Gamified input-output tables (no GUI).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

437 lines
13 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const root = @import("root");
pub const c = @import("luajit").c;
const util = root.util;
pub const Func = fn (lua: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int;
const slice_types = .{
const map_types = .{
var load_alloc: ?std.mem.Allocator = null;
pub fn init(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
config: root.Config.Start,
simulation: *root.Simulation,
) !*c.lua_State {
load_alloc = alloc;
const lua = c.luaL_newstate().?;
_ = c.luaopen_base(lua);
_ = c.luaopen_table(lua);
_ = c.luaopen_io(lua);
_ = c.luaopen_string(lua);
_ = c.luaopen_math(lua);
const cstr_filename = try alloc.dupeZ(u8, config.script);
if (c.luaL_loadfile(lua, cstr_filename.ptr) != 0) {
const error_str = load([]const u8, lua);
defer load_alloc.?.free(error_str);
std.log.err("lua error: {s}", .{error_str});
return error.LuaError;
initTables(simulation, lua);
initAPI(simulation, lua);
if (c.lua_pcall(lua, 0, c.LUA_MULTRET, 0) != 0) {
const error_str = load([]const u8, lua);
defer load_alloc.?.free(error_str);
std.log.err("lua error: {s}", .{error_str});
return error.LuaError;
return lua;
pub fn deinit(_: std.mem.Allocator, lua: *c.lua_State) !void {
//try call(void, alloc, lua, "printResults", .{});
load_alloc = null;
pub fn update(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
_: root.Config.Run,
lua: *c.lua_State,
) !void {
const api = root.Simulation.interface;
const tuples = .{
.{ api.ResourcesOrder, "assignResources", api.addResources },
.{ api.WageOrder, "assignWages", api.setWages },
.{ api.PriceOrder, "assignPrices", api.setPrices },
inline for (tuples) |tuple| {
const Type = tuple.@"0";
const funcName = tuple.@"1";
const apiFunc = tuple.@"2";
const data = try call([]Type, alloc, lua, funcName, .{});
defer, data);
pub fn call(
comptime Type: type,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
lua: *c.lua_State,
name: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) !Type {
const cstr = try alloc.dupeZ(u8, name);
c.lua_getglobal(lua, cstr.ptr);
for (args) |arg| {
push(lua, arg);
const err = c.lua_pcall(lua, args.len, 1, 0);
if (err != 0) {
const msg = load([]const u8, lua);
defer load_alloc.?.free(msg);"error running {s}: {s}", .{ name, msg });
if (Type != void) {
return load(Type, lua);
fn initTables(_: *root.Simulation, lua: *c.lua_State) void {
inline for (slice_types) |Type| {
addSliceMetatable(Type, lua);
inline for (map_types) |Type| {
addMapMetatable(Type, lua);
fn initAPI(simulation: *root.Simulation, lua: *c.lua_State) void {
const api = root.Simulation.interface;
api.simulation = simulation;
setField(lua, "products", simulation.products);
//setField(lua, "agents", simulation.agents.keys());
//setField(lua, "tasks", simulation.tasks.keys());
registerFunc(lua, "getDay", api.getDay);
registerFunc(lua, "getAvgLabor", api.getAvgLabor);
registerFunc(lua, "getTasks", api.getTasks);
registerFunc(lua, "getAgents", api.getAgents);
registerFunc(lua, "getTaskProduct", api.getTaskProduct);
registerFunc(lua, "getInventory", api.getInventory);
registerFunc(lua, "getProduced", api.getProduced);
registerFunc(lua, "getConsumed", api.getConsumed);
registerFunc(lua, "getConsumedByAgents", api.getConsumedByAgents);
registerFunc(lua, "getConsumedByTasks", api.getConsumedByTasks);
registerFunc(lua, "getAgentTask", api.getAgentTask);
registerFunc(lua, "getTaskAgents", api.getTaskAgents);
registerFunc(lua, "getAgentConsumption", api.getAgentConsumption);
registerFunc(lua, "getAgentProduction", api.getAgentProduction);
registerFunc(lua, "getAgentSavings", api.getAgentSavings);
