Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
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14 years ago
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
14 years ago
// -----------------------------------------------------
13 years ago
// Standard configuration
14 years ago
// Enable global things like %gentime, etc.
$templateGlobals = true;
// If $templateGlobals is enabled.
// Do not change the keys, but the values (if you must), or it will not work. (Prefixed with %)
$templateGlobalsNames = Array(
'gentime' => 'gentime',
'template' => 'template'
// Allow {$phpvar}, etc, to be placed in the template file. This will use a (global) variable defined in PHP.
// Requires eval() to be enabled. Might be a security risk, so ensure your template files aren't writable before
// enabling this. (Prefixed with $)
$templateVariables = false;
// End config
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Don't change this if you don't know what you're doing.
$templateRegex = '/\{(!?[$%]?[\w\[\]]+)(([=\?:])((?>[^{^}]|\{[^{^}]+\}|(?R))+?))?\}/s';
function templateParse($template, array $options, $globals = null, $templateFile = null) {
global $templateGlobals, $templateGlobalsNames, $templateVariables, $templateRegex;
//For the global variable {%gentime}
if($globals == null) {
$globals = Array();
if(isset($templateFile)) $globals['template'] = $templateFile;
$globals['gentime'] = microtime(true);
// What we'll end up finishing with
$templateBody = '';
$previousPosition = 0;
// Find the matches
if(preg_match_all($templateRegex, $template, $templateMatch)) {
//Iterate through matches
for($matchIndex=0;$matchIndex<count($templateMatch[0]);$matchIndex++) {
$optionName = $templateMatch[1][$matchIndex];
$optionValue = $templateMatch[0][$matchIndex];
$optionDelim = $templateMatch[3][$matchIndex];
$optionBlock = $templateMatch[4][$matchIndex];
$option = (isset($options[$optionName])?$options[$optionName]:null);
$position = strpos($template, $templateMatch[0][$matchIndex]);
// Replace the found string with "xxxx[...]". ("Bug fix"; allows duplicate tags)
$template = substr_replace($template, str_repeat('x', strlen($templateMatch[0][$matchIndex])), $position, strlen($templateMatch[0][$matchIndex]));
if($optionName[0] == '!') {
$optionReversed = true;
$optionName = substr($optionName, 1);
} else $optionReversed = false;
if($optionName[0] == '%') {
$tmpOptionName = substr($optionName, 1);
// $templateGlobals
if($tmpOptionName == $templateGlobalsNames['gentime']) {
$option = microtime(true)-$globals['gentime'].'s';
} elseif(isset($globals[$tmpOptionName])) {
$option = $globals[$tmpOptionName];
if(preg_match('/(.+?)\[/', $optionName, $optionArrayMatches)) {
$optionArrayKey = $optionArrayMatches[1];
$arrayOptionsTemp = $options[$optionArrayKey];
if(is_array($arrayOptionsTemp)) {
if(preg_match_all('/\[(.+?)\]/', $optionName, $optionArrayMatches)) {
for($optionArrayIndex=0;$optionArrayIndex<count($optionArrayMatches[0]);$optionArrayIndex++) {
if(isset($arrayOptionsTemp[$optionArrayMatches[1][$optionArrayIndex]])) {
$arrayOptionsTemp = $arrayOptionsTemp[$optionArrayMatches[1][$optionArrayIndex]];
$option = $arrayOptionsTemp;
} else break;
if($optionDelim==':') {
if(isset($option) && $option) {
if(is_array($option)) {
$optionValue = '';
for($optionIndex=0;$optionIndex<count($option);$optionIndex++) {
$tmpOption = $option[$optionIndex];
$tmpOptions = $options;
$tmpOptions[$optionName] = $tmpOption;
if($optionIndex == count($option)-1)
$globals['last'] = true;
else {
if($optionIndex == 0)
$globals['first'] = true;
$optionValue .= templateParse($optionBlock, $tmpOptions, $globals);
} else {
$optionValue = templateParse($optionBlock, $options, $globals);
} else {
$optionValue = '';
} elseif($optionDelim=='?') {
// Conditionals
if((!$optionReversed && isset($option) && $option) || ($optionReversed && (!isset($option) || !$option))) {
/*echo print_r(Array(
isset($option)?'exists':'does not exist',
$optionValue = templateParse($optionBlock, $options, $globals);
} else {
$optionValue = '';
} elseif(isset($option)) {
// If the value is specified...
if(is_array($option)) {
$optionValue = implode($option);
} else {
$optionValue = $option;
} elseif($optionDelim=='=') {
// If it has a default
$optionValue = templateParse($optionBlock, $options, $globals);
$options[$optionName] = $optionValue;
} elseif($templateVariables && $optionName[0] == '$') {
// Conditionals
$optionValue = eval("global ${optionName}; return ${optionName};");
// Append it to the body
$templateBody .= substr($template, $previousPosition, $position-$previousPosition).$optionValue;
$previousPosition = $position+strlen($templateMatch[0][$matchIndex]);
// Append the rest of the template
$templateBody .= substr($template, $previousPosition);
return $templateBody;
function Element($templateFile, array $options) {
global $config, $debug;
13 years ago
13 years ago
// Small little hack to add the PM system
if(function_exists('create_pm_header') && ((isset($options['mod']) && $options['mod']) || isset($options['__mod']))) {
13 years ago
$options['pm'] = create_pm_header();
if(isset($options['body']) && $config['debug']) {
13 years ago
if(isset($debug['start'])) {
$debug['time'] = '~' . round((microtime(true) - $debug['start']) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$options['body'] .= '<h3>Debug</h3><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;font-size: 10px;">' . print_r($debug, true) . '</pre><hr/>';
14 years ago
// Read the template file
13 years ago
if($template = @file_get_contents("{$config['dir']['template']}/${templateFile}")) {
14 years ago
return templateParse($template, $options, null, $templateFile);
} else {
13 years ago
throw new Exception("Template file '${templateFile}' does not exist or is empty in '{$config['dir']['template']}'!");
14 years ago