Source code of Leftypol imageboard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
3.9 KiB

* rebuild.php - rebuilds all static files
* This is much different than the one in vichan because we have way more static files. It will not work without pcntl_fork.
* You must specify the things you want to rebuild. By default the script does nothing.
* Example of how to use:
* php rebuild.php --cache --js --indexes --processes 5
* That will clear the cache, rebuild all JS files and all indexes, and fork 5 processes to do it faster.
* I removed the quiet option, it's useless. Just use output redirection.
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/inc/cli.php';
$start = microtime(true);
// parse command line
$opts = getopt('', Array('board:', 'themes', 'js', 'indexes', 'threads', 'processes:', 'cache', 'postmarkup', 'api'));
$options = Array();
$global_locale = $config['locale'];
// Do only one board?
$options['board'] = isset($opts['board']) ? $opts['board'] : (isset($opts['b']) ? $opts['b'] : false);
// Clear the cache?
$options['cache'] = isset($opts['cache']);
// Rebuild themes (catalogs)?
$options['themes'] = isset($opts['themes']);
// Rebuild JS?
$options['js'] = isset($opts['js']);
// Rebuild indexes? (e.g. /b/index.html)
$options['indexes'] = isset($opts['indexes']);
// Rebuild threads? (e.g. /b/res/1.html)
$options['threads'] = isset($opts['threads']);
// Rebuild all post markup? (e.g. /b/res/1.html#2)
$options['postmarkup'] = isset($opts['postmarkup']);
// Rebuild API pages? (e.g. /b/res/1.json')
$options['api'] = isset($opts['api']);
// How many processes?
$options['processes'] = isset($opts['processes']) ? $opts['processes'] : 1;
echo "== Tinyboard + vichan {$config['version']} ==\n";
if ($options['cache']) {
echo "Clearing template cache...\n";
if($options['themes']) {
echo "Regenerating theme files...\n";
if($options['js']) {
echo "Generating Javascript file...\n";
$main_js = $config['file_script'];
$boards = listBoards();
//$boards = array(array('uri'=>'test'), array('uri'=>'tester'), array('uri'=>'testing'));
$boards_m = array_chunk($boards, floor(sizeof($boards)/$options['processes']));
function doboard($board) {
global $global_locale, $config, $main_js, $options;
$config['mask_db_error'] = false;
if (!$options['api']) $config['api']['enabled'] = false;
echo "Opening board /{$board['uri']}/...\n";
// Reset locale to global locale
$config['locale'] = $global_locale;
init_locale($config['locale'], 'error');
$config['try_smarter'] = false;
if($config['file_script'] != $main_js && $options['js']) {
// different javascript file
echo "(/{$board['uri']}/) Generating Javascript file...\n";
if ($options['indexes']) {
echo "(/{$board['uri']}/) Creating index pages...\n";
if($options['postmarkup']) {
$query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s``", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
echo "(/{$board['uri']}/) Rebuilding #{$post['id']}...\n";
if ($options['threads']) {
$query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
echo "(/{$board['uri']}/) Rebuilding #{$post['id']}...\n";
$children = array();
foreach ($boards_m as $i => $bb) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die('Fork failed?');
} else if ($pid) {
echo "Started PID #$pid...\n";
$children[] = $pid;
} else {
$i = 0;
$total = sizeof($bb);
foreach ($bb as $i => $b) {
echo "I'm on board $i/$total\n";
printf("Complete! Took %g seconds\n", microtime(true) - $start);
foreach ($children as $child) {
pcntl_waitpid($child, $status);
//modLog('Rebuilt everything using tools/rebuild.php');