Remove instance configuration

This commit is contained in:
discomrade 2021-09-28 00:42:31 +00:00
parent 843ab6f55e
commit 1d97b825d3
4 changed files with 5 additions and 816 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
# instance-config
# /inc/instance-config.php
# captcha-config
# .installed

View File

@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
* Instance Configuration
* ----------------------
* Edit this file and not config.php for imageboard configuration.
* You can copy values from config.php (defaults) and paste them here.
* Front page configurations.
$config['boards'] = array(
) ,
$config['prepended_foreign_boards'] = array(
'overboard' => '/overboard/',
'sfw' => '/sfw/',
'alt' => '/alt/',
'cytube' => ''
$config['foreign_boards'] = array(
'GET' => '',
'ref' => ''
// Board categories. Only used in the "Categories" theme.
$config['categories'] = array(
'Leftypol' => array('leftypol',
'Meta' => array('meta')
// Optional for the Categories theme. This is an array of name => (title, url) groups for categories
// with non-board links.
$config['custom_categories'] = array(
'Our Friends' => array(
'GET' => '',
'ref' => ''
'Links' => array(
'New Multitude' => '',
'Booru image repository' => '',
'Leftypedia' => '',
'Official chat room' => '!',
'Rules' => 'rules.html'
'Learning resources and blogs' => array(
'Michael Roberts\' blog' => '',
'A Critique Of Crisis Theory blog' => '',
'Leftypedia' => '',
'Marxist Internet Archive' => ''
* Database and site wide configurations
$config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['database'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['prefix'] = '';
$config['db']['user'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['password'] = '';
$config['cookies']['mod'] = 'mod';
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'MGYwNjhlNjU5Y2QxNWU3YjQ3MzQ1Yj';
$config['search']['enable'] = true;
$config['flood_cache'] = 60 * 15; // 15 minutes. The oldest a post can be in the flood table
$config['flood_time_any'] = 20; // time between thread creation
$config['flood_time'] = 5;
$config['flood_time_ip'] = 60;
$config['flood_time_same'] = 60;
$config['max_body'] = 100000;
$config['reply_limit'] = 250;
$config['max_links'] = 40;
$config['max_filesize'] = 52428800;
$config['thumb_width'] = 255;
$config['thumb_height'] = 255;
$config['max_width'] = 10000;
$config['max_height'] = 10000;
$config['threads_per_page'] = 10;
$config['max_pages'] = 36;
$config['threads_preview'] = 5;
$config['root'] = '/';
$config['secure_trip_salt'] = 'ODQ2NDM0ODlmMmRhNzk2M2EyNjJlOW';
$config['strip_combining_chars'] = true;
// Maximum number of combining characters in a row allowed so that they can still be used in moderation.
$config['max_combining_chars'] = 3;
$config['url_banner'] = '/banners.php';
// Fixed size prevents things moving as page loads
$config['banner_width'] = 300;
$config['banner_height'] = 100;
//Logo location for themes
$config['logo'] = 'static/leftypol_logo.png';
//Date format
$config['post_date'] = '%F (%a) %T';
$config['thread_subject_in_title'] = true;
* Some users are having trouble posting when this is on,
* with the message 'Your request looks automated; Post discarded.'
* This did not affect all users, and for some users only for some posts.
* If we are getting spammed hard, try turning this on.
$config['spam']['enabled'] = false;
* Basic captcha. See also: captchaconfig.php
$config['securimage'] = false;
* Permissions
$config['mod']['move'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['editpost'] = MOD;
// Raw HTML posting
$config['mod']['rawhtml'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['mod_board_log'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['ip_recentposts'] = 350;
// Post news entries
$config['mod']['news'] = MOD;
// Custom name when posting news
$config['mod']['news_custom'] = MOD;
// Delete news entries
$config['mod']['news_delete'] = MOD;
// Number of news entries to display per page.
$config['mod']['news_page'] = 5;
// Allow everyone to see bumplocks
$config['mod']['view_bumplock'] = -1;
// Include public logs with names
$config['public_logs'] = 1;
$config['allow_thread_deletion'] = false;
// Max attachments per post
$config['max_images'] = 5;
$config['image_reject_repost'] = false;
$config['thumb_method'] = 'gm+gifsicle';
$config['thumb_ext'] = 'webp';
$config['gnu_md5'] = '1';
// Strip EXIF metadata from JPEG files.
