/* * live-index.js * https://github.com/vichan-devel/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/live-index.js * * Released under the MIT license * Copyright (c) 2014 Marcin Ɓabanowski * * Usage: * $config['api']['enabled'] = true; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js'; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/expand.js'; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/live-index.js'; * */ if (active_page == 'index' && (""+document.location).match(/\/(index\.html)?(\?|$)/)) +function() { var board_name = (""+document.location).match(/\/([^\/])\/[^/]*$/)[1]; var handle_one_thread = function() { $(this).find("br.clear").before("
"+_("No new posts.")+"
") }; $(function() { $("hr:first").before("
"+_("No new threads.")+"
"); $('div[id^="thread_"]').each(handle_one_thread); }); $(document).on("new_post", function(e, post) { if (!$(post).hasClass("reply")) { handle_one_thread.bind(post); } }); var update_new_threads = function(i) { var msg = i ? fmt(_("There are {0} new threads."), [i]) : _("No new threads."); if ($(".new-threads").html() != msg) $(".new-threads").html(msg); }; var update_new_posts = function(i, th) { var msg = (i>0) ? (fmt(_("There are {0} new posts in this thread."), [i])+" "+_("Click to expand")+".") : _("No new posts."); if ($(th).find(".new-posts").html() != msg) { $(th).find(".new-posts").html(msg); $(th).find(".new-posts a").click(window.expand_fun); } }; setInterval(function() { $.getJSON(configRoot+board_name+"/0.json", function(j, x, r) { var new_threads = 0; j.threads.forEach(function(t) { var s_thread = $("#thread_"+t.posts[0].no); if (s_thread.length) { var my_posts = s_thread.find(".post.reply").length; var omitted_posts = s_thread.find(".omitted"); if (omitted_posts.length) { omitted_posts = omitted_posts.html().match("^[^0-9]*([0-9]+)")[1]|0; my_posts += omitted_posts; } my_posts -= t.posts[0].replies|0; my_posts *= -1; update_new_posts(my_posts, s_thread); } else { new_threads++; } }); update_new_threads(new_threads); }); }, 2000); }();