The Black Book of Capitalism
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\section{Translator's notes}
Disclaimer: The following translation of the Black Book of Capitalism have been made from a digital copy from \emph{Les classiques des sciences sociales} CHICOUTIMI, QUÉBEC . /\rfootnote{}. I noticed a few typos in this text and I supect some of them come from the \emph{classiques}'s scanning/copying the original paper book. But since I do not possess this original book myself, I cannot check this hypothesis. I tried to correct the most obvious mistakes, Usually there is a footnote to signalize where I found them.
Also as a mostly tech illiterate frenchman who learned english mostly trough manga translation and imageboards threads, my mastery of both this language and typestting is far from perfect.
So I'm really thankful for LaTeX Anon and Proofread Anon's help in this project
\section{Typesetter's notes}
The numbering of chapters and footnotes are the same as in the original text.
Footnotes added by us use roman numerals\rfootnote{Like so}.
Footnote * in the original text is marked \ref{foot0} in this translation.
Starts and ends of quotes and placement of punctuation marks are preserved as much as possible.
Sometimes it is not clear where quotes begin or end in the original text or whether quotes are nested or not.
We have done our best in these cases.
For reference, in this text \enquote{regular quotes look like this} and \enquote{nested quotes look like this, and \enquote{quotes-within-quotes look like this}}.
Some longer chapter and section/subsection titles have been shortened in the table of contents and in the top of pages, but are otherwise intact.