id:$post['thread']) . (!$OP ? '#' . $id : '')); rebuildThemes('post'); header('Location: ' . $redirect, true, $config['redirect_http']); } else { if(!file_exists($config['has_installed'])) { header('Location: install.php', true, $config['redirect_http']); } else { // They opened post.php in their browser manually. error($config['error']['nopost']); } } ?>