The Road to Revolution by Ho Chi Minh, translated by VietAnon
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101 lines
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\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % sans prints better
\renewcommand{\epigraphflush}{center} % center box that epigraph is in
\renewcommand{\sourceflush}{center} % center Lenin's name
% number sections like the original
% roman footnotes. has to be one big 'ol line for LaTeX to not insert lots of whitespace
\title{The Road to Revolution}
\author{Ho Chi Minh, 1927 \linebreak Translated by VietAnon \linebreak Typeset by \LaTeX\,Anon}
% always use 12pt on the front page
% it won't look exactly like the onecolumn version either way because of pdfbook2, but at least the text is nicer to read
\epigraph{\twelvepoint Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement…the role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory.}{\twelvepoint V.I. Lenin, \emph{What is to be done}.}
\centerline{Published by The Association of Oppressed Ethnic Groups in Asia.}
~ % force new line
\centerline{Footnotes from the source PDF use arabic numerals.}
\centerline{Footnotes added in the English translation use roman numerals.}