import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { appState, settings } from "./stores"; import globalCss from './global.css'; import pngv3, { inject_data } from "./pngv3"; import webm from "./webm"; import gif from "./gif"; import jpg, { convertToPng } from "./jpg"; import thirdeye from "./thirdeye"; import pomf from "./pomf"; import App from "./Components/App.svelte"; import ScrollHighlighter from "./Components/ScrollHighlighter.svelte"; import PostOptions from "./Components/PostOptions.svelte"; import SettingsButton from './Components/SettingsButton.svelte'; //import Embedding from './Components/Embedding.svelte'; import Embeddings from './Components/Embeddings.svelte'; import EyeButton from './Components/EyeButton.svelte'; import NotificationsHandler from './Components/NotificationsHandler.svelte'; import { buildPeeFile, fireNotification } from "./utils"; import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from "file-type"; import { getQueryProcessor, QueryProcessor } from "./websites"; import { lolisafe } from "./filehosts"; import { ifetch, Platform, streamRemote, supportedAltDomain } from "./platform"; export interface ImageProcessor { skip?: true; match(fn: string): boolean; has_embed(b: Buffer, fn?: string, prevurl?: string): boolean | Promise; extract(b: Buffer, fn?: string): EmbeddedFile[] | Promise; inject?(b: File, c: File[]): Buffer | Promise; } let qp: QueryProcessor; export let csettings: Parameters[0]; let processors: ImageProcessor[] = [thirdeye, pomf, pngv3, jpg, webm, gif]; let cappState: Parameters[0]; settings.subscribe(b => { csettings = b; processors = [...(!csettings.te ? [thirdeye] : []), pngv3, pomf, jpg, webm, gif ]; }); appState.subscribe(v => { cappState = v; }); type EmbeddedFileWithPreview = { page?: { title: string, url: string }; // can be a booru page source?: string; // can be like a twitter post this was posted in originally thumbnail: string | Buffer; filename: string; data: EmbeddedFileWithoutPreview['data'] | ((lisn?: EventTarget) => Promise); }; type EmbeddedFileWithoutPreview = { page: undefined; source: undefined; thumbnail?: string; filename: string; data: string | Buffer; }; export type EmbeddedFile = EmbeddedFileWithPreview | EmbeddedFileWithoutPreview; const processImage = async (src: string, fn: string, hex: string, prevurl: string, onfound: () => void): Promise<([EmbeddedFile[], boolean] | undefined)[]> => { return Promise.all(processors.filter(e => e.match(fn)).map(async proc => { if (proc.skip) { // skip file downloading, file is referenced from the filename // basically does things like filtering out blacklisted tags const md5 = Buffer.from(hex, 'base64'); if (await proc.has_embed(md5, fn, prevurl) === true) { onfound(); return [await proc.extract(md5, fn), true] as [EmbeddedFile[], boolean]; } return; } // TODO: Move this outside the loop? const iter = streamRemote(src); if (!iter) return; let cumul = Buffer.alloc(0); let found: boolean | undefined; let chunk: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult = { done: true }; do { const { value, done } = await === false); if (done) { chunk = { done: true } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadDoneResult; } else { chunk = { done: false, value } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadValueResult; } if (!done) cumul = Buffer.concat([cumul, value!]); found = await proc.has_embed(cumul); } while (found !== false && !chunk.done); await; if (found === false) { //console.log(`Gave up on ${src} after downloading ${cumul.byteLength} bytes...`); return; } onfound(); return [await proc.extract(cumul), false] as [EmbeddedFile[], boolean]; })); }; const textToElement = (s: string) => document.createRange().createContextualFragment(s).children[0] as any as T; const processPost = async (post: HTMLDivElement) => { const origlink = qp.getImageLink(post); if (!origlink) return; const thumbLink = qp.getThumbnailLink(post); if (!thumbLink) return; let res2 = await processImage(origlink, qp.getFilename(post), qp.getMD5(post), thumbLink, () => { post.querySelector('.post')?.classList.add("embedfound"); }); res2 = res2?.filter(e => e); if (!res2 || res2.length == 0) return; processAttachments(post, res2?.flatMap(e => e![0].map(k => [k, e![1]] as [EmbeddedFile, boolean]))); }; const versionCheck = async () => { const [lmajor, lminor] = (await (await ifetch("")) .text()) .split('\n') .filter(e => e.includes("// @version"))[0].match(/.*version\s+(.