{% filter remove_whitespace %} {{ settings.title }}
{{ boardlist.top }}

{{ settings.title }}

{{ settings.subtitle }}


  1. Do not post in or view any boards if you are under 18 years of age.
  2. Do not post unspoilered adult content on worksafe boards, these being any but /l/.
  3. Complaining and feature requests should only be made on /q/.
  4. Do not spam or advertise.
  5. Don't be a dick. Don't bait.
  6. Make use of the catalog or you could get your duplicate thread deleted.


  1. This board primarily discusses the technology itself underlying consumer products. OS/Browser wars will be deleted.


  1. "Which language should i learn" outside of the beginner general is not allowed. This includes "how do I become a programmer".
  2. No "religious wars"; keep it rational. It's why we're here and not elsewhere. DO NOT reply to bait threads.
  3. Electronics threads are for /diy/.
  4. There should always be a beginner general; check the catalog before you make a new one.
  5. We ALWAYS need contributors to our board software, located at https://github.com/lainchan/lainchan/
{% endfilter %}