import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from 'file-type'; import * as png from "./png"; import * as webm from "./webm"; import App from "./App.svelte"; import { settings } from "./stores"; let csettings: any; settings.subscribe(b => csettings = b); type Awaited = T extends PromiseLike ? U : T const xmlhttprequest = typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined' ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : (GM ? GM.xmlHttpRequest : GM_xmlhttpRequest); const headerStringToObject = (s: string) => Object.fromEntries(s.split('\n').map(e => { const [name,] = e.split(':'); return [name.toLowerCase(), rest.join(':').trim()]; })); function GM_head(...[url, opt]: Parameters) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // const gmopt: Tampermonkey.Request = { url: url.toString(), data: opt?.body?.toString(), method: "HEAD", onload: (resp) => { resolve(resp.responseHeaders); }, ontimeout: () => reject("fetch timeout"), onerror: () => reject("fetch error"), onabort: () => reject("fetch abort") }; xmlhttprequest(gmopt); }); } function GM_fetch(...[url, opt]: Parameters) { function blobTo(to: string, blob: Blob) { if (to == "arrayBuffer" && blob.arrayBuffer) return blob.arrayBuffer(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function (event) { if (!event) return; if (to == "base64") resolve(!.result); else resolve(!.result); }; if (to == "arrayBuffer") fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); else if (to == "base64") fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob); // "data:*/*;base64,......" else if (to == "text") fileReader.readAsText(blob, "utf-8"); else reject("unknown to"); }); } return new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { // const gmopt: Tampermonkey.Request = { url: url.toString(), data: opt?.body?.toString(), responseType: "blob", headers: opt?.headers as any, method: "GET", onload: (resp) => { const blob = resp.response as Blob; const ref = resp as any as Awaited>; ref.blob = () => Promise.resolve(blob); ref.arrayBuffer = () => blobTo("arrayBuffer", blob) as Promise; ref.text = () => blobTo("text", blob) as Promise; ref.json = async () => JSON.parse(await (blobTo("text", blob) as Promise)); resolve(resp as any); }, ontimeout: () => reject("fetch timeout"), onerror: () => reject("fetch error"), onabort: () => reject("fetch abort") }; xmlhttprequest(gmopt); }); } async function* streamRemote(url: string, chunkSize = 128 * 1024, fetchRestOnNonCanceled = true) { const headers = await GM_head(url); const h = headerStringToObject(headers); const size = +h['content-length']; let ptr = 0; let fetchSize = chunkSize; while (ptr != size) { const res = await GM_fetch(url, { headers: { range: `bytes=${ptr}-${ptr + fetchSize - 1}` } }) as any as Tampermonkey.Response; const obj = headerStringToObject(res.responseHeaders); if (!('content-length' in obj)) return; const len = +obj['content-length']; ptr += len; if (fetchRestOnNonCanceled) fetchSize = size; yield Buffer.from(await (res as any).arrayBuffer()); } } function iteratorToStream(iterator: AsyncGenerator) { return new ReadableStream({ async pull(controller) { const { value, done } = await; if (done) { controller.close(); } else { controller.enqueue(value); } }, }); } // (async () => { // const iter = streamRemote("", 16 * 1024, false); // //const str = iteratorToStream(iter); // const cum: Buffer[] = []; // for await (const buf of iter) { // console.log(buf.byteLength); // cum.push(buf); // } // const total = cum.reduce((a, b) => png.concatAB(a, b)); // console.log(await fileTypeFromBuffer(total)); // })(); const processors: [RegExp, (reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader) => Promise<{ filename: string; data: Buffer } | undefined>, (container: File, inj: File) => Promise][] = [ [/\.png$/, png.extract, png.inject], [/\.webm$/, webm.extract, webm.inject] ]; const processImage = async (src: string) => { if (src.includes('/images/')) // thirdeye removes the original link and puts a non-existing link return; // cant do shit about that. const proc = processors.find(e => src.match(e[0])); if (!proc) return; // const resp = await GM_fetch(src); // const reader = resp.body; const iter = streamRemote(src); const reader = iteratorToStream(iter); if (!reader) return; return await proc[1](reader.getReader()); }; const textToElement = (s: string) => document.createRange().createContextualFragment(s).children[0] as any as T; const processPost = async (post: HTMLDivElement) => { const thumb = post.querySelector(".fileThumb") as HTMLAnchorElement; if (!thumb) return; const res = await processImage(thumb.href); if (!res) return; const replyBox = post.querySelector('.post'); replyBox?.classList.toggle('hasembed'); // add buttons const fi = post.querySelector(".file-info")!; let a: HTMLAnchorElement | null; a = fi.querySelector('.fa.fa-eye'); let inlining = true; if (!a) { inlining = false; a = textToElement(` `); } let type = await fileTypeFromBuffer(; let cont: HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLAudioElement | HTMLAnchorElement; let w: number, h: number; if (type?.mime.startsWith("image")) { cont = document.createElement("img"); } else if (type?.mime.startsWith("video")) { cont = document.createElement("video"); //cont.autoplay = true; cont.loop = true; cont.controls = true; cont.pause(); } else if (type?.mime.startsWith("audio")) { cont = document.createElement("audio"); cont.autoplay = false; cont.controls = true; cont.pause(); } else { // If type detection fails, you'd better have an extension if (!type) type = { mime: "application/unknown" as any, 'ext': "data" as any }; cont = document.createElement('a'); let fn = res.filename; if (!fn.includes('.')) fn += '.' + type.ext; = fn; cont.textContent = "Download " +; } let src: string | null; src = post.getAttribute('data-processed'); if (!src) src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: type.mime })); if (!