registerFunc(lua, "getTaskInventory", api.getTaskInventory);
registerFunc(lua, "getTaskUnspent", api.getTaskUnspent);
registerFunc(lua, "getAverageHealth", api.getAverageHealth);
registerFunc(lua, "getAverageHappiness", api.getAverageHappiness);
c.lua_setglobal(lua, "econ");
fn registerFunc(
lua: *c.lua_State,
comptime name: []const u8,
comptime func: anytype,
) void {
const wfunc = wrap(func);
setFunctionField(lua, name, wfunc);
pub fn wrap(comptime func: anytype) Func {
return struct {
const Type = @TypeOf(func);
const info = @typeInfo(Type).Fn;
const Tuple = std.meta.ArgsTuple(Type);
const fields = std.meta.fields(Tuple);
const len = fields.len;
const return_type = info.return_type;
pub fn f(opt: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int {
const lua = opt.?;
var args: Tuple = undefined;
inline for (fields, 0..) |field, i| {
c.lua_pushvalue(lua, -@as(c_int, @intCast(len - i)));
@field(args, = load(field.type, lua);
c.lua_pop(lua, 1);
if (return_type != null and return_type.? != void) {
const ret = @call(.auto, func, args);
push(lua, ret);
return 1;
} else {
@call(.auto, func, args);
return 0;
pub fn load(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State) Type {
//@compileLog("load " ++ @typeName(Type));
//"loading {s}", .{@typeName(Type)});
const alloc = load_alloc.?;
const value: Type = switch (@typeInfo(Type)) {
.Bool => c.lua_toboolean(lua, -1) != 0,
.Int => @as(Type, @intFromFloat(c.lua_tonumber(lua, -1))),
.Float => @as(Type, @floatCast(c.lua_tonumber(lua, -1))),
.Optional => |info| if (c.lua_isnil(lua, -1))
load(info.child, lua),
.Struct => loadStruct(Type, lua),
.Pointer => |info| switch (info.size) {
.Slice => if (info.is_const and info.child == u8) blk: {
var len: usize = 0;
const ptr = c.lua_tolstring(lua, -1, &len);
var slice: [:0]const u8 = undefined;
slice.ptr = ptr;
slice.len = len;
break :blk alloc.dupe(u8, slice) catch
} else loadSlice(info.child, alloc, lua) catch
else => @compileError("unsupported type"),
else => @compileError("unsupported type"),
if (comptime @typeInfo(Type) != .Optional) {
c.lua_pop(lua, 1);
return value;
fn loadStruct(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State) Type {
var value: Type = undefined; //TODO: init defaults
inline for (std.meta.fields(Type)) |field| {
const name =;
@field(value, name) = getField(field.type, lua, name);
return value;
fn getField(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State, name: []const u8) Type {
push(lua, name);
c.lua_gettable(lua, -2);
return load(Type, lua);
fn loadSlice(
comptime Type: type,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
lua: *c.lua_State,
) ![]Type {
const len = c.lua_objlen(lua, -1);
const slice = try alloc.alloc(Type, len);
for (slice, 0..) |*item, i| {
item.* = getIndex(Type, lua, i + 1);
return slice;
fn getIndex(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State, index: usize) Type {
push(lua, index);
c.lua_gettable(lua, -2);
return load(Type, lua);
pub fn push(lua: *c.lua_State, value: anytype) void {
const Type = @TypeOf(value);
if (comptime in(Type, map_types)) {
pushMap(Type, lua, value);
} else {
switch (@typeInfo(Type)) {
.Bool => c.lua_pushboolean(lua, @intFromBool(value)),
.Int => c.lua_pushnumber(lua, @as(f64, @floatFromInt(value))),
.Float => c.lua_pushnumber(lua, @as(f64, @floatCast(value))),
.Optional => if (value) |v| push(lua, v) else c.lua_pushnil(lua),
.Array => |info| pushSliceAsTable(info.child, lua, &value),
.Struct => pushStruct(Type, lua, value),
.Pointer => |info| switch (info.size) {
.Slice => if (info.is_const and info.child == u8) {
c.lua_pushlstring(lua, value.ptr, value.len);
} else {
if (in(info.child, slice_types)) {
