Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

523 lines
20 KiB

3 years ago
import { Buffer } from "buffer";
import { appState, settings } from "./stores";
import globalCss from './global.css';
import png from "./png";
import pngv3 from "./pngv3";
import webm from "./webm";
import gif from "./gif";
import thirdeye from "./thirdeye";
2 years ago
import pomf from "./pomf";
3 years ago
import { GM_fetch, GM_head, headerStringToObject } from "./requests";
import App from "./App.svelte";
import ScrollHighlighter from "./ScrollHighlighter.svelte";
import SettingsButton from './SettingsButton.svelte';
//import Embedding from './Embedding.svelte';
import Embeddings from './Embeddings.svelte';
2 years ago
import EyeButton from './EyeButton.svelte';
import { buildPeeFile, fireNotification } from "./utils";
import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from "file-type";
export interface ImageProcessor {
skip?: true;
match(fn: string): boolean;
has_embed(b: Buffer, fn?: string): EMBED_STATUS | Promise<EMBED_STATUS>;
extract(b: Buffer, fn?: string): EmbeddedFile[] | Promise<EmbeddedFile[]>;
inject?(b: File, c: File[]): Buffer | Promise<Buffer>;
export let csettings: Parameters<typeof settings['set']>[0];
let processors: ImageProcessor[] =
[thirdeye, pomf, png, pngv3, webm, gif];
2 years ago
let cappState: Parameters<typeof appState['set']>[0];
settings.subscribe(b => {
csettings = b;
processors = [...(!csettings.te ? [thirdeye] : []), png, pngv3, pomf, webm, gif
2 years ago
appState.subscribe(v => {
cappState = v;
// most pngs are encoded with 65k idat chunks
async function* streamRemote(url: string, chunkSize = 72 * 1024, fetchRestOnNonCanceled = true) {
const headers = await GM_head(url);
const h = headerStringToObject(headers);
const size = +h['content-length'];
let ptr = 0;
let fetchSize = chunkSize;
while (ptr != size) {
//console.log('doing a fetch of ', url, ptr, ptr + fetchSize - 1);
const res = await GM_fetch(url, { headers: { range: `bytes=${ptr}-${ptr + fetchSize - 1}` } }) as any as Tampermonkey.Response<any>;
const obj = headerStringToObject(res.responseHeaders);
if (!('content-length' in obj)) {
console.warn("no content lenght???", url);
} const len = +obj['content-length'];
ptr += len;
if (fetchRestOnNonCanceled)
fetchSize = size;
const val = Buffer.from(await (res as any).arrayBuffer());
const e = (yield val) as boolean;
//console.log('yeieledd, a', e);
if (e) {
//console.log("streaming ended, ", ptr, size);
export enum EMBED_TYPES {
export enum EMBED_STATUS {
type EmbeddedFileWithPreview = {
embed_type: EMBED_TYPES;
tags?: string[],
isBlacklisted?: boolean; // third-eye only
2 years ago
page?: { title: string, url: string }; // can be a booru page
source?: string; // can be like a twitter post this was posted in originally
filename: string;
thumbnail: undefined | Buffer | (() => Promise<Buffer>);
data: string | ((lisn?: EventTarget) => Promise<Buffer>);
3 years ago
type EmbeddedFileWithoutPreview = {
embed_type: EMBED_TYPES;
tags?: string[],
isBlacklisted: boolean; // third-eye only
page: undefined;
source: undefined;
thumbnail: undefined;
filename: string;
data: string | Buffer;
export type EmbeddedFile = EmbeddedFileWithPreview | EmbeddedFileWithoutPreview;
const processImage = async (src: string, fn: string, hex: string): Promise<([EmbeddedFile[], EMBED_TYPES] | undefined)[]> => {
return Promise.all(processors.filter(e => e.match(fn)).map(async proc => {
/* external: booru or pomf */
if (proc.skip) {
// skip file downloading, file is referenced from the filename
// basically does things like filtering out blacklisted tags
const md5 = Buffer.from(hex, 'base64');
const embed_status = await proc.has_embed(md5, fn)
const isBlacklisted = (embed_status === EMBED_STATUS.TE_BLACKLISTED);
if (embed_status === EMBED_STATUS.SUCCESS || isBlacklisted){
const file = await proc.extract(md5, fn);
let type;
type = e.embed_type
e.isBlacklisted = true;
if(type == null) {debugger; return};
