: The board code ('b', 'tech', ...) * - name: The board user-readable name ('Siberia', ...) * - sfw: Is this board sfw? * - alternate_spoilers: Does this board use the alunya spoiler? * - posting_enabled: Can new posts be created belonging to this board? */ $boards = []; foreach ($board_list as $board) { // Skip blacklisted boards foreach ($blacklist as $regex) { if (preg_match($regex, $board['uri'])) { continue 2; // Skip to the next board } } $boards[] = [ 'code' => $board['uri'], 'name' => $board['title'], 'sfw' => !in_array($board['uri'], $nsfw_boards), 'alternate_spoilers' => in_array($board['uri'], $alunya_spoiler), 'posting_enabled' => !in_array($board['uri'], $readonly_boards), ]; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode([ 'captcha' => $config['securimage'], 'flags' => $config['user_flags'], 'boards' => $boards, ]);