{% filter remove_whitespace %}
{{ boardlist.top }}

{{ settings.title }}

{{ settings.subtitle }}
{% if not news %}

{% trans %}(No news to show.){% endtrans %}

{% else %} {% for entry in news %}

{% if entry.subject %} {{ entry.subject }} {% else %} {% trans %}no subject{% endtrans %} {% endif %} — {% trans %}by{% endtrans %} {{ entry.name }} {% trans %}at{% endtrans %} {{ entry.time|date(config.post_date) }}

{{ entry.body }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% trans "Post Statistics" %}

{% stats.pph %} {% trans "posts in the last hour." %} {% stats.unique_ip_count %} {% trans "unique posters in the last hour." %}

{% endfilter %}