*)/)![1].split('.') .map(e => +e); const [major, minor] = BUILD_VERSION; if (major < lmajor || (major == lmajor && minor < lminor)) { fireNotification("info", `Last PEE version is ${lmajor}.${lminor}, you're on ${major}.${minor}`); } }; // Not using the clipboard API because it needs focus function copyTextToClipboard(text: string) { const copyFrom = document.createElement("textarea"); copyFrom.textContent = text; document.body.appendChild(copyFrom);; document.execCommand('copy'); copyFrom.blur(); document.body.removeChild(copyFrom); navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); } const scrapeBoard = async (self: HTMLButtonElement) => { self.disabled = true; self.textContent = "Searching..."; const boardname = location.pathname.match(/\/(.*)\//)![1]; const res = await ifetch(`${boardname}/threads.json`); const pages = await res.json() as Page[]; type Page = { threads: Thread[] } type Thread = { no: number; posts: Post[] }; type BasePost = { no: number, resto: number, tim: number }; type PostWithFile = BasePost & { tim: number, ext: string, md5: string, filename: string }; type PostWithoutFile = BasePost & Record; type Post = (PostWithoutFile | PostWithFile); fireNotification("info", "Fetching all threads..."); const threads = (await Promise.all(pages .reduce((a: Thread[], b: Page) => [...a, ...b.threads], []) .map(e => .map(async id => { try { const res = await ifetch(`${boardname}/thread/${id}.json`); return await res.json() as Thread; } catch { return undefined; } }))).filter(e => e).map(e => e as Thread); const filenames = threads .reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b.posts.filter(p => p.ext) .map(p => p as PostWithFile)], [] as PostWithFile[]).filter(p => p.ext != '.webm' && p.ext != '.gif') .map(p => [p.resto ||, `${boardname}/${p.tim}${p.ext}`, p.md5, p.filename + p.ext,] as [number, string, string, string]); console.log(filenames); fireNotification("info", "Analyzing images..."); const n = 7; //console.log(posts); const processFile = (src: string, fn: string, hex: string) => { return Promise.all(processors.filter(e => e.match(fn)).map(async proc => { if (proc.skip) { const md5 = Buffer.from(hex, 'base64'); return await proc.has_embed(md5, fn); } // TODO: Move this outside the loop? const iter = streamRemote(src); if (!iter) return false; let cumul = Buffer.alloc(0); let found: boolean | undefined; let chunk: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult = { done: true }; do { const { value, done } = await === false); if (done) { chunk = { done: true } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadDoneResult; } else { chunk = { done: false, value } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadValueResult; } if (!done) cumul = Buffer.concat([cumul, value!]); found = await proc.has_embed(cumul); } while (found !== false && !chunk.done); await; return found === true; })); }; const range = ~~(filenames.length / n) + 1; const hasEmbed: typeof filenames = []; const total = filenames.length; let processed = 0; const int = setInterval(() => { fireNotification("info", `Processed [${processed} / ${total}] files`); }, 5000); await Promise.all([ Array(n + 1)].map(async (e, i) => { const postsslice = filenames.slice(i * range, (i + 1) * range); for (const post of postsslice) { try { const res = await processFile(post[1], post[3], post[2]); processed++; if (res.some(e => e)) { hasEmbed.push(post); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } })); clearInterval(int); const counters: Record = {}; for (const k of hasEmbed) counters[k[0]] = k[0] in counters ? counters[k[0]] + 1 : 1; console.log(counters); fireNotification("success", "Processing finished! Results pasted in the clipboard"); const text = Object.entries(counters).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]).map(e => `>>${e[0]} (${e[1]})`).join('\n'); console.log(text); copyTextToClipboard(text); self.textContent = "Copy Results"; self.disabled = false; self.onclick = () => { copyTextToClipboard(text); }; }; const startup = async (is4chanX = true) => { appState.set({ ...cappState, is4chanX }); const lqp = getQueryProcessor(is4chanX); if (!lqp) return; else qp = lqp; if (csettings.vercheck) versionCheck(); if (!is4chanX &&'boards.4chan')) { const qr = QR; const show =; = (...args: any[]) => { show(...args); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRDialogCreation", { detail: document.getElementById('quickReply') })); }; document.addEventListener("QRGetFile", (e) => { const