$config['strip_exif'] = true;
// Use the command-line `exiftool` tool to strip EXIF metadata without decompressing/recompressing JPEGs.
$config['use_exiftool'] = true;
// $config['update_on_posts'] = true;
$config['referer_match'] = false;
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'mp4';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'webm';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'webm';
$config['webm']['use_ffmpeg'] = true;
$config['max_filesize'] = 80 * 1024 * 1024; // 50MB
$config['webm']['allow_audio'] = true;
$config['webm']['max_length'] = 7200;
$config['pdf_file_thumbnail'] = true;
$config['djvu_file_thumbnail'] = true;
// Allowed image file extensions.
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'jpg';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'jpeg';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'bmp';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'gif';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'png';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'mp3';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'mp4';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'pdf';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'txt';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'epub';
// Compressed files
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'zip';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'gz';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'bz2';
* Flags
$config['country_flags_condensed'] = false;
$config['user_flag'] = true;
$config['flag_style'] = 'width:auto;max-height:16px;';
$config['user_flags'] = array (
'4th_international' => '4th International',
'acceleration' => 'Acceleration',
'ak-47' => 'AK-47',
'albania' => 'Albania',
'allende' => 'Allende',
'anarcha-feminism' => 'Anarcha-Feminism',
'anarchism' => 'Anarchism',
'anarcho-capitalism' => 'Anarcho-Capitalism',
'anarcho-communism' => 'Anarcho-Communism',
'anarcho-nihilism' => 'Anarcho-Nihilism',
'anarcho-primitivism' => 'Anarcho-Primitivism',
'antifa' => 'Antifa',
'armchair' => 'Armchair',
'atheism' => 'Atheism',
'bolshevik' => 'Bolshevik',
'brocialism' => 'Brocialism',
'burkina_faso' => 'Burkina Faso',
'ca' => 'Canadien',
'carlism' => 'Carlism',
'chavismo' => 'Chavismo',
'che' => 'Che',
'china' => 'China',
'christian_anarchism' => 'Christian Anarchism',
'christian_communism' => 'Christian Communism',
'cockshott' => 'Cockshott',
'council_communism' => 'Council Communism',
'cuba' => 'Cuba',
'ddr' => 'DDR',
'democrap' => 'Democrap',
'democratic_socialism' => 'Democratic Socialism',
'directx' => 'Direct X',
'dprk' => 'DPRK',
'egalitarianism' => 'Egalitarianism',
'egoism' => 'Egoism',
'eristocracy' => 'Έριστοκρατία',
'eureka' => 'Eureka',
'eurocommunism' => 'Eurocommunism',
'farc' => 'Las FARC',
'fed' => 'Fed',
'flq' => 'Front de libération du Québec',
'freud' => 'Freud',
'gadsden' => 'Gadsden',
'gay_nazi' => 'Gay Nazi',
'gentoo' => 'Gentoo',
'gorro' => 'Gorro',
'groucho_marxism' => 'Groucho Marxism',
'hammer_&_sickle' => 'Hammer & Sickle',
'international_brigade' => 'International Brigade',
'ira' => 'IRA',
'islamic_communism' => 'Islamic Communism',
'iww' => 'IWW',
'juche' => 'Juche',
'kampuchea' => 'Kampuchea',
'left_communism' => 'Left Communism',
'lenin_cap' => 'Lenin Cap',
'luck_o_the_irish' => 'Luck O\' The Irish',
'luxemburg' => 'Luxemburg',
'marx' => 'Marx',
'mutualism' => 'Mutualism',
'naxalite' => 'Naxalite',
'nazbol' => 'Nazbol',
'nazi' => 'Nazi',
'ndfp' => 'NDFP',
'palestine' => 'Palestine',
'pan-africanism' => 'Pan-Africanism',
'cenzopapa' => 'Papież',
'phrygian_cap' => 'Phrygian Cap',
'pirate' => 'Pirate',
'porky' => 'Porky',
'posadas' => 'Posadas',
'punk' => 'Punk',
'raised_fist' => 'Raised Fist',
'read_a_fucking_book' => 'Read a Fucking Book',
'rethuglican' => 'Rethuglican',
'sabo-tabby' => 'Sabo-Tabby',
'sandinista' => 'Sandinista',
'sendero_luminoso' => 'Sendero Luminoso',
'slavoj' => 'Slavoj',
'snibeti_snab' => 'Snibeti Snab',
'socialism' => 'Socialism',
'soviet_union' => 'Soviet Union',
'spurdo' => 'Spurdo',
'ssnp' => 'SSNP',
'stalin' => 'Stalin',
'syndicalism' => 'Syndicalism',
'tankie' => 'Tankie',
'technocracy' => 'Technocracy',
'think' => 'Think',
'transhumanism' => 'Transhumanism',
'united_farm_workers' => 'United Farm Workers',
'viet_cong' => 'Viet Cong',
'ypg' => 'YPG',
'yugoslavia' => 'Yugoslavia',
'zapatista' => 'Zapatista'
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:28:45 -0800:
$config['robot_mute'] = false;
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:29:57 -0800:
$config['max_links'] = 100;
$config['reply_limit'] = 750;
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:34:13 -0800:
$config['min_body'] = 0;
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:37:13 -0800:
$config['anti_bump_flood'] = true;
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:38:21 -0800:
$config['delete_time'] = 5;
