var bindFunctions = function() { // the following block of code deals with drag and drop of images for MD5 hashing var search_dropdown = jQuery('#search_form_image'); if (isEventSupported('dragstart') && isEventSupported('drop') && !!window.FileReader) { search_dropdown.on('dragover', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; }); search_dropdown.on('dragenter', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); search_dropdown.on('drop', function(event) { if (event.originalEvent.dataTransfer){ if (event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); findSameImageFromFile(event.originalEvent.dataTransfer); } } }); } var is_posting = false; var clickCallbacks = { checkAll: function(el, post, event) { var checkboxes = el.parent().parent().find('input[type=checkbox]'); checkboxes.each(function(id, element) { jQuery(element).attr('checked', 'checked'); }); el.parent().find('.uncheck').show(); el.hide(); }, uncheckAll: function(el, post, event) { var checkboxes = el.parent().parent().find('input[type=checkbox]'); checkboxes.each(function(id, element) { jQuery(element).attr('checked', false); }); el.parent().find('.check').show(); el.hide(); }, hideThread: function(el, post, event) { var hiddenBoardThreads = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hiddenBoardThreads/" +"board"))) || {}; var num ="doc-id"); hiddenBoardThreads[num] = true; localStorage.setItem("hiddenBoardThreads/" +"board"), JSON.stringify(hiddenBoardThreads)); jQuery(".doc_id_" + num).hide(); jQuery(".stub_doc_id_" + num).show(); }, showThread: function(el, post, event) { var hiddenBoardThreads = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hiddenBoardThreads/" +"board"))) || {}; var num ="doc-id"); delete hiddenBoardThreads[num]; localStorage.setItem("hiddenBoardThreads/" +"board"), JSON.stringify(hiddenBoardThreads)); jQuery(".doc_id_" + num).show(); jQuery(".stub_doc_id_" + num).hide(); }, hidePost: function(el, post, event) { var hiddenBoardPosts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hiddenBoardPosts/" +"board"))) || {}; var num ="doc-id"); hiddenBoardPosts[num] = true; localStorage.setItem("hiddenBoardPosts/" +"board"), JSON.stringify(hiddenBoardPosts)); jQuery(".doc_id_" + num).hide(); jQuery(".stub_doc_id_" + num).show(); }, showPost: function(el, post, event) { var hiddenBoardPosts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hiddenBoardPosts/" +"board"))) || {}; var num ="doc-id"); delete hiddenBoardPosts[num]; localStorage.setItem("hiddenBoardPosts/" +"board"), JSON.stringify(hiddenBoardPosts)); jQuery(".doc_id_" + num).show(); jQuery(".stub_doc_id_" + num).hide(); }, highlight: function(el, post, event) { if (post) { toggleHighlight(post); } }, quote: function(el, post, event) { jQuery("#reply_chennodiscursus").insertAtCaret(">>" + post + "\n"); }, comment: function(el, post, event) { var file_el = jQuery("#file_image"); var progress_pos = 0; var progress_el = jQuery("#reply .progress .bar"); // if there's an image and the browser doesn't support FormData, use a normal upload process if (file_el.val() && window.FormData === undefined) { return true; } if (is_posting) { return false; } is_posting = true; var originalText = el.attr('value'); var el_parent = el.parent(); el.attr({'value': backend_vars.gettext['submit_state']}); el_parent.find('[name=reply_gattai]').attr({disabled:'disabled'}); el_parent.find('[name=reply_gattai_spoilered]').attr({disabled:'disabled'}); //el.parent().find('[name=reply_gattai], [name=reply_gattai_spoilered]') // to make sure nobody gets pissed off with a blocked button var buttonTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ el.attr({'value': originalText}); el.removeAttr('disabled'); }, 10000); var reply_alert = jQuery('#reply_ajax_notices'); reply_alert.removeClass('error').removeClass('success'); var data_obj = { reply_numero: jQuery("#reply_numero").val(), reply_bokunonome: jQuery("#reply_bokunonome").val(), reply_elitterae: jQuery("#reply_elitterae").val(), reply_talkingde: jQuery("#reply_talkingde").val(), reply_chennodiscursus: jQuery("#reply_chennodiscursus").val(), reply_nymphassword: jQuery("#reply_nymphassword").val(), reply_postas: jQuery("#reply_postas").val() === undefined ? 