return [file, type] as [EmbeddedFile[], EMBED_TYPES];
// if (await proc.has_embed(md5, fn) === true)
// return [await proc.extract(md5, fn), true] as [EmbeddedFile[], boolean];
/* media-embed */
const iter = streamRemote(src);
if (!iter)
let cumul = Buffer.alloc(0);
let found: boolean | undefined;
let chunk: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<Buffer> = { done: true };
do {
const { value, done } = await === false);
if (done) {
chunk = { done: true } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadDoneResult;
} else {
chunk = { done: false, value } as ReadableStreamDefaultReadValueResult<Buffer>;
if (!done)
cumul = Buffer.concat([cumul, value!]);
const embed_status = await proc.has_embed(cumul);
found = (embed_status === EMBED_STATUS.SUCCESS);
} while (found !== false && !chunk.done);
if (found === false) {
//console.log(`Gave up on ${src} after downloading ${cumul.byteLength} bytes...`);
const file = await proc.extract(cumul);
return [file, EMBED_TYPES.MEDIA_EMBED] as [EmbeddedFile[], EMBED_TYPES];
// return [await proc.extract(cumul), false] as [EmbeddedFile[], boolean];
3 years ago
const textToElement = <T = HTMLElement>(s: string) =>
document.createRange().createContextualFragment(s).children[0] as any as T;
const processPost = async (post: HTMLDivElement) => {
const thumb = post.querySelector("a.fileThumb") as HTMLAnchorElement;
const origlink = post.querySelector('.file-info > a[target*="_blank"]') as HTMLAnchorElement;
3 years ago
if (!thumb || !origlink)
3 years ago
let res2 = await processImage(origlink.href,
(origlink.querySelector('.fnfull') || origlink).textContent || '',
post.querySelector("[data-md5]")?.getAttribute('data-md5') || '');
res2 = res2?.filter(e => e);
if (!res2 || res2.length == 0)
3 years ago
// processAttachments(post, res2?.flatMap(e => e![0].map(k => [k, e![1]] as [EmbeddedFile, boolean])));
let filtered = res2?.filter(e => (e != null && e[0] != null)) as [EmbeddedFile[], EMBED_TYPES][]
if(filtered.length === 0){
console.debug(`ImageProcessors returned empty for post: '${post.dataset.fullID}'`);
processAttachments(post, filtered.flatMap(e =>
e[0].map(k => {
if(k?.isBlacklisted === true){
return [k, e![1]] as [EmbeddedFile, EMBED_TYPES]
) as [EmbeddedFile, EMBED_TYPES][]);
3 years ago
const startup = async () => {
2 years ago
if (typeof (window as any)['FCX'] != "undefined")
appState.set({ ...cappState, is4chanX: true });
3 years ago
//await Promise.all([...document.querySelectorAll('.postContainer')].filter(e => e.textContent?.includes("191 KB")).map(e => processPost(e as any)));
// keep this to handle posts getting inlined
const mo = new MutationObserver(reco => {
for (const rec of reco)
if (rec.type == "childList")
rec.addedNodes.forEach(e => {
3 years ago
if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement))
// apparently querySelector cannot select the root element if it matches
let el = (e as any).querySelectorAll('.postContainer:not([class*="noFile"])');
if (!el && e.classList.contains('postContainer'))
el = e;
if (el)
3 years ago
[...el].map(el => processPost(el as any));
3 years ago
document.querySelectorAll('.board').forEach(e => {
mo.observe(e!, { childList: true, subtree: true });
3 years ago
const posts = [...document.querySelectorAll('.postContainer:not([class*="noFile"])')];
const scts = document.getElementById('shortcuts');
const button = textToElement(`<span></span>`);
const settingsButton = new SettingsButton({
target: button
3 years ago
const appHost = textToElement(`<div class="pee-settings"></div>`);
const appInstance = new App({ target: appHost });
const scrollHost = textToElement(`<div class="pee-scroll"></div>`);
new ScrollHighlighter({ target: scrollHost });
2 years ago
2 years ago
isCatalog: !!document.querySelector('.catalog-small') || !!location.pathname.match(/\/catalog$/),
2 years ago
/* Temporary change for better performance */
const obs = new IntersectionObserver((entries, obs) => {
for(const item of entries) {
