
117 lines
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2015-04-07 18:54:43 +00:00
* ------- WARNING! --------- *
* This script is at the current time undocumented and *
* unsupported. It is still a work in progress and will likely *
* change. You are on your own. *
+function() {
var uniq = function(a) {
var b = {};
var c = [];
a.forEach(function(i) {
if (!b[i]) {
b[i] = true;
return c;
if (active_page == 'thread' || active_page == 'index') {
var board = null;
$(function() {
board = $('input[name="board"]').first().val();
$(document).on('ajax_after_post', function(e, r) {
var threads = JSON.parse(localStorage.obthreads || '[]');
var thread = null;
if (active_page == 'index') {
thread = r.id|0;
else {
thread = $('[id^="thread_"]').first().attr('id').replace("thread_", "")|0;
threads.push([board, thread]);
threads = uniq(threads);
localStorage.obthreads = JSON.stringify(threads);
var loaded = false;
$(function() {
loaded = true;
var activate = function() {
if (document.location.hash != '#own') return false;
if (loaded) late_activate();
else $(function() { late_activate(); });
return true;
var late_activate = function() {
var threads = JSON.parse(localStorage.obthreads || '[]');
threads.forEach(function(v) {
var board = v[0];
var thread = v[1];
var url = "/"+board+"/res/"+thread+".html";
$.get(url, function(html) {
var s = $(html).find('[id^="thread_"]');
s[0].bumptime = (new Date(s.find("time").last().attr("datetime"))).getTime();
var added = false;
$('[id^="thread_"]').each(function() {
if (added) return;
if (s[0].bumptime > this.bumptime) {
added = true;
if (!added) {
s.find('.post.reply.hidden').next().addClass('hidden').hide(); // Hide <br> elements
var posts_omitted = s.find('.post.reply.hidden').length;
var images_omitted = s.find('.post.reply.hidden img').length;
if (posts_omitted > 0) {
var omitted = $(fmt('<span class="omitted">'+_('{0} posts and {1} images omitted.')+' '+_('Click reply to view.')+'</span>',
[posts_omitted, images_omitted]));
var reply = $('<a href="'+url+'">['+_('Reply')+']</a>').appendTo(s.find('.intro').first());
$(document).trigger('new_post', s[0]);
$(window).on("hashchange", function() {
return !activate();