/// /// import * as platform from './platform'; import { initial_settings, localLoad, settings } from './stores'; //import { initial_settings } from './stores'; //import { initial_settings } from './stores'; import pngv3 from "./pngv3"; //import webm from "./webm"; //import gif from "./gif"; import jpg from "./jpg"; import thirdeye from "./thirdeye"; import pomf from "./pomf"; console.log("Worker started"); const pendinggens: Record) => void)[]> = {}; const pendingcmds: Record void)[]> = {}; const proxyAsyncGen = (id: number) => { return { next(arg) { postMessage({ type: 'ag', id }); return new Promise>(res => { if (!pendinggens[id]) pendinggens[id] = []; pendinggens[id].push(res); }); }, return(v) { postMessage({ type: 'ag', id }); return new Promise>(res => { if (!pendinggens[id]) pendinggens[id] = []; pendinggens[id].push(res); }); }, throw() { postMessage({ type: 'ag', id }); return new Promise>(res => { if (!pendinggens[id]) pendinggens[id] = []; pendinggens[id].push(res); }); }, [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this as AsyncGenerator; } } as AsyncGenerator; }; const deserializeMessage = (m: any) => { if (m instanceof MessagePort) return m; if (typeof m == "object" && m.type == 'AsyncGenerator') { return proxyAsyncGen(m.id); } if (typeof m == "object") { for (const p in m) { m[p] = deserializeMessage(m[p]); } } return m; }; type WorkerEmbeddedFileWithPreview = { page?: { title: string, url: string }; // can be a booru page source?: string; // can be like a twitter post this was posted in originally thumbnail: string | Uint8Array; filename: string; data: WorkerEmbeddedFileWithoutPreview['data'] | { url: string, headers?: Record }; }; type WorkerEmbeddedFileWithoutPreview = { page: undefined; source: undefined; thumbnail?: string; filename: string; data: string | Uint8Array; }; export type WorkerEmbeddedFile = WorkerEmbeddedFileWithPreview | WorkerEmbeddedFileWithoutPreview; export interface ImageProcessor { skip?: true; match(fn: string): boolean; has_embed(b: Uint8Array, fn?: string, prevurl?: string): boolean | string | undefined | Promise; extract(b: Uint8Array, fn?: string): WorkerEmbeddedFile[] | Promise; inject?(b: File, c: string[]): Buffer | Promise; } const processors: ImageProcessor[] = [thirdeye, pomf, pngv3, jpg]; //, webm, gif const processImage = async (srcs: AsyncGenerator, fn: string, hex: string, prevurl: string) => { const ret = await Promise.all(processors.filter(e => e.match(fn)).map(async proc => { if (proc.skip) { // skip file downloading, file is referenced from the filename // basically does things like filtering out blacklisted tags const md5 = Buffer.from(hex, 'base64'); if (await proc.has_embed(md5, fn, prevurl) === true) { return [await proc.extract(md5, fn), true] as [WorkerEmbeddedFile[], boolean]; } return; } let succ = false; let cumul: Buffer; do { try { const n = await srcs.next(); if (n.done) return; // no more links to try const iter = platform.streamRemote(n.value); if (!iter) return; cumul = Buffer.alloc(0); let found: boolean | undefined; let chunk: ReadableStreamReadResult = { done: true }; do { const { value, done } = await iter.next(typeof found === "boolean"); if (done) { chunk = { done: true } as ReadableStreamReadDoneResult; } else { chunk = { done: false, value } as ReadableStreamReadValueResult; cumul = Buffer.concat([cumul, value!]); const v = await proc.has_embed(cumul); if (typeof v == "string") { return [await proc.extract(cumul, v), false] as [WorkerEmbeddedFile[], boolean]; } found = v; } } while (found !== false && !chunk.done /* Because we only embed links now, it's safe to assume we get everything we need in the first chunk */); succ = true; await iter.next(true); if (found !== true) { //console.log(`Gave up on ${src} after downloading ${cumul.byteLength} bytes...`); return; } return [await proc.extract(cumul), false] as [WorkerEmbeddedFile[], boolean]; } catch (err) { console.log(err); // ignore error and retry with another link } } while (!succ); })); return ret.filter(e => e).map(e => e!); }; const snooze = (n: number) => new Promise(_ => setTimeout(_, n)); let init = false; (async () => { onmessage = async (msg: MessageEvent) => { const des = deserializeMessage(msg.data); switch (des.type) { case 'ipc': { platform.setupPort(des.port); const nset = await localLoad('settingsv2', initial_settings); settings.set(nset); break; } case 'cmd': { switch (des.fun) { case 'processImage': { if (!init) { await new Promise(_ => { settings.subscribe(v => { if (v) _(); }); }); init = true; } //console.log('Received process image command', des); const res = await processImage(des.args[0], des.args[1], des.args[2], des.args[3]); //console.log('Finished process image command', des); const tr: Transferable[] = []; for (const ef of res) { for (const e of ef[0]) { if (e.thumbnail && Buffer.isBuffer(e.thumbnail) || typeof e.thumbnail != "string") tr.push(e.thumbnail!.buffer); if (Buffer.isBuffer(e.data) || (typeof e.data != 'string' && !('url' in e.data))) tr.push(e.data.buffer); } } //console.log('Sent reply', res, des); postMessage({ type: 'reply', id: des.id, res }, [...new Set(tr)]); } } break; } case 'ag': { const cb = pendinggens[des.id].shift(); if (cb) { cb(des.res); } break; } } }; })();