if(!item.isIntersecting) continue;
const target =;
if(target instanceof HTMLDivElement){
}, 1);
}, {root:null, rootMargin: '3200px', threshold: 0.01}); => obs.observe(e as any));
// for (let i = 159; i < 160 ;++i)
// await processPost(posts[i] as any);
// const n = 7;
// const range = ~~(posts.length / n) + 1;
// await Promise.all([ Array(n + 1)].map(async (e, i) => {
// const postsslice = posts.slice(i * range, (i + 1) * range);
// for (const post of postsslice) {
// await processPost(post as any);
// }
// }));
//await Promise.all( => processPost(e as any)));
3 years ago
const getSelectedFile = () => {
return new Promise<File>(res => {
document.addEventListener('QRFile', e => res((e as any).detail), { once: true });
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRGetFile'));
2 years ago
//if (cappState!.is4chanX)
document.addEventListener('4chanXInitFinished', startup);
2 years ago
/*else {
document.addEventListener("QRGetFile", (e) => {
const qr = document.getElementById('qrFile') as HTMLInputElement | null;
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRFile", { detail: (qr?.files || [])[0] }));
// Basically this is a misnommer: fires even when inlining existings posts, also posts are inlined through some kind of dom projection
document.addEventListener('ThreadUpdate', <any>(async (e: CustomEvent<any>) => {
const newPosts = e.detail.newPosts;
for (const post of newPosts) {
const postContainer = document.getElementById("pc" + post.substring(post.indexOf(".") + 1)) as HTMLDivElement;
if (cappState!.is4chanX) {
const qr = (window as any)['QR'];
const show =; = (...args: any[]) => {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRDialogCreation", {
detail: document.getElementById('quickReply')
2 years ago
document.addEventListener('QRDialogCreation', <any>((e: CustomEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
const a = document.createElement('a');
const i = document.createElement('i');
i.className = "fa fa-magnet";
a.title = "Embed File (Select a file before...)";
2 years ago
let target;
if (cappState.is4chanX) {
i.innerText = "🧲";
target = e.detail;
target.querySelector("input[type=submit]")?.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", a);
else {
target = as HTMLDivElement;
a.onclick = async (e) => {
const file = await getSelectedFile();
if (!file)
const input = document.createElement('input') as HTMLInputElement;
input.setAttribute("type", "file");
const type = file.type;
input.multiple = true;
input.onchange = (async ev => {
if (input.files) {
try {
const proc = processors.filter(e => e.inject).find(e => e.match(;
if (!proc)
throw new Error("Container filetype not supported");
const buff = await proc.inject!(file, [...input.files].slice(0, 5));
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRSetFile', {
//detail: { file: new Blob([buff]), name:, type: file.type }
detail: { file: new Blob([buff], { type }), name: }
fireNotification('success', `File${input.files.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} successfully embedded!`);
} catch (err) {
const e = err as Error;
fireNotification('error', "Couldn't embed file: " + e.message);
2 years ago
}), { once: !cappState!.is4chanX }); // 4chan's normal extension destroys the QR form everytime
const customStyles = document.createElement('style');
document.documentElement.insertBefore(customStyles, null);
function processAttachments(post: HTMLDivElement, ress: [EmbeddedFile, EMBED_TYPES][]) {
if (ress.length == 0)
const replyBox = post.querySelector('.post');
const embed_status = ress[0][1];
if (embed_status === EMBED_TYPES.EXTERNAL_BOORU || embed_status === EMBED_TYPES.EXTERNAL_POMF)
replyBox?.classList.add('hasext'); /* ext(ernal) */
else if (embed_status === EMBED_TYPES.MEDIA_EMBED)
replyBox?.classList.add('hasembed'); /* media-embed */
if (ress.length > 1)
if (!cappState.foundPosts.includes(replyBox as HTMLElement))
cappState.foundPosts.push(replyBox as HTMLElement);
const isCatalog = replyBox?.classList.contains('catalog-post');
