name() == 'Cluster') { $cluserTimecode = $x1->Get('Timecode'); foreach($x1 as $x2) { $blockRaw = NULL; if ($x2->name() == 'SimpleBlock') { $blockRaw = $x2->value(); } elseif ($x2->name() == 'BlockGroup') { $blockRaw = $x2->get('Block'); } if (isset($blockRaw)) { $block = new MatroskaBlock($blockRaw); if ($block->trackNumber == $trackNumber) { $frame = $block->frames[0]; if ($block->keyframe) { if (!isset($cluserTimecode) || $cluserTimecode + $block->timecode >= $skip) { return $frame; } elseif (!isset($frame1)) { $frame1 = $frame; } } } } } } } return isset($frame1) ? $frame1 : NULL; } function videoData($filename) { $data = array(); // Open file $fileHandle = fopen($filename, 'rb'); if (!$fileHandle) { error_log('could not open file'); return $data; } try { $root = readMatroska($fileHandle); // Locate segment information and tracks $segment = $root->get('Segment'); if (!isset($segment)) throw new Exception('missing Segment element'); // Get segment information $info = $segment->get('Info'); if (isset($info)) { $timecodeScale = $info->get('TimecodeScale'); $duration = $info->get('Duration'); if (isset($timecodeScale) && isset($duration)) { $data['duration'] = 1e-9 * $timecodeScale * $duration; } } // Locate video track $tracks = $segment->get('Tracks'); if (!isset($tracks)) throw new Exception('missing Tracks element'); foreach($tracks as $trackEntry) { if ($trackEntry->name() == 'TrackEntry' && $trackEntry->get('TrackType') == 1) { $videoTrack = $trackEntry; break; } } if (!isset($videoTrack)) throw new Exception('no video track'); // Get track information $videoAttr = $videoTrack->get('Video'); if (isset($videoAttr)) { $pixelWidth = $videoAttr->get('PixelWidth'); $pixelHeight = $videoAttr->get('PixelHeight'); if ($pixelWidth == 0 || $pixelHeight == 0) { error_log('bad PixelWidth/PixelHeight'); $pixelWidth = NULL; $pixelHeight = NULL; } $data['width'] = $videoAttr->get('DisplayWidth', $pixelWidth); $data['height'] = $videoAttr->get('DisplayHeight', $pixelHeight); if ($data['width'] == 0 || $data['height'] == 0) { error_log('bad DisplayWidth/DisplayHeight'); $data['width'] = $pixelWidth; $data['height'] = $pixelHeight; } } // Extract frame to use as thumbnail $trackNumber = $videoTrack->get('TrackNumber'); if (!isset($trackNumber)) throw new Exception('missing track number'); $codecID = $videoTrack->get('CodecID'); if ($codecID != 'V_VP8' && $codecID != 'V_VP9') throw new Exception('codec is not VP8 or VP9'); if (!isset($pixelWidth) || !isset($pixelHeight)) throw new Exception('no width or height'); if (isset($data['duration']) && $data['duration'] >= 5) { $skip = 1e9 / $timecodeScale; } else { $skip = 0; } $frame = firstVPxFrame($segment, $trackNumber, $skip); if (!isset($frame)) throw new Exception('no keyframes'); $data['frame'] = muxVPxFrame($pixelWidth, $pixelHeight, $codecID, $frame->readAll()); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } fclose($fileHandle); return $data; }