'N' : jQuery("#reply_postas").val(), reply_gattai: 'Submit', reply_last_limit: typeof backend_vars.last_limit === "undefined" ? null : backend_vars.last_limit, latest_doc_id: backend_vars.latest_doc_id, theme: backend_vars.selected_theme }; if(typeof jQuery("#recaptcha_challenge_field").val() !== 'undefined' && typeof jQuery("#recaptcha_response_field").val() !== 'undefined') { data_obj['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = jQuery("#recaptcha_challenge_field").val(); data_obj['recaptcha_response_field'] = jQuery("#recaptcha_response_field").val(); } else if(typeof jQuery("#g-recaptcha-response").val() !== 'undefined') { data_obj['recaptcha2_response_field'] = jQuery("#g-recaptcha-response").val(); } // sets the type of submit (reply_gattai, reply_gattai_spoilered) data_obj[el.attr('name')] = true; // support for checkbox spoiler if (el_parent.find('[name=reply_spoiler]:checked').length) { data_obj.reply_spoiler = true; } data_obj[backend_vars.csrf_token_key] = getCookie(backend_vars.csrf_token_key); progress_el.parent().animate({'opacity': '1.0'}, 300); var ajax_object = { url: backend_vars.site_url + backend_vars.board_shortname + '/submit/' , dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: data_obj, cache: false, xhr: function() { var xhr = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (xhr instanceof window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(evt){ var progress_local = Math.ceil(evt.loaded / * 100); if (evt.lengthComputable && progress_pos !== progress_local) { progress_pos = progress_local; progress_el.css('width', (progress_pos) + '%'); } }, false); } return xhr; }, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (typeof window.Recaptcha !== "undefined") { window.Recaptcha.reload(); } if (typeof window.grecaptcha !== "undefined") { grecaptcha.reset(); } jQuery("#recaptcha_response_field").val(''); if (typeof data.captcha !== "undefined") { if(recaptcha2.enabled && typeof window.grecaptcha === "undefined") { jQuery('.recaptcha_widget').html('

You might be a bot! Enter a reCAPTCHA to continue.

\ ') } jQuery('.recaptcha_widget').show(); jQuery('.rules_box').hide(); return false; } if (typeof data.error !== "undefined") { reply_alert.html(data.error); reply_alert.addClass('error'); // deals with showing the alert return false; } jQuery('.rules_box').show(); jQuery('.recaptcha_widget').hide(); reply_alert.html(data.success); reply_alert.addClass('success'); // deals with showing the alert jQuery("#reply_chennodiscursus").val(""); jQuery("#reply_nymphassword").val(getCookie('reply_password')); file_el.replaceWith(''); // redirect in case of new threads if (data_obj.reply_numero < 1) { window.location = backend_vars.site_url + backend_vars.board_shortname + '/thread/' + data.thread_num + '/'; return false; } insertPost(data, textStatus, jqXHR); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { reply_alert.html('Connection error.'); reply_alert.addClass('error');; }, complete: function() { // clear button's timeout, we can deal with the rest now is_posting = false; clearTimeout(buttonTimeout); el.attr({'value': originalText}); el_parent.find('[name=reply_gattai]').removeAttr('disabled'); el_parent.find('[name=reply_gattai_spoilered]').removeAttr('disabled'); progress_el.css('width', '0%'); progress_el.parent().animate({'opacity': '0.0'}, 300); } }; // if we have FormData support, we can upload files! if (window.FormData !== undefined) { ajax_object.processData = false; ajax_object.contentType = false; var data_formdata = new FormData(); jQuery.each(data_obj, function(id, val){ data_formdata.append(id, val); }); if (typeof file_el[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof file_el[0].files !