Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes'); define('ERR_MAXSIZE', 'The file was too big.'); ======= define('ERROR_LURK', 'Lurk some more before posting.', true); define('ERROR_BOT', 'You look like a bot.', true); define('ERROR_TOOLONG', 'The %s field was too long.', true); define('ERROR_TOOLONGBODY', 'The body was too long.', true); define('ERROR_TOOSHORTBODY', 'The body was too short or empty.', true); define('ERROR_NOIMAGE', 'You must upload an image.', true); define('ERROR_NOMOVE', 'The server failed to handle your upload.', true); define('ERROR_FILEEXT', 'Unsupported image format.', true); define('ERR_INVALIDIMG','Invalid image.', true); define('ERR_FILESIZE', 'Maximum file size: %maxsz% bytes
Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes', true); define('ERR_MAXSIZE', 'The file was too big.', true); >>>>>>> 6cdaed486e6c373b52f639d3e92d7365242f6a89 // For resizing, max values define('THUMB_WIDTH', 200, true); define('THUMB_HEIGHT', 200, true); // Maximum image upload size in bytes define('MAX_FILESIZE', 10*1024*1024, true); // 10MB // Maximum image dimensions define('MAX_WIDTH', 10000, true); define('MAX_HEIGHT', MAX_WIDTH, true); define('ALLOW_ZIP', true, true); define('ZIP_IMAGE', 'src/zip.png', true); define('ALLOW_ZIP', true); define('ZIP_IMAGE', 'src/zip.png'); /** Redraw the image using GD functions to strip any excess data (commonly ZIP archives) WARNING: Very beta. Currently strips animated GIFs too :( **/ define('REDRAW_IMAGE', false, true); // Redrawing configuration define('JPEG_QUALITY', 100, true); define('REDRAW_GIF', false, true); // Display the aspect ratio in a post's file info <<<<<<< HEAD define('SHOW_RATIO', true); ======= define('SHOW_RATIO', true, true); >>>>>>> 6cdaed486e6c373b52f639d3e92d7365242f6a89 define('DIR_IMG', 'src/', true); define('DIR_THUMB', 'thumb/', true); define('DIR_RES', 'res/', true); // The root directory, including the trailing slash, for Tinyboard. // examples: '/', '/board/', '/chan/' define('ROOT', '/', true); define('POST_URL', ROOT . 'post.php', true); define('FILE_INDEX', 'index.html', true); define('FILE_PAGE', '%d.html', true); // Automatically convert things like "..." to Unicode characters ("�") define('AUTO_UNICODE', true, true); // Whether to turn URLs into functional links define('MARKUP_URLS', true, true); define('URL_REGEX', '/' . '(https?|ftp):\/\/' . '([\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}' . '(\/([\w\-~\.#\/?=&;:+%]+))?' . '/', true); // Allowed file extensions $allowed_ext = Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png', true); define('BUTTON_NEWTOPIC', 'New Topic', true); define('BUTTON_REPLY', 'New Reply', true); define('ALWAYS_NOKO', false, true); define('URL_MATCH', '/^' . (@$_SERVER['HTTPS']?'https':'http').':\/\/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '(' . preg_quote(ROOT, '/') . '|' . preg_quote(ROOT, '/') . '' . preg_quote(FILE_INDEX, '/') . '|' . preg_quote(ROOT, '/') . '' . str_replace('%d', '\d+', preg_quote(FILE_PAGE, '/')) . ')$/', true); if(!defined('IS_INSTALLATION')) { <<<<<<< HEAD if(!file_exists(DIR_IMG)) @mkdir(DIR_IMG) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually."); if(!file_exists(DIR_THUMB)) @mkdir(DIR_THUMB) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually."); if(!file_exists(DIR_RES)) @mkdir(DIR_RES) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually."); ======= if(!file_exists(DIR_IMG)) @mkdir(DIR_IMG) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true); if(!file_exists(DIR_THUMB)) @mkdir(DIR_THUMB) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true); if(!file_exists(DIR_RES)) @mkdir(DIR_RES) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true); >>>>>>> 6cdaed486e6c373b52f639d3e92d7365242f6a89 } ?>