{% apply spaceless %} {{ settings.title }} ( /{{ board.title|e }}/ ) {% include 'header.html' %}
{{ boardlist.top }}

{{ settings.title }} (/{{ board.title|e }}/)

{{ settings.subtitle }} {% if mod %}

{% trans %}Return to dashboard{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% if not no_post_form %}
[ {% trans 'Create new thread' %} ]
{% include 'post_form.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% trans 'Sort by' %}: {% trans 'Image size' %}:

{% for post in recent_posts %}
{% if post.youtube %}
R: {{ post.reply_count }} / I: {{ post.image_count }}{% if post.sticky %} (sticky){% endif %}{% if post.sage %} (sage){% endif %}{% if (config.reply_limit > 0) and (post.reply_count >= config.reply_limit) %} (full){% endif %}{% if post.locked %}  {% endif %} {% if post.subject %}

{{ post.subject|e }}

{% else %}
{% endif %} {{ post.body }}
{% endfor %}

{% endapply %}