== 'undefined') { data_formdata.append('file_image', file_el[0].files[0]) } = data_formdata; } jqxhr = jQuery.ajax(ajax_object); event.preventDefault(); }, realtimeThread: function(el, post, event) { realtimethread(); event.preventDefault(); }, expandThread: function(el, post, event) { var thread_num ='thread-num'); if (!'expanded')) { el.spin('small'); jQuery.ajax({ url: backend_vars.api_url + '_/api/chan/thread/', dataType: 'json', type: 'GET', data: { num : thread_num, board: backend_vars.board_shortname, theme: backend_vars.selected_theme }, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ insertPost(data, textStatus, jqXHR); var post_count = 0; var media_count = 0; jQuery.each(data[thread_num].posts, function(id, val){ post_count++; if ( !== null) { media_count++; } }); var thread = jQuery('article.thread[data-thread-num=' + thread_num + '] '); var displayed_string = post_count + ' posts ' + (media_count > 0 ? 'and ' + media_count + ' ' + (media_count == 1 ? 'image' : 'images') : '') + ' displayed'; thread.find('.omitted_text').text(displayed_string);'expanded', true).html(''); el.spin(false); } }); } else { var thread = jQuery('article.thread[data-thread-num=' + thread_num + ']'); var articles = thread.find('aside.posts article'); articles.slice(0, articles.length - 5).hide(); var post_count = articles.filter(':hidden').length; var media_count = articles.find('.thread_image_box:hidden').length; var omitted_string = post_count + ' posts ' + (media_count > 0 ? 'and ' + media_count + ' ' + (media_count == 1 ? 'image' : 'images') : '') + ' omitted'; thread.find('.omitted_text').text(omitted_string);'expanded', false).html(''); } return false; }, clearSearch: function(el, post, event) { var form = jQuery('.advanced_search').find('form'); form.find(':input').not(':input[type=submit]').not(':input[type=reset]').val(''); // keep the first radio set var done_names = []; form.find('[type=radio]').each(function (idx) { if (!jQuery.inArray(jQuery(this).attr('name'), done_names)) { jQuery(this).attr('checked', true); done_names.push(jQuery(this).attr('name')); } }); }, mod: function(el, post, event) { el.attr({'disabled': 'disabled'}); _data = { board:'board'), id:'id'), ip:'ip'), action:'action'), global:'global'), theme: backend_vars.selected_theme }; _data[backend_vars.csrf_token_key] = getCookie(backend_vars.csrf_token_key); jQuery.ajax({ url: backend_vars.api_url + '_/api/chan/mod_actions/', dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', cache: false, data: _data, success: function(data){ el.removeAttr('disabled'); if (typeof data.error !== "undefined") { alert(data.error); return false; } // might need to be upgraded to array support switch('action')) { case 'remove_post': jQuery('.doc_id_' +'id')).remove(); break; case 'delete_image': jQuery('.doc_id_' +'doc-id')).find('.thread_image_box:eq(0) img') .attr('src', backend_vars.images['missing_image']) .css({ width: backend_vars.images['missing_image_width'], height: backend_vars.images['missing_image_height'] }); break; case 'delete_report': el.closest('.report_reason').remove(); break; case 'ban_user': jQuery('.doc_id_' +'id')).find('[data-action=ban_user]').text('Banned'); break; case 'ban_image': jQuery('.doc_id_' +'doc-id')).find('.thread_image_box:eq(0) img') .attr('src', backend_vars.images['banned_image']) .css({ width: backend_vars.images['banned_image_width'], height: backend_vars.images['banned_image_height'] }); break; case 'delete_all_reports': $(".report_reason").each(function(){ $(this).remove(); }); break; default: el.closest('.report_reason').append(data.success); break; } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { }, complete: function() { } }); return false; }, activateModeration: function(el, post, event) { jQuery('.post_mod_controls button[data-function]').attr({'disabled': 'disabled'}); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('.post_mod_controls button[data-function]').removeAttr('disabled'); }, 700); jQuery('.post_mod_controls').show(); jQuery('button[data-function=activateModeration]').parent().hide(); }, activateExtraMod: function(el, post, event) { jQuery('.post_extra_mod button[data-function]').attr({'disabled': 'disabled'}); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('.post_extra_mod button[data-function]').removeAttr('disabled'); }, 