// Changes made via web editor by "krates" @ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 17:20:14 -0800:
$config['reply_hard_limit'] = 1000;
//Changes by Barbara_Pitt
$config['stylesheets']['Dark'] = 'dark.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Dark Red'] = 'dark_red.css';
$config['always_noko'] = true;
$config['spoiler_images'] = true;
//Changes made by Coma
$config['markup_code'] = ("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is");
//more themes (issue#26)
$config['stylesheets']['Burichan'] = 'burichan.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Futaba'] = 'futaba.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Gentoochan'] = 'gentoochan.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Gurochan'] = 'gurochan.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Jungle'] = 'jungle.css';
$config['stylesheets']['LainchanJP'] = 'lainchanjp.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Miku'] = 'miku.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Notsuba'] = 'notsuba.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Photon'] = 'photon.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Szalet'] = 'szalet.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Tsuki'] = 'tsuki.css';
$config['stylesheets']['DemainLight'] = 'demain_light.css';
$config['stylesheets']['DemainDark'] = 'demain_dark.css';
$config['stylesheets']['TempDark'] = 'temp_dark.css';
$config['stylesheets']['TempDarkRed'] = 'temp_dark_red.css';
$config['stylesheets']['AnonsDarkRed'] = 'anons_dark_red.css';
$config['stylesheets']['BunkerLike'] = 'bunker_like.css';
$config['stylesheets']['Post-Left'] = 'dead.css';
$config['default_stylesheet'] = array('Dark Red', $config['stylesheets']['Dark Red']);
* ====================
* Javascript
* ====================
$config['deferred_javascript'] = true;
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery-ui.custom.min.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/inline-expanding.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/ajax.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/quick-reply.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-hover.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-menu.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/hide-images.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-backlinks.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-op.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-own-posts.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-filter.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/strftime.min.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/local-time.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/save-user_flag.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/auto-scroll.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options/general.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options/user-css.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options/user-js.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/style-select.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/flag-preview.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/file-selector.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/download-original.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/auto-reload.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/thread-stats.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/image-hover.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/gallery-view.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/catalog-search.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/thread-watcher.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/expand.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/webm-settings.js';
$config['additional_javascript_defer'][] = 'js/expand-video.js';
$config['flag_preview'] = true;
$config['enable_embedding'] = true;
= '<div class="video-container" data-video="$2">'
. '<a href="$2" target="_blank" class="file">'
. '<img style="width:255px;height:190px;" src="/vi/$2/0.jpg" class="post-image"/>'
. '</a></div>';
$config['embedding'] = array();
$config['embedding'][0] =
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/youtube.js';
* ====================
* Markup
* ====================
$config['markup'][] = array("/^\s*&lt;.*$/m", '<span class="orangeQuote">$0</span>');
$config['markup'][] = array("/__(.+?)__/", "<span class=\"underline\">\$1</span>");
$config['markup'][] = array("/~~(.+?)~~/", "<span class=\"strikethrough\">\$1</span>");
* Original wordfilters (Obsolete, this is the basic form of the newer version below)
// $config['wordfilters'][] = array('/trann(y|ie)?/i', 'transhumanist', true);
// $config['wordfilters'][] = array('/nigger/i', 'uyghur', true);
// $config['wordfilters'][] = array('/nigg/i', 'uygh', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/chud/i', 'FAGGOT', true);
* Traditional word filters. Expires 31-12-2021.
