Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
1.0 KiB

# not exactly elegant, but one container is Debian, the other is Alpine
if [ "$1" == "php" ]; then
useradd -MU leftypol
addgroup leftypol
adduser -DHG leftypol leftypol
set -eu
install -m 775 -o leftypol -g leftypol -d /var/www-leftypol
ln -s \
/code/banners/ \
/code/static/ \
/code/stylesheets/ \
/code/tools/ \
/code/walls/ \
/code/*.php \
/code/404.html \
/code/LICENSE.* \
/code/robots.txt \
/code/install.sql \
install -m 775 -o leftypol -g leftypol -d /var/www-leftypol/js
ln -s /code/js/* /var/www-leftypol/js/
install -m 775 -o leftypol -g leftypol -d /var/www-leftypol/templates
install -m 775 -o leftypol -g leftypol -d /var/www-leftypol/templates/cache
ln -s /code/templates/* /var/www-leftypol/templates/
install -m 775 -o leftypol -g leftypol -d /var/www-leftypol/inc
ln -s /code/inc/* /var/www-leftypol/inc/
if [ "$1" = "php" ]; then
ln -s /code/composer.json /code/composer.lock /var/www-leftypol/ \
cd /var/www
composer install