1. Do not post in or view any boards if you are under 18 years of age.
  2. If you break the rules we will delete your post. Do it repeatedly and you'll be derezzed.
  3. Do not call for mods, or announce reports in a thread.
  4. Always argue in good faith and avoid using personal attacks.
  5. You should always elaborate on your opinions rather than just spilling the soykaf.
  6. Don't respond with aggression to perceived flames or trolls (or at all.)
  7. Do not whine and cry about 8chan, "quality", "invasions", "newfags", mods, bans, or kalyx outside of /q/.
  8. Do not spam or advertise unrelated content.
  9. Do not post child pornography or questionable 2D/3DCG/3DPG sexual depictions of children. This includes "child models".
  10. If you must post it, spoiler any NSFW content and make sure it's relevant to the discussion.
  11. Do not upload malicious archives.
  12. Read the rules again. /* infinite iteration will fix later */