* So, there are three flags at the end of each regex pattern, the "imu" at the end:
* Case Insensitive, Multiline and UTF-8 (to avoid breaking non-English posts)
* Let's take the nigg filter as an example.
* n+ [^a-z]* i+ [^a-z]* g+ [^a-z]* g+ ( [$x_alias] is just a set of common lookalike characters for x)
* Basic regex syntax: * means the preceeding element will be matched if it repeats 0 or more times. + will match 1 or more times
* so a+ matches cat or caaat
* [] denotes a set of possible matches, so c[au]t matches 'cat' and 'cut'
* [a-z] means any character from a to z and [^a-z] means any character that isn't in the alphabet (the starting ^ inverts the set)
* We have the case insensitive flag so captials are included.
* The [$n_alias]+ means that nnnnnnigg still matches due to repetition
* The [^a-z]* means that if someone does 'n..i..g..g', then the 0 or more non-alphabet padding
* characters between the n, i, g, g are still matching. Note that it's 0 or more, not 1 or more, so 'nigg' still matches.
* [\p{L}] is a pre-made class of unicode letters (so for example an a with an accent is included)
* Example:
$a_alias = 'a4@ÁÀȦÂÄǞǍĂĀÃÅǺǼǢáàȧâäǟǎăāãåǻǽǣĄĄ̊ąą̊æɑÆⱭАаɑ';
$e_alias = 'eе3ee̞ɛɜɘ';
$g_alias = 'gǵġĝǧğǥɠǤƓǴĠĜǦĞĢɡɢᶢ';
$i_alias = 'i1L||ıɩįɨɨ̧ĮƗƗ̧íìîïǐĭīĩịÍÌİÎÏǏĬĪĨỊĺļľŀḷḽІії!¡lliɪ';
$n_alias = 'nŋʼnńṅňñņṋŃṄŇÑŅṊnɴn̥n̼ᶰ';
$r_alias = 'rʀrɾ';
$t_alias = 'tt̼t';
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/TRANN(Y|IE)?/', 'TRANSHUMANIST', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/NIGGA/', 'UYGHA', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/NIGGER/', 'UYGHUR', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array("/[$t_alias][^\p{L}0-9]*[$r_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$a_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$n_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$n_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*(y|[$i_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$e_alias]+)?/imu", 'transhumanist', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array("/[$n_alias][^\p{L}0-9]*[$i_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$g_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$g_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$e_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$r_alias]/imu", 'uyghur', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array("/[$n_alias][^\p{L}0-9]*[$i_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$g_alias]+[^\p{L}0-9]*[$g_alias]+/imu", 'uygh', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/ewish uyghur/i', 'ewish nigger', true);
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/(^|<br>|[ \/])discord(\.(gg|com))?(s?([\W]|<br>|$))/imu', '$$4', true);
// Prevents replacing false positives in the middle of words or links
$config['wordfilters'][] = array('/(^|<br>|[ (-])iq([) ?!.]||<br>|$)(score)?/imu', '$1autism score$2', true);
* Filters for diverting anorectal violence spammer
$fakereason_ano = 'Due to automated child pornography and gore spam by /pol/, all posting now requires a pass.<br>To receive a one-week pass, email a short explanation of the Labor Theory of Value to .';
$config['filters'][] = array(
'condition' => array(
'subject' => '/anorectal/i', // Typical thread subject used
'action' => 'reject',
'message' => "$fakereason_ano"
$config['filters'][] = array(
'condition' => array(
'filename' => '/(TAKE ACTION v|trends.*associations|anusporn|anal insanity|anorectal risks|TAv[0-9]+|arisks)/', // Typical opening filename format. Their usual evasion strategy is to post only the image.