700); jQuery('.post_extra_mod').show(); jQuery('button[data-function=activateExtraMod]').parent().hide(); }, closeModal: function(el, post) { el.closest(".modal").modal('hide'); return false; }, 'delete': function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); var foolfuuka_reply_password = getCookie('foolfuuka_reply_password'); modal.find(".title").html('Delete » Post No. ' +"post-id")); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('\ Password\n\ \n\ \n\ '); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'delete'); modal.find(".modal-password").val(backend_vars.user_pass); }, report: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Report » Post No.' +"post-id")); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('Report Multiple\ \n\ \n\ Comment\n\ \n\ Note: Requests for content removal and take-downs must be sent via email.'); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'report'); }, addBulkReport: function(el, post, event) { jQuery('article.thread,').each(function () { if (typeof jQuery(this).attr('data-board') != 'undefined') { jQuery(this).find('a[data-function=report]:eq(0)').replaceWith('' + 'Report Selected'); } }); el.closest(".modal").modal('hide'); }, bulkReport: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Report Posts'); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('Selected posts:
'); jQuery('.bulkreportselect:checked').each(function () { modal.find(".modal-information").append('>>>/' + $(this).attr('data-board') + '/' + $(this).attr('data-num') + '
'); }); modal.find(".modal-information").append('
Comment\n\ \n\ Note: Requests for content removal and take-downs must be sent via email.'); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'bulk-report'); }, ban: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Ban user with IP ' +"ip")); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('\ \n\ IP\n\
\n\ Days\n\
\n\ Only this board\n\
\n\ Global\n\
\n\ Comment\n\ \n\ \ \n\ '); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'ban'); }, editPost: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Edit Post No. ' +"post-id")); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").show(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('Bulk Edit\
\ \n\ \n\
\ \ '); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'edit-post'); jQuery.ajax({ url: backend_vars.api_url + '_/api/chan/post/' , dataType: 'json', type: 'GET', cache: false, data: { board:'board'), num:'post-id') }, success: function(data){ jQuery("input[name='edit-subject']").val(data.title); jQuery("input[name='edit-name']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-trip']").val(data.trip); jQuery("input[name='edit-email']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-country']").val(data.poster_country); jQuery("input[name='edit-poster_hash']").val(data.poster_hash); jQuery("select[name='edit-capcode']").val(data.capcode); jQuery("textarea[name='edit-comment']").val(data.comment); if( != null) { modal.find(".modal-information").append('


\ '); jQuery("input[name='media_id']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-filename']").val(; if( == 1) { jQuery("input[name='edit-spoiler']").click(); } jQuery("input[name='edit-media_w']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-media_h']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-preview_w']").val(; jQuery("input[name='edit-preview_h']").val(; } }, error: function() { console.log('post not found'); el.closest(".modal").modal('hide'); }, complete: function() { modal.find(".modal-information").append('
'); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); } }); }, addBulkEdit: function(el, post, event) { jQuery('article.thread,').each(function () { if (typeof jQuery(this).attr('data-board') != 'undefined') { jQuery('' + 'Edit Selected') .prependTo($(this).find('.post_data:first')); } }); el.closest(".modal").modal('hide'); }, bulkEdit: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Edit Posts'); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('This will only modify specified fields. Leave blank to not modify that field.

