Team: /leftypol/ Team Colors: - 1st: #FF0000 - 2nd: #000000 Kit Colors: - 1st player: #C50000 - #000000 - 2nd player: #1B2036 - #E95B0D - 3rd player: #C4C4C4 - #2B381B - 4th player: #000000 - #000000 - 5th player: #ECC921 - #D5300E - 6th player: #FF0000 - #FFFFFF - 1st GK: #FFFFD2 - #FF8869 Other Notes: - Home ground: GNU/Lag (aka. YOU'RE DOWNLOADING COMMUNISM) - Favorite balls: [sputnik, spirit of the revolution, i can see my house] - Auto-management: START WITH PRESET 3! Sub on best forms at start, all 12 subs are supersubs. Sub at 46' (first stoppage of second half) to get supers on. Use preset 2 if leading by 2+.