'action' => 'reject',
'message' => "$fakereason_ano"
// Favorite names and buzzterms
$config['filters'][] = array(
'condition' => array(
'body' => '/(Rocco Siff|Evil Angel|Xavier Becerra|AdultDVDTalk|painal|Roughanal|anoreceptive|ltimately this is not about me|Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics)/',
'action' => 'reject',
'message' => "$fakereason_ano"
* Filter TheThingN0ticer ban evader
event_handler('post', function($post, $tor) {
if($post->board == 'leftypol'){
// note: just posting nazi flag with name doesn't trigger, on purpose
$n = 0;
// body is just a twitter account (or has ?lang=en or something)
if($post->has_file && preg_match('/^Untitled[0-9]*.png/', $post->files[0]->filename)){$n+=2;}
if($post->name != 'Anonymous'){$n++; if($post->name == 'NasheedsSeedAndFeed'){$n+=2;}}
if(strpos($post->body_nomarkup,'<tinyboard flag>nazi</tinyboard>')){$n++;}
if($n > 2){
if($tor){return 'Flood detected; Post discarded.';}
return 'Your IP address is listed in multirbl or';
// Changes made via web editor by "zul_admin" @ Fri, 19 Feb 2021 15:06:33 -0800:
$config['reply_limit'] = 800;
// Changes made via web editor by "zul_admin" @ Tue, 27 Apr 2021 15:37:26 -0700:
$config['reply_limit'] = 600;
// Changes made via web editor by "zul_admin" @ Tue, 27 Apr 2021 15:39:19 -0700:
$config['max_body'] = 80000;
$config['additional_javascript_compile'] = true;
$config['minify_js'] = true;

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
* Instance Configuration
* ----------------------
* Edit this file and not config.php for imageboard configuration.
* You can copy values from config.php (defaults) and paste them here.
$config['boards'] = array(
array('leftypol', 'b'),
array('GET', 'ref'),
array('gulag' => '')
// Board categories. Only used in the "Categories" theme.
$config['categories'] = array(
'Leftypol' => array('leftypol', 'b'),
'GET' => array('GET', 'ref'),
'Meta' => array('gulag')
// Optional for the Categories theme. This is an array of name => (title, url) groups for categories
// with non-board links.
$config['custom_categories'] = array(
'Links' => array(
'Leftypedia' => '',
'Staff application' => 'staff_applications.html',
'FAQ' => 'faq.html',
'Donate' => 'donate.html'
$config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['database'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['prefix'] = '';
$config['db']['user'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['password'] = 'oijrljqqwjr242kjn';
$config['cookies']['mod'] = 'mod';
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'ZGZkYWU3NGUwZDNiYjU2MDEwZmRkMW';
$config['flood_time'] = 10;
$config['flood_time_ip'] = 120;
$config['flood_time_same'] = 30;
$config['max_body'] = 1800;
$config['reply_limit'] = 250;
$config['max_links'] = 20;
$config['max_filesize'] = 10485760;
$config['thumb_width'] = 255;
$config['thumb_height'] = 255;
$config['max_width'] = 10000;
$config['max_height'] = 10000;
$config['max_images'] = 4;
$config['threads_per_page'] = 10;
$config['max_pages'] = 10;
$config['threads_preview'] = 5;
$config['root'] = '/';
$config['secure_trip_salt'] = 'MzdhNTJiMjNkMTM5Nzc5NDcwOGViMD';
$config['thumb_method'] = 'gm+gifsicle';
$config['gnu_md5'] = '1';
// < Added by Zero >
// Sun Aug 30 17:44:19 UTC 2020
// Allowed image file extensions.
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'jpg';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'jpeg';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'bmp';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'gif';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'png';
// TODO test section, please remove
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'mp4';
$config['allowed_ext'][] = 'webm';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'webm';
$config['webm']['use_ffmpeg'] = true;
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/options.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/webm-settings.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/expand-video.js';
$config['max_filesize'] = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50MB
$config['webm']['ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';
$config['webm']['ffprobe_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffprobe';
$config['mp4']['ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';
$config['mp4']['ffprobe_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffprobe';
$config['webm']['allow_audio'] = true;
$config['webm']['max_length'] = 620;
//end test section
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'mp4';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'pdf';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'txt';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'zip';
$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'epub';
* From Config:
// Always regenerate markup. This isn't recommended and should only be used for debugging; by default,
// Tinyboard only parses post markup when it needs to, and keeps post-markup HTML in the database. This
// will significantly impact performance when enabled.