' + 'Selected posts:
'); jQuery('.bulkselect:checked').each(function () { modal.find(".modal-information").append('>>>/' + $(this).attr('data-board') + '/' + $(this).attr('data-num') + '
'); }); modal.find(".modal-information").append('
\ \


\ '); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'bulk-edit'); }, addBulkMod: function(el, post, event) { jQuery('article.thread,').each(function () { if (typeof jQuery(this).attr('data-board') != 'undefined') { jQuery(this).find('a[data-function=delete]:eq(0)').replaceWith('' + 'Mod Selected'); } }); }, bulkMod: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); modal.find(".title").html('Mod Posts'); modal.find(".modal-error").html(''); modal.find(".modal-loading").hide(); modal.find(".modal-information").html('Selected posts:
'); jQuery('.bulkmodselect:checked').each(function () { modal.find(".modal-information").append('>>>/' + $(this).attr('data-board') + '/' + $(this).attr('data-num') + '
'); }); modal.find(".modal-information").append('
Select action
' + '
\ \ \ \ \
'); modal.find(".submitModal").data("action", 'bulk-mod'); }, submitModal: function(el, post, event) { var modal = jQuery("#post_tools_modal"); var loading = modal.find(".modal-loading"); var action ="action"); var _board = modal.find(".modal-board").val(); var _doc_id = modal.find(".modal-post-id").val(); var _href = backend_vars.api_url+'_/api/chan/user_actions/'; var _data = {}; if (action == 'report') { _data = { action: 'report', board: _board, doc_id: _doc_id, reason: modal.find(".modal-comment").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash }; } else if (action == 'report_media') { _data = { action: 'report_media', board: _board, media_id: modal.find(".modal-media-id").val(), reason: modal.find(".modal-comment").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash }; } else if (action == 'delete') { _data = { action: 'delete', board: _board, doc_id: _doc_id, password: modal.find(".modal-password").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash }; } else if (action == 'ban') { _href = backend_vars.api_url+'_/api/chan/mod_actions/'; _data = { action: 'ban_user', board: modal.find('.modal-board').val(), board_ban: modal.find('input:radio[name=board]:checked').val(), length: modal.find('.modal-days').val() * 24 * 60 * 60, ip: modal.find('.modal-ip').val(), reason: modal.find('.modal-comment').val(), doc_id: _doc_id }; if ($('input[name=delete_user]').is(':checked')) { _data.delete_user = true; } if ($('input[name=ban_public]').is(':checked')) { _data.ban_public = true; } } else if (action == 'edit-post') { _href = backend_vars.api_url+'_/api/chan/edit_post/'; _data = { action: 'edit_post', board: modal.find('.modal-board').val(), doc_id: modal.find('.modal-post-id').val(), subject: modal.find("input[name='edit-subject']").val(), name: modal.find("input[name='edit-name']").val(), trip: modal.find("input[name='edit-trip']").val(), email: modal.find("input[name='edit-email']").val(), poster_country: modal.find("input[name='edit-country']").val(), poster_hash: modal.find("input[name='edit-poster_hash']").val(), capcode: modal.find("select[name='edit-capcode']").val(), comment: modal.find("textarea[name='edit-comment']").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash }; if ($('input[name=transparency]').is(':checked')) { _data.transparency = true; } if(modal.find("input[name='media_id']").val() != null) { _data.media_edit = true; _data.filename = modal.find("input[name='edit-filename']").val(); _data.media_w = modal.find("input[name='edit-media_w']").val(); _data.media_h = modal.find("input[name='edit-media_h']").val(); _data.preview_w = modal.find("input[name='edit-preview_w']").val(); _data.preview_h = modal.find("input[name='edit-preview_h']").val(); if ($('input[name=edit-spoiler]').is(':checked')) { _data.spoiler = 1; } else { _data.spoiler = 0; } } } else if (action == 'bulk-edit') { _href = backend_vars.api_url + '_/api/chan/edit_post/'; _data = { action: 'bulk_edit', subject: modal.find("input[name='edit-subject']").val(), name: modal.find("input[name='edit-name']").val(), trip: modal.find("input[name='edit-trip']").val(), email: modal.find("input[name='edit-email']").val(), poster_country: modal.find("input[name='edit-country']").val(), poster_hash: modal.find("input[name='edit-poster_hash']").val(), capcode: modal.find("select[name='edit-capcode']").val(), comment: modal.find("textarea[name='edit-comment']").val(), filename: modal.find("input[name='edit-filename']").val(), media_w: modal.find("input[name='edit-media_w']").val(), media_h: modal.find("input[name='edit-media_h']").val(), preview_w: modal.find("input[name='edit-preview_w']").val(), preview_h: modal.find("input[name='edit-preview_h']").