pushSlice(info.child, lua, value);
} else {
pushSliceAsTable(info.child, lua, value);
.One => push(lua, value.*),
else => @compileError("unsupported type"),
else => @compileError("unsupported type"),
fn pushStruct(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State, value: Type) void {
inline for (std.meta.fields(Type)) |field| {
const name =;
setField(lua, name, @field(value, name));
fn pushMap(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State, map: Type) void {
const Payload = Type;
const n = @sizeOf(Payload);
const ptr = cast(*Payload, c.lua_newuserdata(lua, n));
c.luaL_getmetatable(lua, mapMetatableName(Type));
_ = c.lua_setmetatable(lua, -2);
ptr.* = map;
fn pushSlice(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State, slice: []Type) void {
const Payload = []Type;
const n = @sizeOf(Payload);
const ptr = cast(*Payload, c.lua_newuserdata(lua, n));
c.luaL_getmetatable(lua, sliceMetatableName(Type));
_ = c.lua_setmetatable(lua, -2);
ptr.* = slice;
fn pushSliceAsTable(
comptime Type: type,
lua: *c.lua_State,
value: []Type,
) void {
for (value, 0..) |item, i| {
push(lua, i);
push(lua, item);
c.lua_settable(lua, -3);
//setField(lua, "size", value.len);
fn setField(lua: *c.lua_State, index: []const u8, value: anytype) void {
push(lua, index);
push(lua, value);
c.lua_settable(lua, -3);
fn setFunctionField(
lua: *c.lua_State,
index: []const u8,
value: *const Func,
) void {
push(lua, index);
c.lua_pushcfunction(lua, value);
c.lua_settable(lua, -3);
fn addMapMetatable(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State) void {
const Payload = Type;
const getItem = struct {
pub fn f(opt_l: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int {
const l = opt_l.?;
const opt = cast(?*Payload, c.lua_touserdata(l, 1));
const index = c.luaL_checkint(l, 2);
const ptr = opt.?;
push(l, ptr.get(@as(usize, @intCast(index))));
return 1;
const getSize = struct {
pub fn f(opt_l: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int {
const l = opt_l.?;
const opt = cast(?*Payload, c.lua_touserdata(l, 1));
const ptr = opt.?;
push(l, ptr.count());
return 1;
const index_str: []const u8 = "__index";
_ = c.luaL_newmetatable(lua, mapMetatableName(Type));
setFunctionField(lua, "get", getItem);
setFunctionField(lua, "size", getSize);
push(lua, index_str);
c.lua_pushvalue(lua, -2);
c.lua_settable(lua, -3);
c.lua_pop(lua, 1);
fn mapMetatableName(comptime Type: type) [*c]const u8 {
return "econ_map" ++ @typeName(Type);
fn addSliceMetatable(comptime Type: type, lua: *c.lua_State) void {
const Payload = []Type;
const getItem = struct {
pub fn f(opt_l: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int {
const l = opt_l.?;
const opt = cast(?*Payload, c.lua_touserdata(l, 1));
const index = c.luaL_checkint(l, 2);
const ptr = opt.?;
push(l, ptr.*[@as(usize, @intCast(index))]);
return 1;
const getSize = struct {
pub fn f(opt_l: ?*c.lua_State) callconv(.C) c_int {
const l = opt_l.?;
const opt = cast(?*Payload, c.lua_touserdata(l, 1));
const ptr = opt.?;
push(l, ptr.*.len);
return 1;
const index_str: []const u8 = "__index";
_ = c.luaL_newmetatable(lua, sliceMetatableName(Type));
setFunctionField(lua, "get", getItem);
setFunctionField(lua, "size", getSize);
push(lua, index_str);
c.lua_pushvalue(lua, -2);
c.lua_settable(lua, -3);
c.lua_pop(lua, 1);
fn sliceMetatableName(comptime Type: type) [*c]const u8 {
return "econ_slice" ++ @typeName(Type);
fn cast(comptime Type: type, ptr: anytype) Type {
return @as(Type, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ptr)));
fn in(comptime Type: type, comptime tuple: anytype) bool {
var found: bool = false;
inline for (tuple) |Item| {
if (Item == Type) {
found = true;
return found;