Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.6 KiB

class JSParser {
protected $content;
protected $keywords;
protected $regs = array();
protected $regsCounter = 0;
protected $strings = array();
protected $stringsCounter = 0;
protected function _extractRegs($match) {
$this->regs[$this->regsCounter] = $match[1];
$id = "<<reg{$this->regsCounter}>>";
return $id;
protected function _extractStrings($match) {
$this->strings[$this->stringsCounter] = $this->importRegExps($match[0]);
$id = "<<s{$this->stringsCounter}>>";
return $id;
protected function importRegExps($input) {
$regs = $this->regs;
return preg_replace_callback("#<<reg(\d+)>>#", function ($match) use($regs) {
return $regs[$match[1]];
}, $input);
protected function importStrings($input) {
$strings = $this->strings;
return preg_replace_callback("#<<s(\d+)>>#", function ($match) use($strings) {
return $strings[$match[1]];
}, $input);
public function __construct($file, $keywords = '_') {
$this->content = file_get_contents($file);
$this->keywords = (array)$keywords;
public function parse() {
$output = $this->content; //htmlspecialchars($this->content, ENT_NOQUOTES);
// extract reg exps
$output = preg_replace_callback(
'# ( / (?: (?>[^/\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?<!\\\\)\\\\(?!\\\\) | \\\\/ )+ (?<!\\\\)/ ) [a-z]* \b #ix',
array($this, '_extractRegs'), $output
// extract strings
$output = preg_replace_callback(
'# " ( (?: (?>[^"\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?<!\\\\)\\\\(?!\\\\) | \\\\" )* ) (?<!\\\\)" #ix',
"# ' ( (?: (?>[^'\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?<!\\\\)\\\\(?!\\\\) | \\\\' )* ) (?<!\\\\)' #ix"
), array($this, '_extractStrings'), $output
// delete line comments
$output = preg_replace("#(//.*?)$#m", '', $output);
// delete multiline comments
$output = preg_replace('#/\*(.*?)\*/#is', '', $output);
$strings = $this->strings;
$output = preg_replace_callback("#<<s(\d+)>>#", function($match) use($strings) {
return $strings[$match[1]];
}, $output);
$keywords = implode('|', $this->keywords);
$strings = array();
// extract func calls
'# (?:'.$keywords.') \(\\ *" ( (?: (?>[^"\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?<!\\\\)\\\\(?!\\\\) | \\\\" )* ) (?<!\\\\)"\\ *\) #ix',
$output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER
foreach ($matches as $m) $strings[] = stripslashes($m[1]);
$matches = array();
"# (?:$keywords) \(\\ *' ( (?: (?>[^'\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?<!\\\\)\\\\(?!\\\\) | \\\\' )* ) (?<!\\\\)'\\ *\) #ix",
$output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER
foreach ($matches as $m) $strings[] = stripslashes($m[1]);
return $strings;