// add buttons
if (!isCatalog) {
const ft = post.querySelector('div.file') as HTMLDivElement;
const info = post.querySelector("span.file-info") as HTMLSpanElement;
const filehost: HTMLElement | null = ft.querySelector('.filehost');
const eyehost: HTMLElement | null = info.querySelector('.eyehost');
const imgcont = filehost || document.createElement('div');
const eyecont = eyehost || document.createElement('span');
if (!filehost) {
} else {
imgcont.innerHTML = '';
if (!eyehost) {
} else {
eyecont.innerHTML = '';
const id = ~~(Math.random() * 20000000);
const emb = new Embeddings({
target: imgcont,
props: {
files: => e[0]),
// EMBED_TYPES: => e[1]),
id: '' + id
new EyeButton({
target: eyecont,
props: {
files: => e[0]),
inst: emb,
id: '' + id
} else {
const opFile = post.querySelector('.catalog-link');
const ahem = opFile?.querySelector('.catalog-host');
const imgcont = ahem || document.createElement('div');
imgcont.className = "catalog-host";
if (ahem) {
imgcont.innerHTML = '';
const emb = new Embeddings({
target: imgcont,
props: {
files: => e[0]),
// EMBED_TYPES: => e[1]),
if (!ahem)
post.setAttribute('data-processed', "true");
function parseForm(data: object) {
const form = new FormData();
.filter(([key, value]) => value !== null)
.map(([key, value]) => form.append(key, value));
return form;
// if ((window as any)['pagemode']) {
// onload = () => {
// const resbuf = async (s: EmbeddedFile['data']) => typeof s != "string" && (Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : await s());
// const container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLInputElement;
// const injection = document.getElementById("injection") as HTMLInputElement;
// container.onchange = async () => {
// const ret = await fetch("", {
// method: 'POST',
// body: parseForm({
// reqtype: 'fileupload',
// fileToUpload: container.files![0]
// })
// });
// console.log(ret);
// console.log(await ret.text());
// };
// };
// }
// if ((window as any)['pagemode']) {
// onload = () => {
// const extraction = document.getElementById("extraction") as HTMLInputElement;
// /* extraction.onchange = async () => {
// const pee = await buildPeeFile(extraction.files![0]);
// const dlr = document.getElementById("dlr") as HTMLAnchorElement;
// dlr.href = URL.createObjectURL(pee);
// };*/
// document.addEventListener("CreateNotification", (e: any) => console.log(e.detail));
// console.log("loaded");
// //const resbuf = async (s: any) => ((Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : await s()));
// const container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLInputElement;
// const injection = document.getElementById("injection") as HTMLInputElement;
// injection.multiple = true;
// extraction.onchange = async () => {
// const embedded = await pngv3.extract(Buffer.from(await extraction.files![0].arrayBuffer()));
// const d = document.createElement('div');
// new Embeddings({
// target: d,
// props: { files: embedded }
// });
// document.body.append(d);
// };
// container.onchange = injection.onchange = async () => {
// console.log('eval changed');
// if (container.files?.length && injection.files?.length) {
// const dlr = document.getElementById("dlr") as HTMLAnchorElement;
// //const dle = document.getElementById("dle") as HTMLAnchorElement;
// const res = await pngv3.inject!(container.files[0], [...injection.files]);
// const result = document.getElementById("result") as HTMLImageElement;
// //const extracted = document.getElementById("extracted") as HTMLImageElement;
// const res2 = new Blob([res], { type: (await fileTypeFromBuffer(res))?.mime });
// result.src = URL.createObjectURL(res2);
// dlr.href = result.src;
// console.log('url created');
// //const embedded = await pngv3.extract(res);
// //if (!embedded) {
// // debugger;
// return;
// //}
// //extracted.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([await resbuf(!)]));
// //dle.href = extracted.src;
// }
// };
// };
// }