{#if visible}

PEE Settings 0.{rev}

Join us on 2chen!

General External File Host updateThreads()}>Thread Watcher updateNews()}>Reminder Advanced {#if $appState.akValid} Hydrus {/if} {#if $settings.eye} {/if} {#if $settings.hyd} {#if $appState.herror} {$appState.herror} {/if} {#if $appState.akValid} {/if} {/if} {#if !$settings.te} {#if $settings.phash} {/if}

Booru sources

{#if $settings.rsources.length == 0}

Don't know what to put here? Ask some anons ;)

{#each $settings.rsources as source, i} removeBooru(source.domain)} on:toggle={() => toggleBooru(source.domain)} toggleable={true} toggled={!$settings.rsources.find( (e) => e.domain == source.domain )?.disabled} /> {/each}
{#if $settings.rsources.length == 0} {/if}

Blacklisted tags

{#each $settings.blacklist as tag, i} removeTag(tag)} /> {/each}
{ if (ev.key == "Enter") { $settings.blacklist = [ ...$settings.blacklist, ev.currentTarget.value, ]; ev.currentTarget.value = ""; } }} /> {/if}

Host to use when uploading files (Only permanent hosts)

{#if !updating}

Format is (embedded links / link in filename)

{#each threads as thread}
>>{thread.id} ({thread.pees} / {thread.eyes + thread.other})



Reminder to report issues to the main repo

{#if news.length == 0}

There are no news yet.

{:else} {#each news as anew}



{/each} {/if}
{#if $appState.akValid} {/if}