Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

226 lines
6.7 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from 'file-type';
import type Embedding from './Embedding.svelte';
import type Embeddings from './Embeddings.svelte';
import { EmbeddedFile, EMBED_TYPES } from './main';
import { settings } from './stores'
export let id = ''
export let files: EmbeddedFile[];
export let inst: Embedding | Embeddings;
let isVideo = false
inst.$on("fileinfo", (info) => {
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function reveal() {
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const isNotChrome = !navigator.userAgent.includes("Chrome/");
const opContainer = document.querySelector('.opContainer') as HTMLDivElement;
const fullId = opContainer?.dataset.fullID ?? "";
const boardID = fullId?.substring(0, fullId.indexOf('.')) ?? "";
const opID = fullId?.substring(fullId.indexOf('.') + '.'.length) ?? "";
const opSubject = opContainer?.querySelector('.postInfo.desktop .subject')?.textContent ?? "";
const opComment = opContainer?.querySelector('.postMessage')?.textContent ?? "";
const opInfo = (opSubject + opComment).substring(0, 46);
const opTotal = `[${opInfo}]_oID[${opID}]`;
const MAX_PATH = 237;
function downloadName(filename: string) {
//! TODO add user flag or check for Windows or not, if not remove .substring() calls.
//MAX Length=(260-12-1) = 247. The trailing minus 1 is for the invisible NUL terminator. (Windows)
//opera browser max length 243?
//firefox browser max length 237?
//style -> '-[]_oID[]_pID[]_[].' = 19 char length
//style example -> '$boardID-[$name]_opID.[$opID]_postID.[$postID]_[$fileName]'
const downloadExt = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
const postWrapper = document.querySelector('[alt="'+filename+'"]')?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement;
const pID = postWrapper?.id.substring(1) ?? "";
// const pSubject = postWrapper?.querySelector('.subject')?.textContent ?? "";
// const pComment = postWrapper?.querySelector('.postMessage')?.textContent ?? "";
// const pInfo = (opSubject + opComment).substring(0, 46);
// const pTotal = `[${pInfo}]_ID[${pID}]`;
// return `${boardID}-${opTotal}_pID[${postID}]_[{3e}${fileName}]`;
const suffix = ']' + downloadExt;
const max = MAX_PATH - suffix.length;
const substringed = `${boardID}-${opTotal}_pID[${pID}]_[{PEE}${filename}`.substring(0, max);
return substringed + suffix;
async function downloadFile(file: EmbeddedFile) {
const a = document.createElement("a") as HTMLAnchorElement;
document.body.appendChild(a); = 'none';
const thumb = (typeof === 'function') ? await : ;
if(!(thumb instanceof ArrayBuffer || thumb instanceof Uint8Array)) {
console.error("Couldn't download File");
const type = await fileTypeFromBuffer(thumb);
const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([thumb], { type: type?.mime }))
a.href = url; = downloadName(file.filename);;
let black = new Set<string>();
settings.subscribe(s => {
black = new Set(s.blacklist);
let blackHits = files.filter(file => file.tags?.some(e => black.has(e)) ?? false) ?? [''];
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{#each file.tags as tag}
<li class:hasblack-bg={black.has(tag)}>{tag}</li>
{#if isNotChrome && isVideo}
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-missing-attribute -->
<a on:click={(ev) => { inst.bepis(ev); }}
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class:hasblack={file?.isBlacklisted === true}
>[PEE contract]</a
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