qr = document.getElementById('qrFile') as HTMLInputElement | null; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRFile", { detail: (qr?.files || [])[0] })); }); document.addEventListener("QRSetFile", ((e: CustomEvent<{ file: Blob, name: string }>) => { const qr = document.getElementById('qrFile') as HTMLInputElement | null; if (!qr) return; const dt = new DataTransfer(); dt.items.add(new File([e.detail.file],; qr.files = dt.files; }) as any); const notificationHost = document.createElement('span'); new NotificationsHandler({ target: notificationHost }); document.body.append(notificationHost); } //await Promise.all([...document.querySelectorAll('.postContainer')].filter(e => e.textContent?.includes("191 KB")).map(e => processPost(e as any))); // keep this to handle posts getting inlined const mo = new MutationObserver(reco => { for (const rec of reco) if (rec.type == "childList") rec.addedNodes.forEach(e => { if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement)) return; // apparently querySelector cannot select the root element if it matches let el = qp.postsWithFiles(e); if (!el && e.classList.contains('postContainer')) el = [e]; if (el) [...el].map(el => processPost(el as any)); }); }); document.querySelectorAll('.board').forEach(e => { mo.observe(e!, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); const posts = qp.postsWithFiles(); const scts = qp.settingsHost(); const button = textToElement(``); const settingsButton = new SettingsButton({ target: button }); scts?.appendChild(button); const appHost = textToElement(`
`); const appInstance = new App({ target: appHost }); document.body.append(appHost); const scrollHost = textToElement(`
`); new ScrollHighlighter({ target: scrollHost }); document.body.append(scrollHost); appState.set({ ...cappState, isCatalog: !!document.querySelector('.catalog-small') || !!location.pathname.match(/\/catalog$/), }); //await processPost(posts[0] as any); if (cappState.isCatalog) { const opts = qp.catalogControlHost() as HTMLDivElement; if (opts) { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = "おもらし"; button.onclick = () => scrapeBoard(button); opts.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", button); } } const n = 7; //console.log(posts); const range = ~~(posts.length / n) + 1; await Promise.all([ Array(n + 1)].map(async (e, i) => { const postsslice = posts.slice(i * range, (i + 1) * range); for (const post of postsslice) { try { await processPost(post as any); } catch (e) { console.log('Processing failed for post', post, e); } } })); //await Promise.all( => processPost(e as any))); }; document.addEventListener('4chanXInitFinished', () => startup(true)); document.addEventListener('4chanParsingDone', () => startup(false), { once: true }); if (supportedAltDomain( { window.addEventListener('load', () => { startup(false); }, { once: true }); } document.addEventListener('4chanThreadUpdated', ((e: CustomEvent<{ count: number }>) => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("ThreadUpdate", { detail: { newPosts: [...document.querySelector(".thread")!.children].slice(-e.detail.count).map(e => 'b.' + } })); }) as any); document.addEventListener('ThreadUpdate', (async (e: CustomEvent) => { const newPosts = e.detail.newPosts; for (const post of newPosts) { const postContainer = document.getElementById("pc" + post.substring(post.indexOf(".") + 1)) as HTMLDivElement; processPost(postContainer); } })); document.addEventListener('QRDialogCreation', ((e: CustomEvent) => { const a = document.createElement('span'); new PostOptions({ target: a, props: { processors, textinput: (e.detail ||'textarea')! } }); let target; if (!cappState.is4chanX) { target = e.detail; = "inline-block"; target.querySelector("input[type=submit]")?.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", a); } else { target = as HTMLDivElement; target.querySelector('#qr-filename-container')?.appendChild(a); } }), { once: !cappState!.is4chanX }); // 4chan's normal extension destroys the QR form everytime const customStyles = document.createElement('style'); customStyles.appendChild(document.createTextNode(globalCss)); document.documentElement.insertBefore(customStyles, null); function processAttachments(post: HTMLDivElement, ress: [EmbeddedFile, boolean][]) { if (ress.length == 0) return; const replyBox = qp.getPost(post); const external = ress[0][1]; if (external) replyBox?.classList.add('hasext'); else replyBox?.classList.add('hasembed'); if (ress.length > 1) replyBox?.classList.add('hasmultiple'); if (!cappState.foundPosts.includes(replyBox as HTMLElement)) cappState.foundPosts.push(replyBox as HTMLElement); appState.set(cappState); const isCatalog = replyBox?.classList.contains('catalog-post'); // add buttons if (!isCatalog) { const ft = qp.getFileThumbnail(post); const info = qp.getInfoBox(post); const filehost: HTMLElement | null = ft.querySelector('.filehost'); const eyehost: HTMLElement | null = info.querySelector('.eyehost'); const imgcont = filehost || document.createElement('div'); const eyecont = eyehost || document.createElement('span'); if (!filehost) { ft.append(imgcont); imgcont.classList.add("fileThumb"); imgcont.classList.add("filehost"); } else { imgcont.innerHTML = ''; } if (!eyehost) { info.append(eyecont); eyecont.classList.add("eyehost"); } else { eyecont.innerHTML = ''; } const id = ~~(Math.random() * 20000000); const emb = new Embeddings({ target: imgcont, props: { files: => e[0]), id: '' + id } }); new EyeButton({ target: eyecont, props: { files: => e[0]), inst: emb, id: '' + id } }); } else { const opFile = post.querySelector('.catalog-link'); const ahem = opFile?.querySelector('.catalog-host'); const imgcont = ahem || document.createElement('div'); imgcont.className = "catalog-host"; if (ahem) { imgcont.innerHTML = ''; } const emb = new Embeddings({ target: imgcont, props: { files: => e[0]) } }); if (!ahem) opFile?.append(imgcont); } post.setAttribute('data-processed', "true"); } //if ((window as any)['pagemode']) { // onload = () => { // const resbuf = async (s: EmbeddedFile['data']) => typeof s != "string" && (Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : await s()); // const container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLInputElement; // container.onchange = async () => { // const api = lolisafe('', ''); // const file = container.files![0]; // const blo = new Blob([file], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); // const link = await api.uploadFile(blo); // console.log(link); // }; // }; //} // ////if ((window as any)['pagemode']) { // onload = () => { // const extraction = document.getElementById("extraction") as HTMLInputElement; // extraction.onchange = async () => { // const pee = await convertToPng(extraction.files![0]); // const result = document.getElementById("result") as HTMLImageElement; // const data = await inject_data(new File([pee!], 'image.png', { type: "image/png" }), Buffer.from("coom")); // result.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data])); // }; // }; //} // document.addEventListener("CreateNotification", (e: any) => console.log(e.detail)); // console.log("loaded"); // //const resbuf = async (s: any) => ((Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : await s())); // const container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLInputElement; // const injection = document.getElementById("injection") as HTMLInputElement; // injection.multiple = true; // extraction.onchange = async () => { // const embedded = await pngv3.extract(Buffer.from(await extraction.files![0].arrayBuffer())); // const d = document.createElement('div'); // new Embeddings({ // target: d, // props: { files: embedded } // }); // document.body.append(d); // }; // container.onchange = injection.onchange = async () => { // console.log('eval changed'); // if (container.files?.length && injection.files?.length) { // const dlr = document.getElementById("dlr") as HTMLAnchorElement; // //const dle = document.getElementById("dle") as HTMLAnchorElement; // const res = await pngv3.inject!(container.files[0], [...injection.files]); // const result = document.getElementById("result") as HTMLImageElement; // //const extracted = document.getElementById("extracted") as HTMLImageElement; // const res2 = new Blob([res], { type: (await fileTypeFromBuffer(res))?.mime }); // result.src = URL.createObjectURL(res2); // dlr.href = result.src; // console.log('url created'); // //const embedded = await pngv3.extract(res); // //if (!embedded) { // // debugger; // return; // //} // //extracted.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([await resbuf(!)])); // //dle.href = extracted.src; // } // }; // }; // } // if ((window as any)['pagemode']) { // onload = () => { // document.body.innerHTML = ''; // new App({ // target: document.body // }); // setTimeout(() => { // document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("penis")); // }, 30); // }; // }