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash, posts: [] }; if ($('input[name=edit-spoiler]').is(':checked')) { _data.spoiler = 1; } else { _data.spoiler = 0; } jQuery('.bulkselect:checked').each(function () { _data.posts.push({ radix: $(this).attr('data-board'), doc_id: $(this).attr('data-doc-id') } ); }); } else if (action == 'bulk-report') { _data = { action: 'bulk_report', reason: modal.find(".modal-comment").val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash, posts: [] }; jQuery('.bulkreportselect:checked').each(function () { _data.posts.push({ radix: $(this).attr('data-board'), doc_id: $(this).attr('data-doc-id'), num: $(this).attr('data-num') } ); }); } else if (action == 'bulk-mod') { _href = backend_vars.api_url+'_/api/chan/bulk_mod/'; _data = { action: 'bulk_mod', mod_function: $('input[name=modaction]:checked').val(), csrf_fool: backend_vars.csrf_hash, posts: [] }; jQuery('.bulkmodselect:checked').each(function () { _data.posts.push({ radix: $(this).attr('data-board'), doc_id: $(this).attr('data-doc-id'), num: $(this).attr('data-num') } ); }); } else { // Stop It! Unable to determine which action to use. return false; } _data[backend_vars.csrf_token_key] = getCookie(backend_vars.csrf_token_key);, _data, function(result) { loading.hide(); if (typeof result.error !== 'undefined') { modal.find(".modal-error").html('

' + result.error + '

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' + result.success + '
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el.parents('.open').removeClass('open'); search_box.find('input[name=text]').focus(); return false; }); // how could we make it work well on cellphones? if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return false; } // variable for ajax backlinks that we can clear them if the mouse hovered out var backlink_jqxhr; var timeout; var posts_being_fetched = []; // posts that are being xhr'd right now var show_post_board; var show_post_num; // the number of the post that has to show in the xhr callback, when 0 don't run popups // hover functions go here jQuery("#main").on("mouseover mouseout", "article a[data-backlink]", function(event) { if (event.type == "mouseover") { var backlink = jQuery("#backlink"); var el = jQuery(this); var pos = el.offset(); var height = el.height(); var width = el.width(); if (el.attr('data-backlink') != 'true') { // gallery var thread_id = el.attr('data-backlink'); quote = backend_vars.threads_data[thread_id]; backlink.css('display', 'block'); 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It's not w3 compliant! jQuery('#file_image').attr({size: '16'}); var post = location.href.split(/#/); if (post[1]) { if (post[1].match(/^q\d+(_\d+)?$/)) { post[1] = post[1].replace('q', '').replace('_', ','); jQuery("#reply_chennodiscursus").append(">>" + post[1] + "\n"); post[1] = post[1].replace(',', '_'); } toggleHighlight(post[1]); jQuery('#'+post[1].replace('q', ''))[0].scrollIntoView( true ); } if (typeof backend_vars.thread_id !== "undefined" && (Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - backend_vars.latest_timestamp < 6 * 60 * 60)) { enableRealtimeThread(); } bindFunctions(); hideThreads(); hidePosts(); // localize and add 4chan tooltip where title jQuery("article time").localize('ddd dd mmm yyyy HH:MM:ss').filter('[title]').tooltip({ placement: 'top', delay: 300, animation: false }); jQuery('input[title]').tooltip({ placement: 'right', delay: 200, animation: false }); jQuery('li.latest_search').tooltip({ placement: 'left', animation: false }); jQuery('#thread_o_matic .thread_image_box').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', animation: true }); if (typeof backend_vars.search_args !== "undefined" && getCookie("searchhilight_enabled") == "true") { highlightSearchResults(); } }); $.fn.extend({ insertAtCaret: function(text){ var obj; if (typeof this[0].name !== 'undefined') { obj = this[0]; } else { obj = this; } var insPos = obj.selectionStart, endPos = obj.selectionEnd; obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, insPos) + text + obj.value.substring(endPos, obj.value.length); obj.selectionStart = insPos + text.length; obj.selectionEnd = insPos + text.length; } });