(cont instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) cont.src = src; else cont.href = src; await new Promise(res => { if (cont instanceof HTMLImageElement) cont.onload = res; else if (cont instanceof HTMLVideoElement) cont.onloadedmetadata = res; else if (cont instanceof HTMLAudioElement) cont.onloadedmetadata = res; else res(void 0); // Don't know what this is: don't wait }); if (cont instanceof HTMLImageElement) { w = cont.naturalWidth; h = cont.naturalHeight; } if (cont instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { w = cont.videoWidth; h = cont.videoHeight; } const playable = cont instanceof HTMLAudioElement || cont instanceof HTMLVideoElement; const contract = () => { if (cont instanceof HTMLAudioElement) return; = `unset`; = `unset`; = "125px"; = "125px"; }; const expand = () => { = `${w}px`; = `${h}px`; = "unset"; = "unset"; }; const imgcont = document.createElement('div'); const p = thumb.parentElement!; p.removeChild(thumb); imgcont.appendChild(thumb); p.appendChild(imgcont); = "flex"; = "5px"; = "column"; a.classList.toggle("disabled"); a.classList.toggle("pee-button"); let contracted = true; contract(); contract(); cont.onclick = (e) => { contracted = !contracted; (contracted) ? contract() : expand(); e.stopPropagation(); }; let visible = false; a.onclick = () => { visible = !visible; if (visible) { console.log(csettings); if ((cont instanceof HTMLVideoElement && csettings.apv) || (cont instanceof HTMLAudioElement && csettings.apa)); if ((cont instanceof HTMLImageElement && csettings.xpi) || (cont instanceof HTMLVideoElement && csettings.xpv)) expand(); imgcont.appendChild(cont); } else { if (playable) { (cont as any).pause(); } contract(); imgcont.removeChild(cont); } a!.classList.toggle("disabled"); }; if (!inlining) fi.children[1].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', a); post.setAttribute('data-processed', src); }; const startup = async () => { //await Promise.all([...document.querySelectorAll('.postContainer')].filter(e => e.textContent?.includes("191 KB")).map(e => processPost(e as any))); // Basically this is a misnommer: fires even when inlining existings posts, also posts are inlined through some kind of dom projection // document.addEventListener('PostsInserted', (async (e: CustomEvent) => { // const threadelement = as HTMLDivElement; // const posts = [...threadelement.querySelectorAll(".postContainer")].filter(e => !e.hasAttribute('data-processed')); // => processPost(e as any)); // }));threadelement const mo = new MutationObserver(reco => { for (const rec of reco) if (rec.type == "childList") rec.addedNodes.forEach(e => { if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement)) return; const el = (e as any).querySelectorAll(".postContainer"); if (el) [...el].map(el => processPost(el as any)); }); }); document.querySelectorAll('.board').forEach(e => { mo.observe(e!, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); const posts = [...document.querySelectorAll('.postContainer')]; const scts = document.getElementById('shortcuts'); const button = textToElement(``); const app = new App({ target: button }); scts?.appendChild(button); await Promise.all( => processPost(e as any))); }; const getSelectedFile = () => { return new Promise(res => { document.addEventListener('QRFile', e => res((e as any).detail), { once: true }); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRGetFile')); }); }; document.addEventListener('4chanXInitFinished', startup); document.addEventListener('QRDialogCreation', ((e: CustomEvent) => { const target = as HTMLDivElement; const bts = target.querySelector('#qr-filename-container'); const i = document.createElement('i'); i.className = "fa fa-magnet"; const a = document.createElement('a'); a.appendChild(i); a.title = "Embed File (Select a file before...)"; bts?.appendChild(a); a.onclick = async (e) => { const file = await getSelectedFile(); if (!file) return; const input = document.createElement('input') as HTMLInputElement; input.setAttribute("type", "file"); const type = file.type; input.onchange = (async ev => { if (input.files) { try { const proc = processors.find(e =>[0])); if (!proc) throw new Error("Container filetype not supported"); const buff = await proc[2](file, input.files[0]); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRSetFile', { //detail: { file: new Blob([buff]), name:, type: file.type } detail: { file: new Blob([buff], { type }), name: } })); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CreateNotification", { detail: { type: 'success', content: 'File successfully embedded!', lifetime: 3 } })); } catch (err) { const e = err as Error; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CreateNotification", { detail: { type: 'error', content: "Couldn't embed file: " + e.message, lifetime: 3 } })); } } });; }; }), { once: true }); const customStyles = document.createElement('style'); customStyles.appendChild(document.createTextNode( ` .pee-hidden { display: none; } .extractedImg { width:auto; height:auto; max-width:125px; max-height:125px; cursor: pointer; } .hasembed { border-right: 3px dashed deeppink !important; } .expanded-image > .post > .file .fileThumb > img[data-md5] { display: none; } .expanded-image > .post > .file .fileThumb .full-image { display: inline; } ` )); document.documentElement.insertBefore(customStyles, null); // onload = () => { // let container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLInputElement; // let injection = document.getElementById("injection") as HTMLInputElement; // container.onchange = injection.onchange = async () => { // if (container.files?.length && injection.files?.length) { // let res = await buildInjection(container.files[0], injection.files[0]); // let result = document.getElementById("result") as HTMLImageElement; // let extracted = document.getElementById("extracted") as HTMLImageElement; // result.src = URL.createObjectURL(res.file); // let embedded = await extractEmbedded(; // extracted.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([embedded?.data!])); // } // } // }