towards-a-new-leftypol 454ad4381a Fix for ajax posting not showing you your new post
- TODO: there are console.logs that still need to be removed
- Posting was loading the new page twice - once in ajax.js and once in
auto-reload.js. auto-reload will handle this behaviour, the other is
commented out
- The new post does not immediately show up when immediately ajax
requesting the page after posting completes. Adding an epoch query
parameter did not change this. Instead of figuring out why it was easier
to add a 500ms delay before requesting the page, now it seems to work
2021-01-04 03:00:16 -05:00

148 lines
7.2 KiB

* ajax.js
* https://github.com/savetheinternet/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/ajax.js
* Released under the MIT license
* Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Save <savetheinternet@tinyboard.org>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Marcin Łabanowski <marcin@6irc.net>
* Usage:
* $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
* $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/ajax.js';
$(window).ready(function() {
var settings = new script_settings('ajax');
var do_not_ajax = false;
// Enable submit button if disabled (cache problem)
var setup_form = function($form) {
$form.submit(function() {
if (do_not_ajax)
return true;
var form = this;
var submit_txt = $(this).find('input[type="submit"]').val();
if (window.FormData === undefined)
return true;
var formData = new FormData(this);
formData.append('json_response', '1');
formData.append('post', submit_txt);
$(document).trigger("ajax_before_post", formData);
var updateProgress = function(e) {
var percentage;
if (e.position === undefined) { // Firefox
percentage = Math.round(e.loaded * 100 / e.total);
else { // Chrome?
percentage = Math.round(e.position * 100 / e.total);
$(form).find('input[type="submit"]').val(_('Posting... (#%)').replace('#', percentage));
url: this.action,
type: 'POST',
xhr: function() {
var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
if(xhr.upload) {
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', updateProgress, false);
return xhr;
success: function(post_response) {
if (post_response.error) {
if (post_response.banned) {
// You are banned. Must post the form normally so the user can see the ban message.
do_not_ajax = true;
$(form).find('input[type="submit"]').each(function() {
var $replacement = $('<input type="hidden">');
$replacement.attr('name', $(this).attr('name'));
.replaceWith($('<input type="button">').val(submit_txt));
} else {
} else if (post_response.redirect && post_response.id) {
if (!$(form).find('input[name="thread"]').length
|| (!settings.get('always_noko_replies', true) && !post_response.noko)) {
document.location = post_response.redirect;
} else {
console.log("do nothing for now, this behaviour will be handled by auto-reload.js");
url: document.location,
success: function(data) {
$(data).find('div.post.reply').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('#' + id).length == 0) {
$(this).insertAfter($('div.post:last').next()).after('<br class="clear">');
$(document).trigger('new_post', this);
// watch.js & auto-reload.js retrigger
setTimeout(function() { $(window).trigger("scroll"); }, 100);
window.location.hash = post_response.id;
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
}, 'html');
$(document).trigger("ajax_after_post", post_response);
} else {
alert(_('An unknown error occured when posting!'));
error: function(xhr, status, er) {
alert(_('The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn\'t, we might be experiencing issues right now -- please try your post again later. Error information: ') + "<div><textarea>" + JSON.stringify(xhr) + "</textarea></div>");
data: formData,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
}, 'json');
$(form).find('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true);
return false;
$(window).on('quick-reply', function() {