/* * inline-expanding.js * https://github.com/savetheinternet/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/inline-expanding.js * * Released under the MIT license * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Michael Save * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Marcin Ɓabanowski * * Usage: * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js'; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/inline-expanding.js'; * */ $(document).ready(function(){ 'use strict'; var DEFAULT_MAX = 5; // default maximum image loads var inline_expand_post = function() { var link = this.getElementsByTagName('a'); var loadingQueue = (function () { var MAX_IMAGES = localStorage.inline_expand_max || DEFAULT_MAX; // maximum number of images to load concurrently, 0 to disable var loading = 0; // number of images that is currently loading var waiting = []; // waiting queue var enqueue = function (ele) { waiting.push(ele); }; var dequeue = function () { return waiting.shift(); }; var update = function() { var ele; while (loading < MAX_IMAGES || MAX_IMAGES === 0) { ele = dequeue(); if (ele) { ++loading; ele.deferred.resolve(); } else { return; } } }; return { remove: function (ele) { var i = waiting.indexOf(ele); if (i > -1) { waiting.splice(i, 1); } if ($(ele).data('imageLoading') === 'true') { $(ele).data('imageLoading', 'false'); clearTimeout(ele.timeout); --loading; } }, add: function (ele) { ele.deferred = $.Deferred(); ele.deferred.done(function () { var $loadstart = $.Deferred(); var thumb = ele.childNodes[0]; var img = ele.childNodes[1]; var onLoadStart = function (img) { if (img.naturalWidth) { $loadstart.resolve(img, thumb); } else { return (ele.timeout = setTimeout(onLoadStart, 30, img)); } }; $(img).one('load', function () { $.when($loadstart).done(function () { // once fully loaded, update the waiting queue --loading; $(ele).data('imageLoading', 'false'); update(); }); }); $loadstart.done(function (img, thumb) { thumb.style.display = 'none'; img.style.display = ''; }); img.setAttribute('src', ele.href); $(ele).data('imageLoading', 'true'); ele.timeout = onLoadStart(img); }); if (loading < MAX_IMAGES || MAX_IMAGES === 0) { ++loading; ele.deferred.resolve(); } else { enqueue(ele); } } }; })(); for (var i = 0; i < link.length; i++) { if (typeof link[i] == "object" && link[i].childNodes && typeof link[i].childNodes[0] !== 'undefined' && link[i].childNodes[0].src && link[i].childNodes[0].className.match(/post-image/) && !link[i].className.match(/file/)) { link[i].onclick = function(e) { var img, post_body, still_open, canvas, scroll; var thumb = this.childNodes[0]; var padding = 5; var boardlist = $('.boardlist')[0]; if (thumb.className == 'hidden') return false; if (e.which == 2 || e.ctrlKey) // open in new tab return true; if (!$(this).data('expanded')) { this.parentNode.removeAttribute('style'); $(this).data('expanded', 'true'); if (thumb.tagName === 'CANVAS') { canvas = thumb; thumb = thumb.nextSibling; this.removeChild(canvas); canvas.style.display = 'block'; } thumb.style.opacity = '0.4'; thumb.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=40)'; img = document.createElement('img'); img.className = 'full-image'; img.style.display = 'none'; img.setAttribute('alt', 'Fullsized image'); this.appendChild(img); loadingQueue.add(this); } else { loadingQueue.remove(this); scroll = false; // scroll to thumb if not triggered by 'shrink all image' if (e.target.className == 'full-image') { scroll = true; } if (~this.parentNode.className.indexOf('multifile')) this.parentNode.style.width = (parseInt($(this).data('width'))+40)+'px'; thumb.style.opacity = ''; thumb.style.display = ''; if (thumb.nextSibling) this.removeChild(thumb.nextSibling); //full image loaded or loading $(this).removeData('expanded'); delete thumb.style.filter; // do the scrolling after page reflow if (scroll) { post_body = $(thumb).parentsUntil('form > div').last(); // on multifile posts, determin how many other images are still expanded still_open = post_body.find('.post-image').filter(function(){ return $(this).parent().attr('data-expanded') == 'true'; }).length; // deal with differnt boards' menu styles if ($(boardlist).css('position') == 'fixed') padding += boardlist.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (still_open > 0) { if (thumb.getBoundingClientRect().top - padding < 0) $(document).scrollTop($(thumb).parent().parent().offset().top - padding); } else { if (post_body[0].getBoundingClientRect().top - padding < 0) $(document).scrollTop(post_body.offset().top - padding); } } if (localStorage.no_animated_gif === 'true' && typeof unanimate_gif === 'function') { unanimate_gif(thumb); } } return false; }; } } }; // setting up user option if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) { Options.extend_tab('general', ''+ _('Number of simultaneous image downloads (0 to disable): ') + ''); $('#inline-expand-max input') .css('width', '50px') .val(localStorage.inline_expand_max || DEFAULT_MAX) .on('change', function (e) { // validation in case some fucktard tries to enter a negative floating point number var n = parseInt(e.target.value); var val = (n<0) ? 0 : n; localStorage.inline_expand_max = val; }); } if (window.jQuery) { $('div[id^="thread_"]').each(inline_expand_post); // allow to work with auto-reload.js, etc. $(document).on('new_post', function(e, post) { inline_expand_post.call(post); }); } else { inline_expand_post.call(document); } });