$config['markup_repair_tidy'] = false;
$config['image_reject_repost'] = false;
$config['flood_time'] = 0;
// Minimum time between between each post with the exact same content AND same IP address.
$config['flood_time_ip'] = 0;
$config['filters'] = array();
$config['always_noko'] = false; // the migration script now relies on this default behavior, we can turn this on later.
// </ Added by Zero >
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Tue, 02 Jun 2020 23:16:58 -0700:
$config['debug'] = true;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Tue, 02 Jun 2020 23:24:29 -0700:
$config['debug'] = false;
$config['verbose_errors'] = false;
* ====================
* Javascript
* ====================
// Additional Javascript files to include on board index and thread pages. See js/ for available scripts.
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/inline-expanding.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/multi-image.js'; // required when using multi file upload
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/local-time.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/auto-reload.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-hover.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/style-select.js';
// Some scripts require jQuery. Check the comments in script files to see what's needed. When enabling
// jQuery, you should first empty the array so that "js/query.min.js" can be the first, and then re-add
// "js/inline-expanding.js" or else the inline-expanding script might not interact properly with other
// scripts.
// $config['additional_javascript'] = array();
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/inline-expanding.js';
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/auto-reload.js';
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-hover.js';
// $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/style-select.js';
// Where these script files are located on the web. Defaults to $config['root'].
// $config['additional_javascript_url'] = '';
// Compile all additional scripts into one file ($config['file_script']) instead of including them seperately.
$config['additional_javascript_compile'] = false;
// Minify Javascript using
$config['minify_js'] = false;
// Dispatch thumbnail loading and image configuration with JavaScript. It will need a certain javascript
// code to work.
$config['javascript_image_dispatch'] = false;
$config['multiimage_method'] = 'each';
$config['mod']['show_ip'] = DISABLED;
$config['mod']['move'] = MOD;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:45:14 -0700:
$config['force_image_op'] = false;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:48:22 -0700:
$config['force_body_op'] = false;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sun, 23 Aug 2020 17:38:52 -0700:
$config['flood_time'] = 0;
$config['flood_time_ip'] = 0;
$config['flood_time_same'] = 0;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Wed, 26 Aug 2020 20:15:11 -0700:
$config['min_body'] = 5;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Wed, 26 Aug 2020 20:15:44 -0700:
$config['force_image_op'] = true;
$config['min_body'] = 15;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sat, 29 Aug 2020 13:26:51 -0700:
$config['force_image_op'] = false;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sat, 29 Aug 2020 23:13:46 -0700:
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'ZGZkYWU3NGUwZDNiYjU2MDEwZmRkMX';
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sat, 29 Aug 2020 23:21:09 -0700:
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'ZGZkYWU3NGUwZDNiYjU2MDEwZmRkMA';
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sun, 30 Aug 2020 10:48:36 -0700:
$config['max_body'] = 100000;
// Changes made via web editor by "admin" @ Sun, 30 Aug 2020 15:25:41 -0700:
$config['max_links'] = 40;

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
* Instance Configuration
* ----------------------
* Edit this file and not config.php for imageboard configuration.
* You can copy values from config.php (defaults) and paste them here.
$config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['database'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['prefix'] = '';
$config['db']['user'] = 'lainchan';
$config['db']['password'] = '';
$config['cookies']['mod'] = 'mod';
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'MGYwNjhlNjU5Y2QxNWU3YjQ3MzQ1Yj';
$config['flood_time'] = 0;
$config['flood_time_ip'] = 0;
$config['flood_time_same'] = 0;
$config['max_body'] = 100000;
$config['reply_limit'] = 250;
$config['max_links'] = 40;
$config['max_filesize'] = 52428800;
$config['thumb_width'] = 255;
$config['thumb_height'] = 255;
$config['max_width'] = 10000;
$config['max_height'] = 10000;
$config['threads_per_page'] = 10;
$config['max_pages'] = 36;
$config['threads_preview'] = 5;
$config['root'] = '/';
$config['secure_trip_salt'] = 'ODQ2NDM0ODlmMmRhNzk2M2EyNjJlOW';
$config['thumb_method'] = 'gm+gifsicle';
$config['gnu_md5'] = '1';