Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

152 lines
4.5 KiB

import type { EmbeddedFile, ImageProcessor } from "./main";
import { GM_fetch } from "./requests";
import { settings } from "./stores";
export type Booru = {
domain: string;
endpoint: string;
quirks: tran;
export type BooruMatch = {
tags: string[];
full_url: string;
preview_url: string;
ext: string;
type tran = (a: any) => BooruMatch[];
const gelquirk: tran = a =>
( || a).map((e: any) => ({
ext: e.image.substr(e.image.indexOf('.') + 1),
full_url: e.file_url,
preview_url: e.preview_url,
tags: e.tags.split(' ')
} as BooruMatch)) || [];
export const boorus: Booru[] = [
domain: '',
endpoint: '/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&tags=md5:',
quirks: gelquirk
domain: '',
endpoint: '/post.json?tags=md5:',
quirks: a => any) => ({
ext: e.file_ext,
full_url: e.file_url,
preview_url: e.preview_url,
tags: e.tags.split(' ')
} as BooruMatch))
domain: '',
endpoint: '/posts/keyset?tags=md5:',
quirks: a => ? any) => ({
ext: e.file_type.substr(e.file_type.indexOf('/') + 1),
full_url: e.file_url,
preview_url: e.preview_url,
tags: any) => e.name_en)
} as BooruMatch)) : []
domain: '',
endpoint: '/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&tags=md5:',
quirks: gelquirk
domain: '',
endpoint: '/posts.json?tags=md5:',
quirks: a => any) => ({
ext: e.file_ext,
full_url: e.file_url,
preview_url: e.preview_url,
tags: e.tag_string.split(' ')
} as BooruMatch))
domain: '',
endpoint: '/post.json?tags=md5:',
quirks: a => any) => ({
ext: e.file_url.substr(e.file_url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1),
full_url: e.file_url,
preview_url: e.preview_url,
tags: e.tags.split(' ')
} as BooruMatch))
let black = new Set<string>();
let sources = new Set<string>();
settings.subscribe(s => {
black = new Set(s.blacklist);
sources = new Set(s.sources);
const cache: any = {};
const findFileFrom = async (b: Booru, hex: string) => {
try {
if (b.domain in cache && hex in cache[b.domain])
return cache[b.domain][hex] as BooruMatch[];
const res = await GM_fetch(`https://${b.domain}${b.endpoint}${hex}`);
// might throw because some endpoint respond with invalid json when an error occurs
const pres = await res.json();
const tran = b.quirks(pres).filter(e => !e.tags.some(e => black.has(e)));
if (!(b.domain in cache))
cache[b.domain] = {};
cache[b.domain][hex] = tran;
return tran;
} catch {
return [];
const extract = async (b: Buffer, fn?: string) => {
let result!: BooruMatch[];
for (const e of Object.values(boorus)) {
if (!sources.has(e.domain))
result = await findFileFrom(e, fn!.substring(0, 32));
if (result.length)
let cachedFile: ArrayBuffer;
return {
filename: fn!.substring(0, 33) + result[0].ext,
thumbnail: (await (await GM_fetch(result[0].preview_url)).arrayBuffer()),
data: async (lsn) => {
if (!cachedFile)
cachedFile = (await (await GM_fetch(result[0].full_url, undefined, lsn)).arrayBuffer());
return cachedFile;
} as EmbeddedFile;
const has_embed = async (b: Buffer, fn?: string) => {
// It's not worth to bother skipping images with filenames that match their md5 because
// 4chan reencodes jpegs, which is well over half the files posted
let result: BooruMatch[] | undefined = undefined;
for (const e of Object.values(boorus)) {
if (!sources.has(e.domain))
result = await findFileFrom(e, fn!.substring(0, 32));
if (result.length)
return result && result.length != 0;
export default {
skip: true,
match: fn => !!fn.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{32}\.....?$/)
} as ImageProcessor;